Is Sonko missed?

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 19 Feb 2007 01:49

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

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by Niko » 19 Feb 2007 04:44

Maguire He is missed, although his absence is mitigated by the inclusion of another large black man in his place. Had we replaced him with a white player I probably would have missed him a bit more.

does being black make you a better defender, then...? dear me...

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by readingbedding » 19 Feb 2007 07:42

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

He wouldn't have got a hiding, what are you on about?

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by zac naloen » 19 Feb 2007 07:44

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

He wouldn't have got a hiding, what are you on about?

Pretty much every breakthrough they made was because Bikey was half heartedly marking someone.

But this was against World Class players, which he certainly isn't, so I suppose he can be let off. Plus he got away with it.

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by readingbedding » 19 Feb 2007 07:46

Do you two actually go to any football matches?

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by zac naloen » 19 Feb 2007 07:48

readingbedding Do you two actually go to any football matches?

Err... me? Yes.

What has that go to do with my comment?

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by Z-Head » 19 Feb 2007 08:11

2 world wars, 1 world cup Good question I think Alad. Not unreasonable.

My hunch (that's all it is) is that Sonko would be better given the teams played.

And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

But then with Coppell's miracle team it is extremely difficult to tell. Whenever one player goes out he brings in someone else who pretty much does the same job :?

Crazy init! I was thinking just the same. How on earth is this possible.
SC could in fact be god!

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by Stranded » 19 Feb 2007 08:44

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

He wouldn't have got a hiding, what are you on about?

If Solskjaer's goal had stood (as it should have) he would have got serious stick on here.

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by Vision » 19 Feb 2007 08:56

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

He wouldn't have got a hiding, what are you on about?

If Solskjaer's goal had stood (as it should have) he would have got serious stick on here.

He also went to sleep for Larssons's chance which Federici somehow saved.

Is he really that important? Or is he just over rated because he wins alot in the air and makes some blocks? He does the noticable things well but he's very poor at the less noticable things like marking and positioning.

I was shot down the other week for suggesting he might not be missed much, it seems I was once again spot on.

I think your descriptiojn above could equally apply to Bikey as much as Sonko. As has been said a combination of poor finishing and excellent goalkeeping has bailed Bikey out on a couple of occasions. Having said that I still think there's promise there and these things could well be ironed out. He's doing a decent job but i would still rather have Sonks.

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Re: Is Sonko missed?

by biscuitsrus » 19 Feb 2007 09:59

alad 5 games without him and 5 goals conceded.

Compare that to the previous 5 full games he played in and 8 goals were conceded.

Is he really that important? Or is he just over rated because he wins alot in the air and makes some blocks? He does the noticable things well but he's very poor at the less noticable things like marking and positioning.

The last 3 games have seen only 1 goal conceded, lets hope the good record defensive record continues.

I was shot down the other week for suggesting he might not be missed much, it seems I was once again spot on.

I refuse to read the rest of this thread, of course Sonko is a big miss but that doesnt mean to say that BG hasnt played extremely well.

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by John Madejski's Wallet » 19 Feb 2007 10:13

If anything, the fact this is being dsicussed speaks volumes about just how good Iva is.

Quiet & calam, he's obviously great to play next to and is the perfect foil for the big, bruising, rash centre-backs that are Sonks & Bikey.

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by Memories Of India » 19 Feb 2007 10:18

John Madejski's Wallet If anything, the fact this is being dsicussed speaks volumes about just how good Iva is.

Quiet & calam, he's obviously great to play next to and is the perfect foil for the big, bruising, rash centre-backs that are Sonks & Bikey.

Indeed, and this completely justifies :roll: my posts pre-season - when discussing who wouldn't be able to make the step up to the Prem, I felt Ivar would be an obvious weak link.

