Reading FC on U.S. TV: check here for updates

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 24 May 2007 16:50

Hey kids --check out the first post in this thread for a menu of TV listings of interest, including the Football League playoff finals, the Republic of Ireland friendlies, England v. Brazil, season highlights shows and three (count 'em!) Reading matches that will feature in full on "Premier League Classics" on FSC next week --and you'd be amazed at the matches that originally aired live on FSC but didn't appear to make the cut as "classics" from the season just ended (WHU-Tottenham and Arsenal-ManGoo spring immediately to mind).

Anyway, click on "1" at the bottom right of this page for the full listings as presented in the thread-starter. Set the recorder, tell your friends, and hit me with any questions.

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by seahawk10 » 24 May 2007 17:56

Great info as usual, can't wait to get home and setup the DVR.

Ps - God bless FSC!

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by From Despair To Where? » 24 May 2007 20:15

Although I ppreciate our American friends will find any re-run of a Reading game extremely welcome, it takes a hell of a lot of imagination to describe the Fulham game as a "classic"

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 24 May 2007 20:39

Hey, it's Fox; blame Murdoch.

By the way, for those who hadn't heard (and this was news in December, but I didn't find out until yesterday): Euro 2008 final tournament --all matches live, in full, on the ESPN family of networks in the U.S., just like back in the day. Two matches on ABC (ESPN's free-to-air sibling, even easier to find than ESPN), most likely the final and possibly the opener.

That means no PPVs, no trips down the pub, no ten bucks out of pocket to a Setanta rep at the door, no waiting for delayed screenings on FSC, etc. --treatment worthy of real football fans in the global age, in other words. Yippee!!!

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 01 Jun 2007 17:10

Yo yo you all (updated Tuesday 3rd July)--

It's suggested that one always check the first post in this thread for the very latest and precise details, as there's little point in bumping this thread every time some piddling piece of news breaks, and I can just update that post as things move along

Copa America and the FIFA U-20 World Cup well and truly upon us; see the first post in this thread, check local listings, or have a private word with me to get yourself steered right

Word that Sky would make some sort of announcement in regard to early-season TV fixtures for next season turned out to be overly optimistic, but we await any news and will set about gathering clues in regard to televised RFC matches in the States from that information as soon as it is announced

No word on any Peace Cup matches screening here, but Setanta may --may, and I'm speculating idly here-- be showing them; we'll see

The Newcastle away and Blackburn home matches from last season screen on FSC during the next two weekends

Also coming soon, the U.S. club debut of some British guy named Beckmann or something --if interested in details of that or anything else, it's a good bet now as always to see the first post in this thread for the very latest


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Any chance of Peace Cup in the US??

by PremAddict » 05 Jul 2007 21:13

Hey CFC,

I went to the Setanta NA schedule and it's nothing - even though the GB version has coverage. Have you heard of any other options?

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 05 Jul 2007 22:57

PremAddict I went to the Setanta NA schedule and it's nothing - even though the GB version has coverage. Have you heard of any other options?

Not a peep, although the daily screening on FSC of SSN Through the Night at 7:00 PM Eastern will, if past is prologue, show goals and major incidents from all Peace Cup matches. Not much help there, I know.

Most providers of listings information are in snooze mode, what with this being the middle of summer. I continue to monitor Setanta's listings and others, hoping against hope, and will of course report here any news. I think it's pretty safe to say that FSC for certain and likely GolTV ain't gonna be showing any matches. I'd suggest keeping an eye on the sticky thread here in The Team forum for any streaming options.

By the way, the official Club site on Tuesday indicated that the announcement of selection of matches over the upcoming season's first half for UK TV (and any rearrangement thereof, with attendant implications for U.S. screenings) is due "in the next 7 to 14 days." :roll:

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by BillBrasky » 07 Jul 2007 00:08

Big news- ESPN moved the Hot Dog Eating Replay to show Brazil vs. USA!!!!! Now I can watch it instead of trying to squint at some terrible sopcast stream!

I guess the lure of Pato vs. Adu slightly edged out sick bastards shoving ridiculous amounts of food in their mouths.

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 16 Jul 2007 18:36

Hey kids --nothing official out for the upcoming season, but I'd bet the rent on the opener from Old Trafford screening live on FSC from 11:00 AM Eastern on Sunday 12th August. Don't know about anything immediately beyond that, and we'll have to wait until probably the 31st for confirmation on the United match and another week after that for any news regarding the home opener scheduled for the following midweek.

