Glen Little

When Hicks went up...
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by When Hicks went up... » 02 Mar 2007 13:08

Spirit of Elm Park
When Hicks went up... There were twenty so called leftbacks in the league
there were twenty so called leftbacks in the league
there were twenty so called leftbacks
twenty so called leftbacks
twenty so called leftbacks in the league

And a winger called Glen Little shot one down
and a winger called Glen Little shot one down
and a winger called Glen Little
a winger called Glen Little
a winger called Glen Little shot one down

There were nineteen so called leftbacks in the league...

Sung at slow pace, Change the final verse to :

There is one so called leftback in the league
there is one so called leftback in the league
there is one so called leftback
one so called leftback
one so called leftback in the league

And a winger called Glen Little had a go
and a winger called Glen Little had a go
and a winger called Glen Little
a winger called Glen Little
a winger called Glen Little crashed and burned


2 songs in one :lol:

Haha. I had a similar thought...

Cos there's only one real left back in the league
there's only one real left back in the league...


Shorey for England.

I'll be singing it tomorrow (from the Arsenal end!)

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by runrunrunrungilksey » 02 Mar 2007 13:16

leg·end (lĕj'ənd)

An unverified story handed down from earlier times, especially one popularly believed to be historical.

Don Finch
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by Don Finch » 02 Mar 2007 15:21

One of Glen's short comings that was always levelled at him by Burnley fans was his lack of consistency. He's certainly managed to turn that around the last two seasons, wonder where he'd be now had he performed like this all his career? Quality player and comes across as being a bit of a joker, glad he pulls a Reading shirt on every week as he is one of my main justifications for spending my money following the club. Long live the White Pele.

Two more seasons of him pulling his high jinx down the right wing and I'd like to think he could be considered a Reading leg·end (lĕj'ənd).

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by biscuitsrus » 02 Mar 2007 15:25

Don Finch One of Glen's short comings that was always levelled at him by Burnley fans was his lack of consistency. He's certainly managed to turn that around the last two seasons, wonder where he'd be now had he performed like this all his career? Quality player and comes across as being a bit of a joker, glad he pulls a Reading shirt on every week as he is one of my main justifications for spending my money following the club. Long live the White Pele.

Two more seasons of him pulling his high jinx down the right wing and I'd like to think he could be considered a Reading leg·end (lĕj'ənd).

Just the winner tomorrow will be enough to enter into Hall of Fame.

Don Finch
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by Don Finch » 02 Mar 2007 15:41

biscuitsrus Just the winner tomorrow will be enough to enter into Hall of Fame.

If he scores the winner I will have to run on the pitch and hump his leg.

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Ian Royal
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by Ian Royal » 02 Mar 2007 15:43

Don Finch
biscuitsrus Just the winner tomorrow will be enough to enter into Hall of Fame.

If he scores the winner I will have to run on the pitch and hump his leg.

You are my sisters dog and I claim my £5!

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by Scarface » 02 Mar 2007 16:14

Glenn Little is miles better than bloody Robin Friday.

Fred Sharpe's Nose
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by Fred Sharpe's Nose » 02 Mar 2007 16:28

Scarface Glenn Little is miles better than bloody Robin Friday.

Watch out - you're going to get people asking if you ever saw Robin Friday next... I can feel it coming on...

holsgrove breaks a leg
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by holsgrove breaks a leg » 02 Mar 2007 16:28

Scarface Best post ever.

The man is a legend and every time he gets the ball he looks to create and do something positive. It reminds me of the good old days at Elm Park when Gilksy was in his prime.

glens better than glikesey

slower, but much much better

cant belive how many times he got round the man u back line
ball sticks to his feet, oxf*rd white pele genius

Of the current squad Little and Sonko remain my firm favourites. Cant see Little displacing the legend that is Gilkes though!!!-his prime was breathtaking in an un noticed league. Little and Gilkes have some similarilities between them- their obvious trickery and crossing skills, and having spent time at one club for a large amount of time in a lower division.

Rev Algenon Stickleback H
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by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 02 Mar 2007 21:27

holsgrove breaks a leg
Scarface Best post ever.

The man is a legend and every time he gets the ball he looks to create and do something positive. It reminds me of the good old days at Elm Park when Gilksy was in his prime.

glens better than glikesey

slower, but much much better

cant belive how many times he got round the man u back line
ball sticks to his feet, oxf*rd white pele genius

Of the current squad Little and Sonko remain my firm favourites. Cant see Little displacing the legend that is Gilkes though!!!-his prime was breathtaking in an un noticed league. Little and Gilkes have some similarilities between them- their obvious trickery and crossing skills, and having spent time at one club for a large amount of time in a lower division.
Gilkes didn't have anything like Glen's trickery - he was mainly a crude, but very effective, "bang it past the fullback and sprint by him" type player. His crosses were superb though, other than the ones he shinned into the Tilehurst end. And for some reason he could never score across the keeper - always put it wide of the far post.

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by BonBoh » 03 Mar 2007 10:23

not too sure about Gilkesy not being able to score across the keeper... Were you at the Simod Cup Final?

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by 1960 » 03 Mar 2007 11:08

Oi Scarface. Did you ever see Friday play?

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