:oops: :oops: :oops: :oops: :oops:

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by brendywendy » 19 Feb 2007 10:24

me too

in fact its noticeable how my tips for possible prem failure at the start of the season-namely murty, Ivar, little, hunt, have been our most consistently high performers

shows what i know

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by PlasticRoyale » 19 Feb 2007 10:35

Opinions on Sodje?

He was dreadful against Utd, can't see him getting too many more games

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by biscuitsrus » 19 Feb 2007 10:50

PlasticRoyale Opinions on Sodje?

He was dreadful against Utd, can't see him getting too many more games

Not enough performances to judge.

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 19 Feb 2007 14:09

Colour coded for the purpose of some sorely-needed clarity...

2 world wars, 1 world cup And I just happen not to be a fan of Bikey personally: always makes me nervous.

I quite like him, myself. He's still got plenty of learning to do, but he'll have ample opportunity to continue to learn on the job.

On the other hand, a glance at the highlights loop from Saturday reveals that he got away with plenty, not least of all when he was bailed out by the lino on Solskjaer's disallowed goal and again by Federici after Larsson ghosted in for Ronaldo's goalward chip.

There are other missteps on there as well. Point being, the full-time score is the only thing that spared him an unmitigated hiding for his performance on Saturday --but, as I said, I still like the guy and think he'll continue to improve.

Talking out of the hole between his arse cheeks as always, the class pedant stupidly He wouldn't have got a hiding, what are you on about?

Answer: Among other things...

zac naloen Pretty much every breakthrough they made was because Bikey was half heartedly marking someone.

But this was against World Class players, which he certainly isn't, so I suppose he can be let off. Plus he got away with it.

In a customarily clever retort, the class pedant then Do you two actually go to any football matches?

Answering solely for myself: No, but it's evident that I can watch a highlights loop --this one, which clocks in at 7:38 (and which YouTube had taken down by the time I chimed in on the subject last evening, alas, but for now it's viewable again)-- and draw the same conclusions as another, because (as previously mentioned)...

Stranded If Solskjaer's goal had stood (as it should have) he would have got serious stick on here.

And another (again, as previously mentioned)...

Vision He also went to sleep for Larssons's chance which Federici somehow saved.

Ergo, and in sum, I seem to've been "on about" the things that I --and at least three others-- saw through a working pair of eyes.

With that, I shall await the class pedant's next rhetorical challenge --which, if past performance is anything to go on, will come in the form of a(n ungrammatical) correction of an innocent spelling error attributable to nothing more than hurried typing and rushed proofreading on my part.

Should be a thoroughly constructive use of everyone's time as usual, I'm sure.

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Sonko is Superman.......

by seahawk10 » 01 Mar 2007 22:17

So anyone else wonder how the last few games would have gone with Sonko? Can't help but think we might have taken ManU if he was healthy.
We have seen some good play from his replacements, but he was so solid back there.

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Re: Sonko is Superman.......

by Diddyroyal » 01 Mar 2007 22:40

seahawk10 So anyone else wonder how the last few games would have gone with Sonko? Can't help but think we might have taken ManU if he was healthy.
We have seen some good play from his replacements, but he was so solid back there.

he wouldnt have played anyway

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Re: Sonko is Superman.......

by seahawk10 » 01 Mar 2007 22:45

seahawk10 So anyone else wonder how the last few games would have gone with Sonko? Can't help but think we might have taken ManU if he was healthy.
We have seen some good play from his replacements, but he was so solid back there.

he wouldnt have played anyway

I was wondering about that. He would have helped against Boro for sure.

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Re: Sonko is Superman.......

by Diddyroyal » 01 Mar 2007 22:47

seahawk10 So anyone else wonder how the last few games would have gone with Sonko? Can't help but think we might have taken ManU if he was healthy.
We have seen some good play from his replacements, but he was so solid back there.

he wouldnt have played anyway

I was wondering about that. He would have helped against Boro for sure.

yea defo agree in the league games, but Bikey would have played in the cup anyway

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