Sorry, but I am already pissed off with Seol

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by Alan Partridge » 13 Aug 2007 00:45

Starfish I really hope (and I trust RR would concur) that this thread comes back to haunt him this season.

I am surprised that he didn't name this thread I am officially bored of watching Seol :roll:

11 minutes. That is how long it took today for Seol to get abuse today from the Reading support.

as long as that?

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by rabidbee » 13 Aug 2007 01:05

WyW_URZ I too thought Seol would be better this season. He looked off the pace today, his booking was needless, if he had reacted quicker he wouldn't have ever needed to make the challenge.


Funny how Rooney didn't get a booking for a worse challenge on Dela earlier in the match.

Thanks for being constructive!!
He was dozing, the ball came towards him, he lost out, and lashed out a bit and commited a foul. Not saying it was a yellow card offence, just the foul was easily avoidable.

What's the point? I've already written about the positive contributions of Seol today on a different thread. It's overlooked, it was overlooked last year, it will continue to be overlooked this year, and it is clearly Seol's fault that Coppell is incapable of seeing how bad a player he is. (Ffs, blame Coppell, not Seol!)

Funny how much more involved in United attacks Wes Brown (marker: Stephen Hunt) was than Mickael Silvestre ("marker": Seol... or possibly Seal...).

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by Royal Rother » 13 Aug 2007 07:50

Starfish I really hope (and I trust RR would concur) that this thread comes back to haunt him this season. In fact, I suspect that that is his plan.

damn right.

But then again, there's another thread from a month or so back when I said I reckoned after a year of working with Coppell we might find his mental strength has been unlocked and suddenly he takes the place by storm, so I can always dig that one out!! :wink:

Fat chance of that by the looks of it.

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by Jerry St Clair » 13 Aug 2007 07:53

No doubt Seol will score a wonder goal at some point this season (a la Sheff Utd and West Ham last season) and many on here will leap upon that as evidence for his place in the starting line-up.

But having a superb game once in a blue moon is not good enough.

Time to shape up or shit out.

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by Royal Rother » 13 Aug 2007 08:00

rabidbee What's the point? I've already written about the positive contributions of Seol today on a different thread. It's overlooked, it was overlooked last year, it will continue to be overlooked this year, and it is clearly Seol's fault that Coppell is incapable of seeing how bad a player he is. (Ffs, blame Coppell, not Seol!)

Funny how much more involved in United attacks Wes Brown (marker: Stephen Hunt) was than Mickael Silvestre ("marker": Seol... or possibly Seal...).

The wide angle picture illustrates perfectly how ridiulous it is to compare Seol's contribution favourably with that of the ever energetic and selfless Hunt.

PieEater Reading park a blue and white bus in their goalmouth :D

I must have taken this pic about a split second in difference to the pic on the BBC Sport website.
You can see the BBC photographer who took that shot in my pic.

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Re: Sorry, but I am already pissed off with Seol

by Franchise FC » 13 Aug 2007 08:47

Royal Rother Before the season started I said I thought after a year of being under SC he could well come good, and it maybe a little early to give up just yet but the guy did my head in today.

I know when we were in the 3rd & 4th divisions wingers were supposed to be inconsistent, you never knew whether they were going to be up for it or not, but I'm sorry, we cannot afford to have passengers in the Premiership, and that was exactly what he was today.

He had no stomach for the fight, seemed to be operating at half the speed of movement and thought of everyone else and in short was a bloody liability. He has the skill to hold the ball, that's what he's good at, but all he wanted to do was get rid of it as quickly as possible. He was feeble at best and just seems totally out of place in a unit that is lion-hearted, disciplined and honest in their total endeavour every time they take to the pitch.

On his day he can be excellent but they are few and far between and I think he has only a few games left before Coppell's patience runs out.

Interesting - I presume Sir Steve's tactics, then, were to use Seol as a taster for what it would be like if we were ever to be reduced to 10 men at Old Trafford - oh, hold on.

Seol may not have been playing well, but as I recall, he provided more cover than Doyler, and I don't expect people to jump up and down saying Doyle should be booed.

Besides, if he was a passenger, and we can't afford passengers, then I must have missed Man Utd's winner.

As ever Sir Steve (just how is an official knighthood evading him ?) knows just what he's doing.

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by Royalwaster » 13 Aug 2007 09:03

Upper West Ginger Given that:
1) He can't run more than 10 yards with the ball before bringing play to a halt;
2) He is poor at tackling;
3) His movement off the ball is desperately slow; and
4) When faced with a defender, he tries to go round him too many times

What useful role can he play in the team?

Basically, he is a luxury. If we can leave him high up on one wing, preferably the right, then he can produce some devastating crosses, and can win us games (as he has proven in the past), but in encounters like today's he is worse than useless.

What he can do is:

beat his man and put in some beautiful reverse passes - in other words, the lad has got skill, but he doesn't have the Reading commitment of the rest of the team; he'd fit more into a continental side ... he likes to hold up the ball and look for a good cross, good pass - that seems to run counter to the English style, which is to cross and pass as fast as possible and hope for the best.

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by Royal Rother » 13 Aug 2007 09:03

Doyle was not there to provide cover, and in any case I would suggest he probably covered twice as much ground as Seol did during the game.

(Doyle did nearly cost us dear twice though - gave the ball away in midfield once that set up an attack and headed the ball straight to Evra in the penalty area...)

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Re: Sorry, but I am already pissed off with Seol

by Hoop Blah » 13 Aug 2007 09:05

Franchise FC Seol may not have been playing well, but as I recall, he provided more cover than Doyler, and I don't expect people to jump up and down saying Doyle should be booed.

