Reading fans and their booing during the game

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by Platypuss » 20 Aug 2007 10:45

Stranded Booing of teams not kicking the ball out when a player is injured isn't a Reading centric thing, it happens at a lot of games. Most fans are idiots and don't know the rule change has occured.

I'm sure plenty of clubs do boo most games but we see Reading more so notice it more. Still a bit weird at times, esp at people like Johnson so love it and love scoring against us (bar the width of the post, would have had 9 in 9 againt us).

Still I'd rather have that than be booing our own side off.

what does it matter?!! a good sportsman would always kick the ball out of play when someone is injured no matter what rule there is, shame you dont get many of those in this day and age! its a disgrace.

However, it's also a shame there are plenty who will feign injury in order to get a break in play.

The kicking the ball out of play whenever a player gets a knock thing is a comparatively recent phenomenon anyway. I much prefer the keep playing unless it's serious way.

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by Tinrib » 20 Aug 2007 10:53

IIRC, the Johnson booing comes from the away match at Palace (1-1) a few years ago where Johnson was falling over all over the place looking for free kicks & penaltys, and when he eventually scored , (from a correctly awarded penalty I may add) came over to the Reading fans and gave it large.

Needless to say Harps scored 2 minutes later.

Last edited by Tinrib on 20 Aug 2007 10:56, edited 1 time in total.

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by susieroyal » 20 Aug 2007 10:55

If we boo every player that in the past has done something pretty stupid and twat like, we will be booing a lot of players!

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by AF1 » 20 Aug 2007 10:59

The Goat was fed LOL love it. Next time someone shows disgruntlement at another poor decision from a "qualified" ref I will remind them that we are still in the running for the fair play award and such behaviour is not helping our push.

And don't forget to tell a stweard and have them thrown out if they happen to swear.

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by Royal Rother » 20 Aug 2007 11:09

susieroyal If we boo every player that in the past has done something pretty stupid and twat like, we will be booing a lot of players!
And even more Nobbers.

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by Minesapint » 20 Aug 2007 11:09

The Goat was fed c) It's all panto.


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by Gatecrasher » 20 Aug 2007 11:13

yeah I’ve never heard any away fans goad us, never heard them chant “your support is fcuking sh1tâ€

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by mini _dariusz » 20 Aug 2007 11:15

Made the point about Andy Johnson in another thread that seems to have disappeared for some reason. :?

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by Trigger » 20 Aug 2007 11:16

Sharpy what does it matter?!! a good sportsman would always kick the ball out of play when someone is injured no matter what rule there is, shame you dont get many of those in this day and age! its a disgrace.

Not when said injured player has run to the halfway line before going down.

Last weekend Benni McCarthy managed to get to the halfway line after a collision and then collapsed unconscious. The trouble with asking the ref to determine whether a player on the ground is 'seriously injured' is that referees just aren't qualified to do that, particularly is they never stop and actually check the player in question. OK Oster wasn't seriously hurt but why did the FA feel the need to change an accepted sporting practice that actually demonstrated one of the last few elements of fair play left in the game?

I appreciate that players often lie on the ground to waste time near the end of a match but the ref is within his rights to add the time on to the end of the game, and/or to reprimand any player he feels is feigning injury.

And complaining about fans that boo the opposition is like complaining that night follows day.

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by SpaceCruiser » 20 Aug 2007 11:19

[quote="Gatecrasher"]never heard them chant “you’ve never one fcuk allâ€

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by Stranded » 20 Aug 2007 11:22

The game will be stopped immediately in the vast majority of occassions where a head injury occurs, regardless of how serious it looks. The McCarthy one is thankfully in the minority.

The FA felt the need to change the emphasis of the practice because it was becoming abused. Players were simply feigning injuries in order to disrupt play.

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by Mr Angry » 20 Aug 2007 11:26

Speaking of the Oster incident, why was everybody getting upset about it??

Coppell has said on more than one occasion that he is in favour of playing on until the ref stops play as far too many teams used it as an excuse to break up opposition play be feigning injury (Southampton away comes to mind a couple of seasons ago).

Its hypocritical to demand that opponents kick it out if one of our players gets injured when we don't for one of theirs.

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by Hoop Blah » 20 Aug 2007 11:26

Stranded The FA felt the need to change the emphasis of the practice because it was becoming abused. Players were simply feigning injuries in order to disrupt play.

Which of course used to happen all the time 20 years ago and so isn't really a new thing though.

Keith Curle had a nasty habit of getting injured whenever we scored back in the mid '80's.

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by Stranded » 20 Aug 2007 11:33

No it's not a new thing but if a change of emphasis stops players doing it then great.

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by loyalroyal4life » 20 Aug 2007 11:41

well if u play with fire you will get burnt!!

Johnson did that when after he scored against us for palace 2 seasons ago he just had to come right up to our away fans to rub it in with a gesture!!

similar to the reaction cureton gave when we played bristol rovers at the mad stad which got him into trouble with the FA = RIDICULOUS

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by biscuitsrus » 20 Aug 2007 11:41

londinium I never boo any of our players as it is pointless

I always boo Johnson because he is an ugly, diving sh*t faced c*nter who normally scores against us.

Not this time though you horrid little man.

"I always boo Johnson because he is an ugly, diving sh*t faced c*nter who normally scores against us."

Words of reason :lol:

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by Franchise FC » 20 Aug 2007 11:43

londinium I never boo any of our players as it is pointless

I always boo Johnson because he is an ugly, diving sh*t faced c*nter who normally scores against us.

Not this time though you horrid little man.

"I always boo Johnson because he is an ugly, diving sh*t faced c*nter who normally scores against us."

Words of reason :lol:

But a particularly good reason to boo him. :wink:

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by Man Friday » 20 Aug 2007 12:16

Agree with every point made by "The Goat was Fed" on this topic. I'm going to join in the booing of Huntley and Palmer who as "The Moderator" is guilty of society's worst crime - hippocracy. Twice in recent months he has locked a post that I have started because of its perceived irrelevance (re having a moan about Cheatski) and yet he doesn't apply the same standards of moderation to himself. If ever a thread was guilty of repetition, it's this one. Look at yourself H&P before you exercise your unrestrained power to limit others' discussions.

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by Don Finch » 20 Aug 2007 12:18

[quote="SpaceCruiser"][quote="Gatecrasher"]never heard them chant “you’ve never one fcuk allâ€

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by SpaceCruiser » 20 Aug 2007 12:21

[quote="Don Finch"][quote="SpaceCruiser"][quote="Gatecrasher"]never heard them chant “you’ve never one fcuk allâ€

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