At any rate, what follows is information about what you can see on TV hereabouts as the summer season begins to wrap up. The FA Cup Fifth round tie away to United is scheduled to screen on FSC a week hence, and I wouldn't be at all surprised to see the replay squeezed in at some point before next season kicks off. Feel free to hit me with any questions.

--The FIFA U-20s World Cup has reached the semifinal stage. Matches screen in the U.S. on GolTV satellite channel with English commentary and on various Spanish-language free-to-air local affiliates; check local listings or ask me for specifics
--Asian Cup matches screen live in the States over Setanta and, due not least of all to the inconvenient hours when the matches are played, they do get repeated same-day and in the days following; again, check local listings or talk to me

Other upcoming fare of general interest (all given times Eastern U.S.):

Saturday 21st July
8:30 PM Friendly/Los Angeles Galaxy v. Chelshite on ESPN and in Spanish on local Telefutura affiliates; scheduled to be Beckham's U.S. club debut

Monday 23rd July --here it is at last!
8:00 PM FA Cup Classics Man Utd v. Reading 5th Round from 17/2/07; repeats from 2:00 AM Tuesday morning/11:00 PM on the West Coast

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by PieEater » 16 Jul 2007 19:23

RoyalChicagoFC Monday 23rd July --here it is at last!
8:00 PM FA Cup Classics Man Utd v. Reading 5th Round from 17/2/07; repeats from 2:00 AM Tuesday morning/11:00 PM on the West Coast

The replay was a much better game (apart from the first 10mins), watch out for that one.

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by fallen angel » 16 Jul 2007 19:57

Hey Chicago,I will be in your fine city in september then on to Iowa,will I be able to see Englands game on the Telly over there?

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 16 Jul 2007 21:03

fallen angel Hey Chicago,I will be in your fine city in september then on to Iowa,will I be able to see Englands game on the Telly over there?

If a Euro qualifier, will be on PPV @ the pub, alas.

Twenty bucks U.S. gets you in the door for the full day's action (usually two additional PPVs, plus whatever FSC and Setanta are showing "for free"); if the rate of exchange holds, King George's revenge is your bargain. It's also typical for Setanta to screen it on delay.

I've made a routine of posting England and general Euro information in this thread anyway, so definitely be in touch as the day draws closer --we'll get you well set up. Oh, and sorry to learn about the Iowa bit. :wink:

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 20 Jul 2007 18:03

Okay, first the bad news: For the upcoming season and the two that follow --thru May of 2010-- FSC no longer will show the live Monday stand-alone matches (8:00 PM UK/3:00 Eastern US); these instead will be Setanta matches for the duration.

That's not necessarily horrible news for overseas travelers, as many of them would prefer to watch in a pub anyway and, if staying in a hotel, likely as not wouldn't have FSC as part of their in-room cable menus in the first place.

For those of us who live here and have FSC on our cable menus but are without a dish, it absolutely blows --in short, no more Monday midafternoon matches live and repeating same-day during prime time.

In addition, FSC's weekly, same-day delayed Saturday matches are now subject to being screened at odd times and not at the standard 2:15 PM Eastern to which we had been accustomed --the reason being that FSC now holds the exclusive broadcast rights in the U.S. to Serie A, which will bump the same-day delayed Saturday Prem match to a later hour.

On top of that, if there is a live MLS match scheduled for Saturday evening, the same-day delayed Prem match could get bumped past midnite on the East Coast due to regular FSC programming (nightly Fox Soccer Report, repeats of earlier Serie A fare) in addition to Serie A and MLS.

This will be ameliorated somewhat once MLS closes up shop for the season (by mid-November) and until it kicks off again (early April). Nevertheless, the good old days are behind us, folks --at least until August of 2010 at the earliest.

Oh, and it's even worse in Canada, where Fox Sports World no longer will show any Prem fare, The Score will show something live from 3:00 UK time on Saturday, and something called Setanta Canada will handle whatever else gets shown.

With that, I've had a look at an insider's unconfirmed U.S. TV schedule thru to the international break that falls on the second weekend in September, and RFC only appear on it once --for the opener at Old Trafford on Sunday 12th August.

