by Seal » 05 Feb 2007 11:38
by Matt de K » 05 Feb 2007 11:40
by bigmike » 05 Feb 2007 11:40
by Dirk Gently » 05 Feb 2007 11:44
Seal 2. Is it possible to employ more inept staff to serve beer behind the counter?
by weybridgewanderer » 05 Feb 2007 11:48
by Coppelled Streets » 05 Feb 2007 11:49
by Seal » 05 Feb 2007 12:07
Dirk GentlySeal 2. Is it possible to employ more inept staff to serve beer behind the counter?
Ceratinly is - but then the rates of pay would have to go down even lower.
Quality of staff is directly related to how much they are paid, and as Compass are only prepared to pay slave labour rates they only get the quality of staff they deserve.
It really is as simple at that - if they paid better rates they'd get better people, people they could train better, also.
by Platypuss » 05 Feb 2007 12:13
Seal Two thoughts...
1. Why do the mobile beers sellers in the East stand only seem to appear right before KO and right at the end of half time?
2. Is it possible to employ more inept staff to serve beer behind the counter?
by Seal » 05 Feb 2007 12:32
PlatypussSeal Two thoughts...
1. Why do the mobile beers sellers in the East stand only seem to appear right before KO and right at the end of half time?
2. Is it possible to employ more inept staff to serve beer behind the counter?
I need some clarification before I can answer this one. Do you mean:
a: employing a greater number of staff who are inept?
b: employing staff who are even more inept than the existing incumbents.
c: both?
by Berkshire Born » 05 Feb 2007 12:59
Coppelled Streets Such is the difficulty in finding a translator when you want a lager.
by Forbury Lion » 05 Feb 2007 13:28
Interesting suggestion.weybridgewanderer compass management would put the quality of the staff down to the seasonal nature of the work - occasional saturdays - meaning high turnover and lack of training
However Compass must run the catering for a number of businesses in the area that do not open on a saturday. Could they not pull in staff from there for a few extra hours meaning this becomes additional hours for exisiting staff.
by weybridgewanderer » 05 Feb 2007 13:31
by biscuitsrus » 05 Feb 2007 14:10
Coppelled Streets I don't buy anything under the concourse any longer. Such is the difficulty in finding a translator when you want a lager.
I once asked for a pint of piss water (Fosters) and got a Coke in return. This was then swapped for the correct choice of drink and they tried charging me for both.
Each time brings a different problem and I prefer to go without now.
by The 17 Bus » 06 Feb 2007 07:48
by T.R.O.L.I. » 06 Feb 2007 07:57
LimpBiscuit World Turned Upside Down sells Carlsberg for £1.99.
Why drink on the concourse?
by Seal » 06 Feb 2007 09:54
LimpBiscuit World Turned Upside Down sells Carlsberg for £1.99.
Why drink on the concourse?
by Berkshire Born » 06 Feb 2007 11:22
LimpBiscuit World Turned Upside Down sells Carlsberg for £1.99.
Why drink on the concourse?
by Dirk Gently » 06 Feb 2007 11:23
Berkshire BornLimpBiscuit World Turned Upside Down sells Carlsberg for £1.99.
Why drink on the concourse?
What is this place you speak of my friend?
by T.R.O.L.I. » 06 Feb 2007 11:25
Dirk GentlyBerkshire BornLimpBiscuit World Turned Upside Down sells Carlsberg for £1.99.
Why drink on the concourse?
What is this place you speak of my friend?
Now a Toby Carvery but used to be a Harvester - on the Basingstoke Road opposite Gillette.
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