Today's back from the game over-reaction thread.

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by AthleticoSpizz » 01 Dec 2007 23:43

Row Z Royal Just watching MOTD and Hahnemann called Sonko a "f*cking idiot" repeatedly.

and rightly so

Sonks isn't quite the god that he once'll come...hopefully

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by John Madejski's Wallet » 01 Dec 2007 23:46

Aside from the misunderstanding with Sonko (who had a f*cking nightmare), exactly what did Marcus do wrong today?? He's had some poor games but this wasn't one of them (aside from the sh*te kicking obviously!)

After the pushed away the first of those two saves in the first half, the people around me were going spastic about him. Very, very harsh if you ask me.

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by Row Z Royal » 01 Dec 2007 23:49

John Madejski's Wallet Aside from the misunderstanding with Sonko (who had a f*cking nightmare), exactly what did Marcus do wrong today?? He's had some poor games but this wasn't one of them (aside from the sh*te kicking obviously!)

After the pushed away the first of those two saves in the first half, the people around me were going spastic about him. Very, very harsh if you ask me.

Nothing wrong with that statement. I repeat my sentiments in support of Marcus as our No. 1.

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by AthleticoSpizz » 01 Dec 2007 23:51

John Madejski's Wallet Aside from the misunderstanding with Sonko (who had a f*cking nightmare), exactly what did Marcus do wrong today?? He's had some poor games but this wasn't one of them (aside from the sh*te kicking obviously!)

After the pushed away the first of those two saves in the first half, the people around me were going spastic about him. Very, very harsh if you ask me.
pack hound mentallity

Some of the Reading fans/posters/plastics are not worthy of this squad

Two or three dickheads find a player to slag off....................and it spreads like cancer amongst the kids sat amongst them.

Marcus aint black....but he is getting unjustified critisism today

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by Berry » 01 Dec 2007 23:51

I think the "Over Reaction" Thread kind of sums up many people on here.
The team needs over hauling, Yes. Lets wait and see staff changes, fair play to Coppell for showing loyalty to the team that ripped up the Championship and nearly qualified for Europe. Loyalty is a rare word in Football.
Christ if you had said to me four years ago we would be in the Prem and dissapointed about losing 2 points to a UEFA cup finalist, I would of laughed and laughed.
Get a Grip All, Back The Boyz you know the rest.....

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by Row Z Royal » 01 Dec 2007 23:56

Berry the "Over Reaction" Thread

Semi (only semi) ironic.

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by Tinrib » 02 Dec 2007 00:00

Rev Algenon Stickleback H
Tinrib We simply lack any semblance of class across the midfield.

Its not the players fault, - they're just not good enough. .

"good enough" for what though?

To expect to be mid-table? Clearly not.
To expect to stay up? Most of them are.

The idea that the whole team are really just championship standard is daft. A championship standard team wouldn't have achieved what we have over the last two seasons. You can't fluke it for two years.

The problem, as one or two have mentioned, is that the midfield is failing completely, starving the strikers of chances and leaving the defence exposed.

We do miss Sidwell, but we also really miss Little, and also the Hunt of last season. Harper isn't really doing all that much different to what he's ever done. The difference is that Harper no longer has a tackler alongside him, and his usual ability to instigate attacks by giving the ball quickly to those that do the damage looks much less useful when there aren't the players there doing the damage.

There were actually a few moments in the first half when we started passing the ball about more like last season when we went forward, but sadly only in the middle third rather than the last one. If we can pick up a couple of good midfielders in January, assuming that Cisse and Fae are written off, then thing could look very different. If we don't, then we are no better than 50/50 to stay up.

We'll see in January if the manager thinks if they're 'good enough' .

I'd hazard a guess that we'll have a new look central midfield pairing in the new year, and a new right winger.

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by Jeffers217 » 02 Dec 2007 00:54

Tbh the only reason we are 12th is because there are so many shite teams below us. However I can see us overtaken in a few weeks. The passion is just not there anymore apart from the Ginger lad up front

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by AthleticoSpizz » 02 Dec 2007 01:06

Jeffers217 Tbh the only reason we are 12th is because there are so many shite teams below us. However I can see us overtaken in a few weeks. The passion is just not there anymore apart from the Ginger lad up front
so many shite teams below us


don't delude yourself Jeffers217

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by Darren Caskey's Dietician » 02 Dec 2007 01:50

I love these threads. There have been some absolutely brilliant posts, but the majority are shite, written by dribbling idiots in the heat of the moment.

Today, we were shocking. There wasn't much going on anywhere in the team, with the exception of Kitson, who again was the man who made a lot happen.

This season was always going to be a struggle - that was evident from the tail end of last season. We do have a team that is beginning to creak, and losing Sidwell has only made matters worse. On the few times I've seen Cisse, there is evidence there to suggest he could replace him, but through red and injury, we havent seen enough to juge effectively. Both he and Fae need time to settle, learn the game, and the language. As harps said in todays program (based on a lot I've read here lately, I'm guessing not many people bother reading the player interviews anymore), playing alongside someone who can't communicate is a nightmare. I honestly hope that one of the two is our answer...... But don't expect to see it until next season. We need an answer for this season - if not Cisse ofr Fae, I want to see Bikey put in the middle.