The listings are unofficial and incomplete, as they don't include any for Setanta Xtra, which is where I suspect that the home opener v. Chelsea on Wednesday the 15th may end up (if not on FSC, which has yet to select from the 14th/15th midweek fixtures) and where any of the third, fourth and fifth matches may end up (I speak of Everton at home on the 18th, Bolton away on the 25th, and West Ham at home on 1st September --all on Saturdays from 10 AM Eastern). So for now, here's what we may surmise based on what's already confirmed as moved for UK TV:

Man Utd v. Reading Sunday 12th August LIVE on Sky (UK) from 4:00 PM and on FSC (US) from 11:00 AM EDT

Reading v. Derby County Sunday 7th October LIVE on Sky (UK) from 2:00 PM and on Setanta (US platform) from 9:00 AM EDT

Reading v. Arsenal Monday 12th November LIVE on Setanta (UK platform) from 8:00 PM and on Setanta (US) --and not FSC as first reported here-- from 3:00 PM EST

Again, nothing officially official, and more news to follow, but it's a start. Those interested in listings for the Asian Cup and the U-20s final should have a look at the first post in this thread and scroll down a bit past the information that is a repeat in full of this post.

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by g » 20 Jul 2007 18:37

thx for the details, it sounds like horrible news :(

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by seahawk10 » 21 Jul 2007 01:03

May have to break down and pay for a Setanta online subscription. :-(

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by BillBrasky » 21 Jul 2007 02:25

Do you know if you get setanta broadband or setanta via ITVN is it the same games and can you record them for later?

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 21 Jul 2007 03:16

Seems that whatever Setanta US shows live is the same thing you get on Setanta Broadband, if we're talking in terms high-profile football matches of anything like Premiership timber.

I don't have that verified; strictly anecdotal, based on a cursory cross-check of the two schedules during the summer.

Of course, none of this is any help if, say, RFC are showing live on Setanta Xtra...unless it repeats, later in the day, on Setanta US and therefore Setanta Broadband --in which case you'd see it, but you wouldn't see it live.

If that makes any sense. Don't know about recording the broadband matches if that's what you're asking about, but it would only make sense if any recent matches were saved in some kind of archive for on-demand access once they went final. But of course one would have to ask them.

I still can't believe they took away our live FSC games on Monday afternoon that they repeat during prime time (in the East and Midwest, at any rate). It's a real pain in the ass for me to go to the pub, and they're closing down the eL station closest to mine for renovation at some point during the season, which means that I'll have to walk a half a mile from either of the two closest to it. A complete mess.

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by BillBrasky » 22 Jul 2007 00:26

Well that's what sucks because I am used to DVRing the Monday game while I'm at work, but if I get Setanta will I have to quit my job to watch it? :lol:

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by YankeeRoyal » 24 Jul 2007 03:12

This could be a little rough, gonna have to squint at the illegal internet viewing a little more, and cough up for the hour train ride into nyc to catch some of these matches this year- thanks for the constant updates here RCFC

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by RoyalChicagoFC » 25 Jul 2007 17:09

Right kids...

CONFIRMED: Man Utd v. Reading from 11:00 AM Eastern on Sunday 12th August, and Reading v. Chelsea from 3:00 PM Eastern on Wednesday 15th August, both to screen LIVE on FSC

No other RFC matches to screen on FSC in August, but Setanta's full schedule is not out yet (and RFC don't appear on Setanta's incomplete list, but there's reasonable hope)

There's other stuff worth watching in the coming days. Let me just post it again here as I've done in the first post of this thread (which is always the place to look for the latest, by the way):

Wednesday 25th July (all times Eastern U.S.)
6:45 PM Asian Cup semifinals repeat on Setanta (Iraq v. South Korea, followed by Japan v. Saudi Arabia)

Saturday 28th July
8:30 AM Asian Cup Third Place match Japan v. South Korea live on Setanta (repeats from 4:45 PM)
11:00 AM Premier League Classics: Arsenal v. United from 21/1/07 on FSC --pretty remarkable and worth another look
1:00 PM Milan's English-language feed of the Champions League final from 23/5/07 on FSC --LOL @ the jock commentator with the wop accent

Sunday 29th July
8:30 AM Asian Cup Final Iraq v. Saudi Arabia live on Setanta (repeats from 5:00 PM)
1:00 PM FA Archives: Everton v. United 1985 FA Cup Final on FSC

Saturday 4th August
1:30 PM FA Archives England v. Scotland from 26/5/79

Sunday 5th August
10:00 AM 2007 FA Community Shield live on FSC (repeats from 11:00 PM)

Just to try to make things appear a bit less cluttered, I'll be going with the "day planner" format for this season and see how it works, instead of cramming all of the information about one match (repeat and highlights show listings, etc.) into a single paragraph. It's all good and should be easier to read, jot down and use for planning purposes. Enjoy.

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