Lita in NOTW

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 14:31

2 world wars, 1 world cup I for one still don't care what he does outside the club.

I think maybe its you that doesn't understand. What he does off the field is very relevant. It just is. Hence, this was a story and the NOTW published it. Cos they know people do care and will read it. If it wasn't relevant, people wouldn't be asking Murty about it.

If you don't care, thats fine. Although, you must care to some degree because you are posting about it. So must others because this thread is 15 pages long.

You're saying if this was John Terry, you wouldn't care, it would be private, and you wouldn't have an interest or an opinion?

You're saying if Lita gets into yet another nightclub altercation in Bristol tomorrow night, its not relevant because its off the field and outside the club?

Well, I got news for you. Leroy Lita represents this club both on the field and off it. Go ask the management.

And we're not just talking about an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of behavior, a series of events.

Mothers, daughters, etc, will read this and be troubled by it. You must know that. Its just not good form. It creates bad PR for the club. Maybe you or I don't think it should be that way, but its not about how we would want things to be, its about how they actually are.

The media scrutiny on the likes of Lita, Freddy Flintoff or John Terrry might not be how you think things should be, but thats the way it is, and most likely always will be. I didn't make up the rules, its just the way it is and players know that going in, so to speak :wink:

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by Royal Rother » 26 Sep 2007 15:27

Royal Rother
Uke Ignoring the arguments about the sex, if Leroy is sued, loses and maybe even gets a custodial sentence based on his 'previous'. How many of you wuld still have the 'It doesn't matter' stance as we pay his wages.


You're just making yourself look stupid now.

Not as stupid as you are for taking him seriously!! :lol:

Not as stupid as you are for saying that you were "officially bored of Leroy Lita"! :lol:


And well said Denver Royal.

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by Yorkshire Royal » 26 Sep 2007 15:32

Oh just fuck off.. you are all gayers... he shagged a bird and filmed it... GET OVER IT.... FFS it's not like he shot a kid, or abducted a 4 year old..

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 15:37

Yep, boobs and beer, right? Lets hear it for the lads! :roll:

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by brendywendy » 26 Sep 2007 15:40

Denver Royal
2 world wars, 1 world cup I for one still don't care what he does outside the club.

I think maybe its you that doesn't understand. What he does off the field is very relevant. It just is. Hence, this was a story and the NOTW published it. -The NOTW wil lpublish anything no matter how flimsy, and we shouldnt be padering to the lowest common denominator-ie those that buy the NOTW
Cos they know people do care and will read it. If it wasn't relevant, people wouldn't be asking Murty about it.
-or they could just think it was slightly amusing, and question worthy, whilst still not really caring what the lad does.

If you don't care, thats fine. Although, you must care to some degree because you are posting about it. So must others because this thread is 15 pages long.
-i care that you care

You're saying if this was John Terry, you wouldn't care, it would be private, and you wouldn't have an interest or an opinion?id be mildly interested, but care? no, not one jot-some good newspaper tittle tattle thats all
You're saying if Lita gets into yet another nightclub altercation in Bristol tomorrow night, its not relevant because its off the field and outside the club? -no becuase being arrested for GBH is totally different to consentual sex between two adults, even if filming it.
Well, I got news for you. Leroy Lita represents this club both on the field and off it. Go ask the management.
-copps comments seem to show that while its mildly irritating that lita is in the papers again, hes not that bothered and is treating it with a slight grin, rather than the hairdryer-actually, we are all grown ups, and he will get more stick from his own teammates about it than in any paper.
a small fine maybe...thats all it warrants

And we're not just talking about an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of behavior, a series of events.-if hed got into another fight in bristol id agree with you.
Mothers, daughters, etc, will read this and be troubled by it. You must know that. Its just not good form. It creates bad PR for the club. Maybe you or I don't think it should be that way, but its not about how we would want things to be, its about how they actually are.
-anyone who has met or even sen leroy, knows he is a rude-boy, not sure where any surprise comes from-he drives a hummer, and shaves stripes in his eyebrows for god sake, and have you seen how he walks?
The media scrutiny on the likes of Lita, Freddy Flintoff or John Terrry might not be how you think things should be, but thats the way it is, and most likely always will be. I didn't make up the rules, its just the way it is and players know that going in, so to speak :wink:
-papers report anything-when they do, people read it, maybe even form an opinion, but anyone actualy caring to th eextent that they would change their behaviour is mental.

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by SpaceCruiser » 26 Sep 2007 15:40

Oh for fvcks sake, fvcking shut up you nancy boy.

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by brendywendy » 26 Sep 2007 15:56

Denver Royal
2 world wars, 1 world cup I for one still don't care what he does outside the club.

