I Love Him, I Love Him Not

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by ElmParker » 15 Feb 2007 10:21

brendywendy wrong that he doesnt work hard

not that he hates him, thats obviously fine

You’ve restored my faith in Richard Curtis.

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by Fred Sharpe's Nose » 15 Feb 2007 10:45

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Fred Sharpe's Nose :roll:

Yeah, all right. I hate the announcements at half time. Can't even hear yourself read the programme.

Now he deserves some hatred!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:

Do you mean the announcer, or me for reading the programme gulp?

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by Huntley & Palmer » 15 Feb 2007 11:09

West Stand Man
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Huntley & Palmer HATE/LOATHE -

Hahnemann. Purely and simply one of the most mediocre goalkeepers we have had, seems to live on some sort of reputation gained from not being as shit as Whitehead and Howie. Goes down like a sack of shit for low saves, then tends to spill them if he gets there as well. Goes to prove that Wesley Snipes was right in not only basketball but also American goalkeepers, might help if he lost some bulk by not going to Chilli's three times a week. Comes over to the crowd after every game as if he is some sort of hero. No matter what he does, i'm blinded by his inability.

That is the same MH who is right up among the best according to Actim? But why should we let facts cloud an emotional issue?

I don't allow my judgement to be clouded by some clown that thinks a striker shooting a trickler from 35 yards that a goalkeeper picks up, counts as a save.

Ah, so no emotional bias there then??

Emotional? Nah, I just hate the fat American oxf*rd

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by Don Finch » 15 Feb 2007 12:00

Love - Glen Little

I think Rod Stewart once said:
"He is Pele
He is Pele
The White Pele
He is Glen

He is Pele
The White Pele
He is Pele
He is Glen"

I fully concur with Rod.

Hate - (Ooo) John(ny) Oster

-Hated him at every club he's played for, hated him even more at Sunderland and when he scored against us a couple of seasons back - I've even got it in my head that he actually scored that goal at the Mad Stad and ran past us cupping his ear. It probably happened, it's the sort of thing that little twerp would do.
-He put on a Blackburn shirt a couple of months ago to devestating effect with a sublime ball to Bentley gifting him with a tap in to win the game.
-He's a little twerp.
-He's short and used to have floppy hair, making him look well gay.
-When he plays it means Glen is not on the pitch, this makes me sad
-He's a little twerp.

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by Newbie » 15 Feb 2007 12:09

LOVE- Little, Sonko...and most of the team

HATE- is a bit of a strong word, but ...John Halls, waste of time and money! :D

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by Tinrib » 15 Feb 2007 13:05

Love - Glen -aka Magic feet - Its been rumoured that Oxford Uni dons are currently studying how the hell Glen appears to run like an amputee, but whose feet move quicker than Michael Flatley on speed. Apparently he goes against all the currently known rules of motion. - An amazing player and always value for money.

Hate - No-one. Apart from Halls who for whatever reason has decided that he wants to miss the party.

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by HighburyRoyale » 15 Feb 2007 13:23

Love: Little. The man can do no wrong. Blakey has the kind of deity status that I imaging ManYoo fans feel for Ronaldo - he's slow, ugly, ungainly, unknown to most outside the Championship (and a few more in the Prem now) and yet he comfortably won us the league last season by creating about 35% of our chances - when he was injured before and aftfer the Burnley match we looked like a team that would struggle to get 100 points, before he got injured I would have guessed at about 120! I had fears about his pace this season - I was wrong and so were so many others. A magician with an awful chant. No. 13 must do better to find a decent chant!

(Unlucky not to get a mention Murty, Doyle and Shorey)

Hate: Oster. Many reasons. The first is that if he plays it's because Little's injured or being subbed off. He's just one of those players who flatters with one piece of vague-brilliance per game but then spends the entire of the rest of his time on the pitch running around like a cnut giving the ball away. Gutted we extended his contract. Gutted.

(lucky not to get a mention L[ol]ita, Hunt and Halls)

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by Henleyensian » 15 Feb 2007 16:48

Royalcop Just to be contrary:

From the past: Love - Martin Butler (ok not that far back, but his commitment was outstanding - still gutted he never made it to the Prem)

Oh how I agree

!Hate - Booty - ,- he came from Dario Gradi's Crewe Academy of football science. Didn't hate him but thought he was a bit OTT with his personalised number plate.

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by harps~is~the~perfect~man » 19 Feb 2007 01:32

love the whole team, but harps most of all

hate no one :D

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by Fezza » 19 Feb 2007 06:03

Love - Mr Mad for funding/creating all my dreams and fears since he arrived. Of the team probably John Halls for showing that SC isn't always right... Umm only joking, couldn't give to stuff's about the Pepsi'd up w@nker. Certainly the Gingers for putting up with all the stick, certainly Glenn for being as ugly as anyone I've ever seen and a million times as gifted. Hunt for that tackle, whether deliberate or not respect goes out to people who give 110% despite looking like a cross between a hobbit and a demented chicken.

