800k fee agreed for Michael Duberry

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by 3 veesinarow » 01 Feb 2007 09:40

Maguire Yeah, grassed up his mate in court. I've got loads of respect for that.

Maguire Mates > Police

The intelligence to cut yourself loose of the influence of brain-dead morons when you realise there's more to life than hanging around with low-life scum > Solidarity against the nasty horrid pigs. :roll:

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by Maguire » 01 Feb 2007 09:56

3 veesinarow The intelligence to cut yourself loose of the influence of brain-dead morons when you realise there's more to life than hanging around with low-life scum > Solidarity against the nasty horrid pigs. :roll:

Yeah I'm sure it was a decision made through Duberry's latent intelligence and not the fact that he was shitting his pants. And he cried in court. Pussy.

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by 3 veesinarow » 01 Feb 2007 10:05

:roll: Good to see you're right behind the new man, Maverick...

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by Stooper » 01 Feb 2007 10:19

Does anyone else think that with Halls former skipper coming in, Doobs could improve him?

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by TFF » 01 Feb 2007 10:31

Stooper Does anyone else think that you can polish a turd?

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by Stooper » 01 Feb 2007 10:32

Do you really think you lot have given Halls a fair chance to prove himself?

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by Nezhen » 01 Feb 2007 10:39

Halls has certainly not been given a fair chance, but then that's not surprising by the tone and hysterical reactions of some on here. :roll:

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by papereyes » 01 Feb 2007 10:42

Nezhen Halls has certainly not been given a fair chance, but then that's not surprising by the tone and hysterical reactions of some on here. :roll:

But he's a skag addict, right?

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by TFF » 01 Feb 2007 11:01

Stooper Do you really think you lot have given Halls a fair chance to prove himself?

What we think (and I was only playing BTW) doesn't really matter. From the outside it looks like Coppell has given him every chance to break into the side. Unfortunately, through a combination of injury and Murty's form he never made it.

You could argue that by pushing Murty to perform at the highest levels he's been worth every penny of the £500,000 we spent on him.

I'd like to see him get a chance somewhere else - with Halford and DLC on board he's not going to play in our first team again.
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by Stranded » 01 Feb 2007 11:02

Nezhen Halls has certainly not been given a fair chance, but then that's not surprising by the tone and hysterical reactions of some on here. :roll:

My contact at the club tells me that he has a superiority complex and is not particularly well liked by many at the club. I certainly wouldn't want to have a pint with him.

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by TommyF » 01 Feb 2007 11:10

3 veesinarow The intelligence to cut yourself loose of the influence of brain-dead morons when you realise there's more to life than hanging around with low-life scum > Solidarity against the nasty horrid pigs. :roll:

Yeah I'm sure it was a decision made through Duberry's latent intelligence and not the fact that he was shitting his pants. And he cried in court. Pussy.
Sorry Maguire, I never had you pegged for a complete and utter moron before. You start protecting people who think its a laugh to attack someone because they're asian you may as well start protecting your mates 'cause the 10 year old girl was asking for it'. We all set the line our friends mustn't cross at different levels but yours is surely scrapping the ground if you want to slag off someone for telling the truth under oath about their mates for merely paki bashing or whatever you want to call it.
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by papereyes » 01 Feb 2007 11:11

At least spell it right ...

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by TFF » 01 Feb 2007 11:12

papereyes At least spell it right ...


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by TommyF » 01 Feb 2007 11:24

papereyes At least spell it right ...
Sorry, now corrected. Can't say it's a phrase I've had a call to look up the correct spelling of before. Very much in rant mode, now calmed down. Not personally much of a fan of the politically correct mob but somethings just wind you up as being wrong don't they.

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by Archie's penalty » 01 Feb 2007 11:34

3 veesinarow The intelligence to cut yourself loose of the influence of brain-dead morons when you realise there's more to life than hanging around with low-life scum > Solidarity against the nasty horrid pigs. :roll:

Yeah I'm sure it was a decision made through Duberry's latent intelligence and not the fact that he was shitting his pants. And he cried in court. Pussy.

Stop being such a cnut - never heard the phrase forgive and forget?

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by Platypuss » 01 Feb 2007 11:39

Looks like Mags is in training for when alad shuffles off later in the month.

Not a bad effort, it has to be said.

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by Im Spartacus » 01 Feb 2007 11:48

Nezhen Halls has certainly not been given a fair chance, but then that's not surprising by the tone and hysterical reactions of some on here. :roll:

My contact at the club tells me that he has a superiority complex and is not particularly well liked by many at the club. I certainly wouldn't want to have a pint with him.

Unless he's buying.

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by Maguire » 01 Feb 2007 12:00

It makes me laugh that you lot will pour your verbal vitriol on the likes of Alan Pardew, call him Judas, question his loyalty and so on just because he went to a bigger club than Reading, but on the other hand you embrace a guy who sold his best mate down the river just to save his own skin.

Ideal - if you took the time to read up about the trial in question then you'd see that the prosecution never suggested that there was a racial element to the assault. It was the victim's father irresponsibly playing the race card in a national newspaper which caused the collapse of the initial trial.

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by Archie's penalty » 01 Feb 2007 12:03

Maguire It makes me laugh that you lot will pour your verbal vitriol on the likes of Alan Pardew, call him Judas, question his loyalty and so on just because he went to a bigger club than Reading, but on the other hand you embrace a guy who sold his best mate down the river just to save his own skin.

Ideal - if you took the time to read up about the trial in question then you'd see that the prosecution never suggested that there was a racial element to the assault. It was the victim's father irresponsibly playing the race card in a national newspaper which caused the collapse of the initial trial.

Still it was a long time ago - duberry is our player now and we have to give him our support! Welcome Micky Duberry - no matter your past - hope u do a good job for us.

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by 3 veesinarow » 01 Feb 2007 13:01

"In September 1996, three months after Bowyer signed for Leeds, 17 year old A level student Shamsul Mia encountered him on a night out in London. Shamsul, whose family is from Bangladesh, was working part time at McDonald's on the Isle of Dogs when Bowyer and some friends pulled up in a minicab. Shamsul served him a 69p cheeseburger-but Bowyer threw it to the ground and said he wasn't going to eat anything served by a 'f...ing Paki' He demanded another burger and said he wanted to be served by a white person. He launched into a tirade of racist abuse. Bowyer and two friends began hurling chairs at the young waiter and his colleagues, all but one of whom were Asian. Shamsul and another worker had to be treated in hospital. Incredibly, the incident was not treated as a racist attack. Bowyer pleaded guilty to affray and was fined £4,500 by Thames magistrates-just half his week's wages at the time".

"A FORMER girlfriend of Bowyer's, Emma Keeney, says he split up with her when he discovered she had an Asian grandparent. She says that when he found out, Bowyer immediately ended the relationship, claiming he could not risk "a brown baby"."

"THE LIFE of Leeds player Michael Duberry has been ruined by the trial. He said that Woodgate had told him on the night of the attack that they had "just had a fight with some Asians". Within hours of Duberry giving evidence, thugs dressed in balaclavas turned up at his home.
They demanded to know where the "black bastard" was. He has received hate mail and abusive phone calls, including threats to kill him.
Phone operators at Leeds United football club have been reduced to tears by the phone calls. Banners have been seen at matches saying "Death to Duberry"."

I do.

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