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by Super_horns » 29 Apr 2007 01:04

Can I just ask why is 'Yellow Army' crap but Blue/Red ok?

BTW OUr home support is the worse but the away fans pretty good.

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by Alan Partridge » 29 Apr 2007 01:08

Super_horns Can I just ask why is 'Yellow Army' crap but Blue/Red ok?

BTW OUr home support is the worse but the away fans pretty good.

it's not crap at all 8)

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by AthleticoSpizz » 29 Apr 2007 01:10

no answer to that Super H

Well done for getting here

good luck for next season..........

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by Coppelled Streets » 29 Apr 2007 01:22

Nothing wrong with Yellow Army, as long as those oxf*rd Oxford's aen't singin' in!

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by Riseley » 29 Apr 2007 09:44

Best supporter-Soggy Biscuit. Worst supporter-Adolf Hinton.

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by rg6royal » 29 Apr 2007 10:15

best supporters: true fans

worst supporters: plastics

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by mattyougg » 29 Apr 2007 10:22

rg6royal best supporters: true fans

worst supporters: chelsea


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by biscuitsrus » 29 Apr 2007 15:18

Farnborough Royal
Katie Marsden I only attend a handful of games these days due the amount of utter mongs that suddenly decided they were Reading fans after the club started doing well. The sad fact is the vast majority of the 10,000 or so new fans are the worst type of fan imaginable.

It's shame because theres a good hardcore of Reading fans who have been going for years.


Bloke behind me at Bolton tried to make me sit down for Doyle's penalty :roll:

The sad thing is you can see people on the front row on MOTD sat down for the penalty. I thought it was standard for everyone to stand when there was a penalty, but obviously not :?

Why would you need to stand up to see a penalty? If (as I was) you are in the second row from the back you have a perfectly good view if everybody remains sitting. In fact, the view is worse when everyone is standing unless you are 6'4". The same applies to corners. We sit there watching football (and not standing up trying to attract people's attention) and when there is a corner at our end (or often when the ball comes to our end of the field) people at the front stand up and then everybody else has to so that they can see what they could have seen well in the first place.

I am aware the this thread was about away supporters (which we were at Bolton) so while on the subject I have to defend Liverpool supporters. They were very pleasant when we were up there (which we have been twice) and were appreciative of the fact that we had a wreath put on the Hillsborough memorial.

In fact, I have heard of trouble from away supporters at our club which has been nipped in the bud before they even got in to the stadium but have never felt in any way threatened at away matches this year (not like going to Cardiff!).

Do you have piles from the amount of sitting that you indulge in?? You are obsessed!

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by reading_lad » 29 Apr 2007 19:11

I have piles. Thats why i like to stand at football


by Daniella » 29 Apr 2007 20:36

It makes me laugh when people are logical about football. "sitting down because its a better view" "people show support in differant ways". What a load of tosh. Why do reading fans have an obsession of being logical?

The moment you put logic and football in the same sentence you kill the passion and the game completely.

You're supposed to look like dickheads standing up, shouting crap and going mental when you score, thats proper tradition and thats how it should be.

Its a game where you get pissed have a laugh with mates and at all costs get behind your team. I've been to a few differant clubs during my time in england and reading have been one of most reserved fans i've seen. Almost on a par with chelsea and fulham.

To the outside world we look like retards on TV when you see fans celebrate and go mental, but we don't care. If you are too self-concsious that you don't want to be seen acting like this, then football isn't the sport for you.

People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

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by AthleticoSpizz » 29 Apr 2007 20:57

For 90 minutes I'm only interested with what goes on pitchside

However, when we score, I regress to being 30 years younger for a second or two.

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by savage 4 england » 29 Apr 2007 23:16

Daniella It makes me laugh when people are logical about football. "sitting down because its a better view" "people show support in differant ways". What a load of tosh. Why do reading fans have an obsession of being logical?

The moment you put logic and football in the same sentence you kill the passion and the game completely.

You're supposed to look like dickheads standing up, shouting crap and going mental when you score, thats proper tradition and thats how it should be.

Its a game where you get pissed have a laugh with mates and at all costs get behind your team. I've been to a few differant clubs during my time in england and reading have been one of most reserved fans i've seen. Almost on a par with chelsea and fulham.

To the outside world we look like retards on TV when you see fans celebrate and go mental, but we don't care. If you are too self-concsious that you don't want to be seen acting like this, then football isn't the sport for you.

People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

What's your view on tom hark?

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by Archie's penalty » 29 Apr 2007 23:31

Daniella It makes me laugh when people are logical about football. "sitting down because its a better view" "people show support in differant ways". What a load of tosh. Why do reading fans have an obsession of being logical?

The moment you put logic and football in the same sentence you kill the passion and the game completely.

You're supposed to look like dickheads standing up, shouting crap and going mental when you score, thats proper tradition and thats how it should be.

Its a game where you get pissed have a laugh with mates and at all costs get behind your team. I've been to a few differant clubs during my time in england and reading have been one of most reserved fans i've seen. Almost on a par with chelsea and fulham.

To the outside world we look like retards on TV when you see fans celebrate and go mental, but we don't care. If you are too self-concsious that you don't want to be seen acting like this, then football isn't the sport for you.

People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

You're right and you're wrong Daniella. I think it's great to cheer and go mental but people have the right to behave however they want. Football isn't a working class sport anymore.

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by Winchester Royal » 29 Apr 2007 23:33

Football should be classless, but it isn't.
If somebody goes to the match with a client to entertain them, they aren't going to go bonkers if we score.

Shame people are so concerned about self-image...

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by boycey » 30 Apr 2007 10:15

boycey best - west ham

worst - chelsea by a mile .

Tell me you're kidding?

you see them on saturday?
7000 to wigan?
v loud . always behind the team .
original songs too .
"shoes off if you love West Ham" .

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by Behindu » 30 Apr 2007 10:18

Daniella People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

How do you tell what class a bunch of football fans are ?

Come to that how do you tell what class anyone is anymore - given that the country is now 90% middle class, 5% upper class and 5% underclass....

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by papereyes » 30 Apr 2007 10:26

Daniella People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

How do you tell what class a bunch of football fans are ?

Come to that how do you tell what class anyone is anymore - given that the country is now 90% middle class, 5% upper class and 5% underclass....

The notion of class is held onto most tightly who cannot stand the very real thought that they are middle class.

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by T.R.O.L.I. » 30 Apr 2007 10:28

boycey best - west ham

worst - chelsea by a mile .

Tell me you're kidding?

you see them on saturday?
7000 to wigan?

It always helps to swell the numbers of the away support when the travel is free (in this case paid for by the players). I wonder how many they would have had if travel wasn't free...

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by Archie's penalty » 30 Apr 2007 12:03

Daniella People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

How do you tell what class a bunch of football fans are ?

Come to that how do you tell what class anyone is anymore - given that the country is now 90% middle class, 5% upper class and 5% underclass....

I agree basically with the point about knowing whether a football fan is from a certain class or not. However the statement that 90 % of the country is middle class is, I'm afraid to say, b*llocks.

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by Seal » 30 Apr 2007 12:40

Archie's penalty
Daniella People on this messageboard say it isn't about social class. Bullshit, the working class fans i've seen are 10 times more passionate and louder than the middle/upper I've seen, probably always will be.

How do you tell what class a bunch of football fans are ?

Come to that how do you tell what class anyone is anymore - given that the country is now 90% middle class, 5% upper class and 5% underclass....

I agree basically with the point about knowing whether a football fan is from a certain class or not. However the statement that 90 % of the country is middle class is, I'm afraid to say, b*llocks.

Amen to that.

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