The Over-reaction Thread

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by SpaceCruiser » 06 Sep 2007 15:29

What the feck is dillusional?

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by Stranded » 06 Sep 2007 15:31

RG30 Marcus is being dillusional if he thinks it's been a fine week, it hasn't. No club wants to go into an International break on the back of a defeat, especially the defeat we had against West Ham when we were 2nd best for most of the match.

Where does he say it's been a fine week?

If anything he is showing exactly the right mentality, yes we lost two games but they're gone now so draw a line under them and move on.

It's the mentality that has seen us through the last two seasons with success so why it should change now I really have no idea.

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by tenshi » 06 Sep 2007 15:35

RG30 Marcus is being dillusional if he thinks it's been a fine week, it hasn't. No club wants to go into an International break on the back of a defeat, especially the defeat we had against West Ham when we were 2nd best for most of the match.

Yes, come on Marcus. Use the local rag to tell the world about how the squad is riven with in-fighting and dissention after the last two disappointments. That's the way forward.

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by rg6royal » 06 Sep 2007 15:36

RG30 Marcus is being dillusional if he thinks it's been a fine week, it hasn't. No club wants to go into an International break on the back of a defeat, especially the defeat we had against West Ham when we were 2nd best for most of the match.

Where does he say it's been a fine week?

If anything he is showing exactly the right mentality, yes we lost two games but they're gone now so draw a line under them and move on.

It's the mentality that has seen us through the last two seasons with success so why it should change now I really have no idea.

good post

we were bound to lose a couple of games in a row this season and just because it has happened everyone is saying how awful we are !

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by 79Royal » 06 Sep 2007 15:41

Try looking at it this way, last season from the corresponding fixtures, we won 6 points. This season, we won 4. Only two points difference.

We shouldn't have been allowed back in the game at Bolton last season and though we fought really well, we should probably have been held to a draw there. We were fairly lucky to come away with all three points.

Bolton this year you can write off, we had 8 players out or something like that. West Ham was a poor performance all round, but we had poor performances last season as well at Portsmouth and Wigan away, at home to Everton, second half of the Blackburn, Newcastle and Watford games.

And we've only lost Sidwell and SKH, who frankly didn't turn up for 50% of the season. We've replaced Sidders with Cissé and Fae and we've signed a good young right back in Rosenior. Granted Little and Oster are out, but Little spent a fair amount of time on the sidelines last season as well.

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by floyd__streete » 06 Sep 2007 17:20

I somehow suspect that this thread will run and run this season.

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by tenshi » 06 Sep 2007 17:25

Well, at least the fans are doing the overreacting here rather than picking on a player on the pitch and booing him. That wouldn't be constructive at all. What? Ah....

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by Royal Rother » 06 Sep 2007 17:27

And doubtless the views will soon be swinging the other way...

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by Alan Partridge » 06 Sep 2007 17:32

Royal Rother And doubtless the views will soon be swinging the other way...

Hope so.

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by Gus the teenage cow » 06 Sep 2007 18:17

After two 3-0 defeats to average opposition I would be worried if there wasn't a reaction

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by tenshi » 06 Sep 2007 18:20

Gus the teenage cow After two 3-0 defeats to average opposition I would be worried if there wasn't a reaction

So I take it you're not worried then? Marvellous news.

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by Gus the teenage cow » 06 Sep 2007 18:24

So I take it you're not worried then? Marvellous news

i am not worried yet but i am slightly concerned....what i am saying is the negative reaction is not necessarily a bad thing, it's a good sign, that we expect more from the team now so rant on raucously reading revellers

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by andrew1957 » 06 Sep 2007 18:29

In the last 3 seasons 7 points after 10 games has been enough to keep a team out of the relegation zone.

Putting things into perspective, therefore, one win in the next 5 will most likely mean that we are not in the bottom 3. 2 wins out of 5 will put us just below half way and three wins out of 5 (not impossible if we beat Sunderland, Wigan and Derby even if we get nothing at Pompey and Blackburn) would most likely put us in the top 10 - with the same number of points as we had after 10 games last year (13 that is).

If we lose to Sunderland and fail to beat Wigan and Derby then I can understand the panic - but in the meantime get behind the boys and I am sure that after 10 games we will be fine.

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by RoyalBlue » 06 Sep 2007 18:31

Denver Royal
Gordons Cumming We are now clear elegation candidates. :roll:

We're in the bottom 3, having played a game more, and we've lost our last two games 3-0 to average/poor sides. You don't think that makes us candidates?

We did it on a shoestring last season in the Premiership, and we're hoping lightning strikes twice.

Anyone still think Gunnar is better than Sids? LOL...

Nothing like credit where it's due, we were anything but average today we put you to the sword, the score flattered you, your managers words not mine.

Had you done better at converting your chances it would have confirmed an almost complete reversal of 1 January 2007. On Saturday WHU played nearly as well as we did back in that game whilst Reading were almost as poor and shambolic as WHU were at the turn of the year.

That should sound a few warning bells. Yes, WHU managed to survive (just) but we haven't got the benefit of a world class, albeit unlawfully signed, player to help us.

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by floyd__streete » 29 Sep 2007 19:00

Are we allowed to over-react yet? :lol:

RoyaLOL Rother

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by Royalwaster » 29 Sep 2007 19:02

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH we're gettttttttttttttttinggggg thrassssssheeeeeeddddd! Sack the board, sack the manager, sack the fans!


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by floyd__streete » 03 Nov 2007 21:36

Over defence have conceded an average of 4.67 goals in each of our last 3 away trips. Great work lads!

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by AthleticoSpizz » 03 Nov 2007 22:06

floyd__streete Over defence have conceded an average of 4.67 goals in each of our last 3 away trips. Great work lads!
Our defence

our away goal scoring equates to 7 in 3 too

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by Alan Partridge » 03 Nov 2007 22:09

floyd__streete Over defence have conceded an average of 4.67 goals in each of our last 3 away trips. Great work lads!
Our defence

our away goal scoring equates to 7 in 3 too

No points


No Fanks.

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by AthleticoSpizz » 03 Nov 2007 22:13

Alan Partridge
floyd__streete Over defence have conceded an average of 4.67 goals in each of our last 3 away trips. Great work lads!
Our defence

our away goal scoring equates to 7 in 3 too

No points


No Fanks.

we have had it worse tho'

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