MOTM v Wigan

MOTM decide.

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Royal Tezza
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by Royal Tezza » 31 Jan 2007 09:07

I voted Lita last night, but for the record i saw USA make only one mistake last night (the 2nd Wigan goal) and sometimes his distribution wasnt 100%, but compared to Chris "Flapper" Kirkland he looked pretty solid.

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by Platypuss » 31 Jan 2007 09:09

Royal Tezza I voted Lita last night, but for the record i saw USA make only one mistake last night (the 2nd Wigan goal) and sometimes his distribution wasnt 100%, but compared to Chris "Flapper" Kirkland he looked pretty solid.

Did you arrive 3 minutes late?

And "not as bad as the worst goalkeeping performance I've seen for years" is hardly a ringing endorsement in my book.

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by Big Ern » 31 Jan 2007 09:16

Hahnemann was solid. The back four opened up very insecure and unbalanced, but sort of found their way. Bikey need to work on clearences and ball control.

I thought Hahnemann was at fault for the Eigan goals as he was beaten at his near post for both of them.

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Royal Rother
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by Royal Rother » 31 Jan 2007 09:17

I thought Lita's workrate was excellent and superb to see him scoring yet another goal, but I certainly wouldn't vote for him as MOM, that would be a toss up between Long, Little and Shorey for me.

I have referred to Hahnemann's weakness low on his right a couple of times before on here and, although Heskey's strike was magnificent, it kind of highlighted that issue again.

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by ohagerup » 31 Jan 2007 09:24

Big Ern I thought Hahnemann was at fault for the Eigan goals as he was beaten at his near post for both of them.

The last one I can agree on. More hesitant on the first. He had a few good saves, was safe when out in the box and made good decision in terms of positioning as I can recall.l

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by brendywendy » 31 Jan 2007 09:34

now i didnt vote for bikey, lita got my vote

but the lad wasnt that bad, just the same as sonko when he came, and has taken his old "50 p head" title, but i thought he did little wrong,

and marcus was at sort of at fault for the 1st goal, but their guy was laft to walk through into th ebox and had the whole goal to aim at.

you people are far too critical
he was infinately better than kirkLOLand

and its nice to see lita and long proving you all wrong
i hope that bikey and marcus soon follow suit

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by ohagerup » 31 Jan 2007 09:37

If we are to distribute guilt for the first Wigan goal, it should be more to the defenders who let Heskey come through like that. If I recall correctly that was Ingimarsson who missed.

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by brendywendy » 31 Jan 2007 09:39

it was, caught massively out of position
just working out how it works with bikey thats all

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by Huntley & Palmer » 31 Jan 2007 09:44

Lita looks ultra confident at the moment, even when he was knocked over or didn't get a decision there was no whinging. Just walked away and faced the ball. That's what I like to see in a player, as well as a deadly eye in front of goal.

Ingirmasson and Little both had cracking games last night as well.

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by Vision » 31 Jan 2007 10:01

Dirk Gently Definitely Lita - he wanted it far more than anyone else out there. I think this i sthe game where he's come of age as a true Premier league player.

Totally agree.

He was up for it all game and he also now seems to have realised what is required to be a top striker at this level. He's stepped up another gear since Doyle's injury.

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by East Stand Ste » 31 Jan 2007 10:38

has to be bikey!!......he hoofed the ball any old place at every opportunity.....great stuff!! :?

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by weybridgewanderer » 31 Jan 2007 11:10

Bikey for me

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had me on the edge of my seat every time he went for the ball

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by Fred Sharpe's Nose » 31 Jan 2007 11:29

Long 'n' Lita ran 'em ragged.

But Lita edges it for me, 'cause he was telling Wigan where to take the throws from. Good lad, legend.


by Harold » 31 Jan 2007 12:14

I thought Lita was the best player on the pitch last night, he really is starting to look a class act.

I felt a bit sorry for Wigan as they played well, you could just see their heads drop after they conceded though. Heskey and Folan up front were a handfull and I think the game turned in Readings favour when Heskey went off.

It was a shame we saw a terrible dive from Glen Little in the first half though.

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