Hate - No one really stands out but... Harper for failing to win a tackle ever (that said he's drawn us and won us games with his never say die attitude so I guess I'm behind the times). Convey and Seol for flattering to deceive, so much talent so little end product. Ivar for no other reason than every game I watch him play I am reminded of my own foolish belief that he would get us relegated this season, I’m a tw@t sorry. Oh and Me for ever doubting the team this year and for writing such bollocks!

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by bcubed » 19 Feb 2007 10:32

bcubed Love
Harper - heart of the team
Little - should never be able to get the cross in but somehow he always does
Shorey - so comfortable at left back and now so confident he may even score with his right foot

Kitson - over rated, doesn't work hard enough for the team, not done it in the Prem yet
Marcus - good shot stopper yes, but just occasionally he can't make his mind up to come and get the cross or stay put

kitson is our hardest working striker, tackles back, holds up play, all round team player
and a great finsiher

you couldnt be more wrong

I normally think your posts are spot on but I wonder what game you are watching to think this. Leroy in recent matches (and long may it continue) puts a lot more effort in. Kitson only tackles back ocasionally when it suits him - watch Leroy and you'll see him chasing the whole game. He was incredibly lazy at first but I can't fault his attitude at all now and I hope the same will happen with Kitson, but it doesn't yet. And it didn't on Saturday either.

By the way I don't "hate" him I don't even dislike him, I just don't think he is quite as good as others think and that he hasn't proven himself yet. Thinking about it, on this basis I may have to withdraw him from my "hate" list. Perhaps it's just disappointment not hate?!

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by Frustrated_Royal » 19 Feb 2007 10:50

Frustrated_Royal Now

Love - Doyle

Hate - Lita


Love - Archie

Hate - Crawford (Jimmy)


Love - Williams (Martin)

Why you hate Lita then?

I think he's a touch arrogant and he prefers a night out in Bristol to one in Reading. And he wears yellow boots...

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by Rawlie19 » 27 Feb 2007 22:53

I can now post on this thread.

Hate: Seol. I can't stand him. Get him out of the club now. I'm not sure he even knows or cares what he's supposed to do on the pitch. Even the great goals he's scored have been flukey :wink: The West Ham away one, what was he doing pissing about with the ball in the first place? Anyway, after tonight I now can't stand the guy. Lazy couldn't care less attitude.:twisted:

Love: Superman. Always have, always will. The man is a legend and I hope he recovers in time to be effective right from the start next season.

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by Kitson12 » 27 Feb 2007 22:55

Rawlie19 I can now post on this thread.

Hate: Seol. I can't stand him. Get him out of the club now. I'm not sure he even knows or cares what he's supposed to do on the pitch. Even the great goals he's scored have been flukey :wink: The West Ham away one, what was he doing pissing about with the ball in the first place? Anyway, after tonight I now can't stand the guy. Lazy couldn't care less attitude.:twisted:

Agree entirely, couldn't give a damn now he's lost his place, and with that kind of show he'll NEVER get it back, Oster is higher up in the pecking order by a long long way, even maybe Halford...


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Re: I Love Him, I Love Him Not

by Vision » 13 Feb 2008 15:37

For no good reason other than pure mischief making and it gave me a laugh or 2 when i stumbled across it again, i thought i'd resurrect the ultimate RTG/STG thread.

Anyone's views changed a year down the line?

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Re: I Love Him, I Love Him Not

by Huntley & Palmer » 13 Feb 2008 15:54

Yes, I now hate Marcus more than ever because he seems to be less shit than the rest of the team put together this season. Oh how I groaned when he made that save from the Hargreaves free kick in the Utd game, though I'm sure the North Stand is still feeling the aftershock to this day when he hit the ground

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by Only one Trevor Morley » 13 Feb 2008 16:03

Only one Trevor Morley Current love player

David Kitson. The flame haired one will always be a favourite of mine. With his ungainly yet effective approach, his scything tackles, 'telling it as it is' verbal style, he'll always have a special place in this mans heart. GET HIM IN THE SIDE COPPELL

Current hate player

Steve Hunt. yes he may work his backside off every game, but his end product is usually so woefully disappointing. I dont like the way he runs, his haircut, him keeping Bobby out the side. Its even more irritating now that he could be seen as playing well

Players from the past


Trevor Morley! Michael Gilkes


Kevin Dillon, Andy Bernal

I've probably been seduced by Hunt althoyugh it was a long courtship. But Kitson still the favourite

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Re: I Love Him, I Love Him Not

by Alan Partridge » 13 Feb 2008 16:04

No real change for me, Hunt still annoys me, although 'hate' is still a strong word, also John Oster is high on the 'fcuk off' list.

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Re: I Love Him, I Love Him Not

by Wax Jacket » 13 Feb 2008 16:18

no real change for anyone I should imagine!

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Re: I Love Him, I Love Him Not

by londinium » 13 Feb 2008 16:23

Wax Jacket no real change for anyone I should imagine!

If bcubed hasn't changed his stance on Kitson then he is a bigger moron than I originally thought he was, and beleive you me, I thought he was an utter moron!

Kitson - not good enough for the premiership and lazy -ho ho ho

Leading English goal scorer I beleive, as for lazy!!!, don't get me started!

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