You do realise that Doyle was playing upfront on his own yesterday don't you? Hi job was to try and keep the ball in their half when he had a chance to stop running himself into the ground chasing lost causes. His job was not track their fullbacks back into his own half.

You realise that Soel was playing as one of four midfielders? Can you see the difference?

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by Scarface » 13 Aug 2007 09:11

We'll get this all season as Sulky only puts the effort in when it suits him. There is abosultely no point playing him in away games like Man Utd and Liverpool etc as the bloke clearly is not interested in grafting.

The sooner we sign another winger the better.

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by londinium » 13 Aug 2007 09:25

Hunt, Harper, Gunner and any other player you care to name were also crap if you look at things like that!!

None of the midfield can be judged on their performance going forward yesterday,as we simply didnt go forward!!

If you judge thinks like that, in a game we defended for 90 minutes then Doyle was useless. He is a striker and supposed to have shots on goal and score and he did none of that!!!!

We got a great result for us and the people that should be judged in this sort of game are the defence as they are the ones that needed to deliver today and thats what they did.

The creative players should be judged in September after we have played the likes of Man U, Chelski and Everton and are playing teams more at our level like West Ham, Sunderland, Wigan and Pompey.

Please try and remember we have only been here 1 year and cannot achieve greatness overnight.

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by The 17 Bus » 13 Aug 2007 09:28

He did seem uninterested, but as has been said was given a job to do as had the rest of the team, we can either blame or praise Coppell, I doubt he wanted Seol rushing down the wing getting crosses in as there would be no one there to get on the end of them, we played a highly defensive game and got a point, how funny would it be for all the other teams to do the same now, and Man U to draw loads of matches.

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by Huntley & Palmer » 13 Aug 2007 09:31

For those jumping on the anti Seol wagon and even I admit his game yesterday was poor. Could you please let me know when Hunt ran past the halfway line with the ball at his feet?

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by Royal Rother » 13 Aug 2007 09:35

It simply beggars belief that anyone could rate Hunt's contribution similar to Seol's yesterday.

One of them was running all over the place, sprinting to chase and harry, getting back into the penalty area to crowd out Rooney, Ronaldo and Giggs whenever they got a sniff, to be polite about it, the other one didn't.

The less gifted one cares passionately and gives his every ounce of energy every time he dons the RFC shirt, the other one drifts in and out and rarely raises a sprint for any more than a few yards, then invariably stops to a walk.

If we could merge the 2 we'd have a great player.

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by Barry the bird boggler » 13 Aug 2007 09:36

:roll: :roll: and double :roll:

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by leon » 13 Aug 2007 09:37

Royal Rother
rabidbee What's the point? I've already written about the positive contributions of Seol today on a different thread. It's overlooked, it was overlooked last year, it will continue to be overlooked this year, and it is clearly Seol's fault that Coppell is incapable of seeing how bad a player he is. (Ffs, blame Coppell, not Seol!)

Funny how much more involved in United attacks Wes Brown (marker: Stephen Hunt) was than Mickael Silvestre ("marker": Seol... or possibly Seal...).

The wide angle picture illustrates perfectly how ridiulous it is to compare Seol's contribution favourably with that of the ever energetic and selfless Hunt.

PieEater Reading park a blue and white bus in their goalmouth :D

I must have taken this pic about a split second in difference to the pic on the BBC Sport website.
You can see the BBC photographer who took that shot in my pic.

errmm no not really.

What that says to me is that Seol was the man supporting Doyle ready to receive the out ball from defence. The idea being that when we cleared our lines we would hit Seol (most probably a longish ball at that afterall he is 6.3 or something )

No point in having everyone bar Doyle behind the ball.

But then I suspect you know that already.

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by Royal Lady » 13 Aug 2007 09:42

Everyone always seems to go on about Hunt running around a lot. Yes he does, but the end result isn't normally much worth talking about. Seol can have fantastic moments and do some brilliant moves - and Coppell keeps faith with him because of that I think.

Knocking one of your own players on the first game of a season, where we picked up a point that certainly I didn't expect, is pretty sad if you ask me.

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by Huntley & Palmer » 13 Aug 2007 09:43

Royal Rother It simply beggars belief that anyone could rate Hunt's contribution similar to Seol's yesterday.

One of them was running all over the place, sprinting to chase and harry, getting back into the penalty area to crowd out Rooney, Ronaldo and Giggs whenever they got a sniff, to be polite about it, the other one didn't.

The less gifted one cares passionately and gives his every ounce of energy every time he dons the RFC shirt, the other one drifts in and out and rarely raises a sprint for any more than a few yards, then invariably stops to a walk.

If we could merge the 2 we'd have a great player.

But Seol did provide the crosses in the game when we did enter the Utd half in the first 20 minutes, where as Hunt didn't even beat Brown once from my recollection. They are two completely different types of player, so to slate one for not doing any defending and congratulate a left winger on doing nothing else other than defend is a bit blinkered in my view

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by Seol Man » 13 Aug 2007 09:44

All I want to say is, it's a bloody good job Steve Coppell's manager of Reading Football Club and not some of the idiots who post here.

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by International Royal » 13 Aug 2007 09:45

Seol was extremely poor yesterday. I am not a fan but was really hopeful of seeing a change, anything would do, improvement in just one facet of his game. I said 12 months ago that he was not a Reading type player, he is a luxury. Luxury players can be a good thing and allowances can be made. They maybe don't graft like the others, drift in and out of games but they can produce game winning brilliance on a fairly regular basis.

It drives me mad when some people say we don't play to his strengths, basically he isn't good enough to build a team around. The same argument will be going on in 12 months if he is still here.

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