I think maybe its you that doesn't understand. What he does off the field is very relevant. It just is. Hence, this was a story and the NOTW published it. -The NOTW will publish anything no matter how flimsy, and we shouldnt be pandering to the lowest common denominator-ie those that buy the NOTW
Cos they know people do care and will read it. If it wasn't relevant, people wouldn't be asking Murty about it.
-or they could just think it was slightly amusing, and question worthy, whilst still not really caring what the lad does.

If you don't care, thats fine. Although, you must care to some degree because you are posting about it. So must others because this thread is 15 pages long.
-i care that you care

You're saying if this was John Terry, you wouldn't care, it would be private, and you wouldn't have an interest or an opinion?id be mildly interested, but care? no, not one jot-some good newspaper tittle tattle thats all
You're saying if Lita gets into yet another nightclub altercation in Bristol tomorrow night, its not relevant because its off the field and outside the club? -no becuase being arrested for GBH is totally different to consentual sex between two adults, even if filming it.
Well, I got news for you. Leroy Lita represents this club both on the field and off it. Go ask the management.
-copps comments seem to show that while its mildly irritating that lita is in the papers again, hes not that bothered and is treating it with a slight grin, rather than the hairdryer-actually, we are all grown ups, and he will get more stick from his own teammates about it than in any paper.
a small fine maybe...thats all it warrants

And we're not just talking about an isolated incident, but rather a pattern of behavior, a series of events.-if hed got into another fight in bristol id agree with you.
Mothers, daughters, etc, will read this and be troubled by it. You must know that. Its just not good form. It creates bad PR for the club. Maybe you or I don't think it should be that way, but its not about how we would want things to be, its about how they actually are.
-anyone who has met or even seen leroy, knows he is a rude-boy, not sure where any surprise comes from-he drives a hummer, and shaves stripes in his eyebrows for god sake, and have you seen how he walks?
The media scrutiny on the likes of Lita, Freddy Flintoff or John Terrry might not be how you think things should be, but thats the way it is, and most likely always will be. I didn't make up the rules, its just the way it is and players know that going in, so to speak :wink:
-papers report anything-when they do, people read it, maybe even form an opinion, but anyone actually caring to the extent that they would change their behaviour is mental.

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by Royal Rother » 26 Sep 2007 15:56

Classic! :lol: Your new friends will dump you soon enough Spacey!!

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by Riseley » 26 Sep 2007 15:58

Spacey-I believe your moral benchmark is lower than a sausage dog's undercarriage.

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by SpaceCruiser » 26 Sep 2007 16:01

It was in response to Denver Royal, not brendywendy or YR. You're a nancy boy too, RR.

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by Royal Rother » 26 Sep 2007 16:05

SpaceCruiser It was in response to Denver Royal, not brendywendy or YR. You're a nancy boy too, RR.

I was aware of that. I am intelligent.

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 16:05

brendywendy Anyone knows he is a rude-boy, not sure where any surprise comes from

I don't think anyone is surprised, are they?

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by SpaceCruiser » 26 Sep 2007 16:06

Royal Rother
SpaceCruiser It was in response to Denver Royal, not brendywendy or YR. You're a nancy boy too, RR.

I was aware of that. I am intelligent.

Really? Didn't seem like it.

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 16:08

SpaceCruiser It was in response to Denver Royal, not brendywendy or YR. You're a nancy boy too, RR.

Fourty thousand posts - including several on this thread compared to my one - and you're telling me to shut the feck up? LOL.

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by SpaceCruiser » 26 Sep 2007 16:11

Is that the best you can do, compare post counts?

This thread became boring the moment you and all your ilk got on your high horses. I promise that this is the last ever post (bar one) I will make on this thread and leave you to froth at the mouths in your moralistic rages.
Last edited by SpaceCruiser on 26 Sep 2007 16:49, edited 1 time in total.

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 16:13

Hooray for Lita! He got his end away. Good for him.

May I continue to post now Spacey?

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by SpaceCruiser » 26 Sep 2007 16:14

About anything else other than getting rid of Lita, yes you can.

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by Denver Royal » 26 Sep 2007 16:18

Never said get rid, but thanks anyway.

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by Franchise FC » 26 Sep 2007 16:18

Uke Ignoring the arguments about the sex, if Leroy is sued, loses and maybe even gets a custodial sentence based on his 'previous'. How many of you wuld still have the 'It doesn't matter' stance as we pay his wages.

Sorry - not been keeping up !!
And, er..... you can't get canned as a result of a civil suit.

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by Russell Street » 26 Sep 2007 16:23

SpaceCruiser Is that the best you can do, compare post counts?

This thread became boring the moment you and all your ilk got on your high horses. I promise that this is the last ever post I will make on this thread and leave you to froth at the mouths in your moralistic rages.

Followed by?

SpaceCruiser About anything else other than getting rid of Lita, yes you can.


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