And before anyone says something stupid like "what a lot of good that did us today", the reason it did no good was because Coppell messed up by putting Bryn (who is a geat 20 min player, not a starting line up player) on the wing..... Outrageous! Did anyone notice Bikey's closing down, and his 2 or 3 GREAT passes over the defence to the wing? That is what we need more of. He will also fill Harpers role of sitting back last season, and give harps a chance to break more as sidders did last year - a dynamic Harper and Bryn haven't developed.

People keep casting their eyes back to the championship..... I dont understand why. In the championship, we had a team who couldn't lose..... Because they had so much space to explot. That space isn't there now, and the result is what we see reguarly - we don't get through the middle anywhere near as often, which limits our ability to attack the centre.

Second to that, in the Championship, we had a very different style. We were all about overlapping, skillful runs down the wing which the opposition couldn't deal with. A lot of that came from Murty and Little's natural understanding of each others game, and Little's excellent runs, coupled with Convey's, meaning we were hammering teams from both wings and the middle.

This year, that wing play is virtually non existant, and the right flank in particular has been a real problem. I think we have a long term solution for the right - Rosenior at right back, Henry right wing..... But, I dont think that is the solution now.... We need a short term fix on the right wing, and get Convey/Hunt to start playing as well as we know they can.

I think we also need one defender just to shore the back up a bit. There are times where I really wonder what the hell is going on back there. No one is talking, and we are exposed all accross it. Murty tries to keep shape, but we really need a centre back who can command the line, and we dont have that at the moment.

Finally, is Hahneman. I saw someone earlier mention how he made a couple of great saves - he did. But a lot of the work he was making for himself, because in the last 18 months, he has lost all ability to hold the ball.. He slaps/punches/parries it away, and we are now having to deal with a lot of follow up shots. At this level, we will, and are, getting punished for it.

I would like to see us get a new keeper. Marcus has another year in him as backup, but I dont think he can remain number one much longer. If the club believe Stack isn't the answer, lets move him on permanently, bring in a new #1, and the get Federici out on loan for some experience.

Thats my two cents...... I suspect it was, as normal, too long for most of you to bother reading, so as normal, feel free to ignore it, and continue the mindless team bashing.

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by Dirk Gently » 02 Dec 2007 02:08

Darren Caskey's Dietician ......
Thats my two cents...... I suspect it was, as normal, too long for most of you to bother reading, so as normal, feel free to ignore it, and continue the mindless team bashing.

And worth considerably more than two cents, if you ask me. What you say is perfectly reasonable and well-observed (unlike many posts on this thread!) and it all makes perfect sense to me.

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by paddyaze » 02 Dec 2007 03:04

I will put 2+2 together

Sonko self confessed he wants to play for Senegal in the African Nations cup this winter.

Sonko dilly dallied on the ball in the 1st half which narly caused us a problem.

POINT I feel Sonks was trying too hard today to get himself noticed & he failed miserably.


The spat with USA should see both of them out of the squad on Saturday. I have never seen anything like it in my 20 odd years supporting this club.

Coppels claims of players being passionate blah blah are the worst I have heard from one of the most highly respected & intelligent guy's in football who seems to be at breaking point with his squad.

I believe this disrupted the team on the whole today & lead to lack of concentration on the pitch the same way it changed it for me in the stand.

Feddi & Doobs vs. The Pool on Sat please.

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by Royal Spangle » 02 Dec 2007 07:53

Marcus spent most of the game glued to his goal line :evil:
Time for a change. FACT

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by Bristol Paul » 02 Dec 2007 08:37

Excellent post DCD. I agree with everything you say, and you get a plus for not mentioning "plastics" unlike most of the school kid dross posts on here.

Just to add though, we knew all of this is the summer, and although I think Coppell is 100% the right manager for us, he really should have spotted this and pulled in some more faces in the summer.

His usual line of rewarding the players who have performed is cr*p. Everyone moves on, as in life. If you stay the same, you go backwards, and playing Gunnar and Harper in midfield ain't the answer and never has been.

I also have to question Coppells transfers, how come we manage to spend record amounts every time on players who get nowhere near the first team? Doesn't take a genius to work out that whoever decides on these players keeps getting it wrong.

Its going to be close this season, regardless of who we do or don't sign in January - but I still think we just have a enough in the tank to keep our heads above water, mainly because there are some awful teams around us too.

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by The 17 Bus » 02 Dec 2007 09:06

This is how bad the bottom half of the table is on current form, no one has managed more than a point agame, or more than one win in 6.

Tottenham 1 0 1 5 2 0 3 1 5 7 6
Bolton 1 2 1 2 2 0 1 1 1 3 6
Fulham 1 2 1 5 5 0 1 1 1 3 6
Sunderland 1 2 0 3 2 0 0 3 2 11 5
Reading 1 1 1 4 5 0 0 3 4 9 4
Newcastle 1 0 2 4 8 0 1 2 3 6 4
Birmingham 1 0 2 4 6 0 0 3 2 6 3
Middlesbrough 0 1 2 1 6 0 2 1 2 5 3
Wigan 0 1 2 1 5 0 0 3 2 9 1
Derby 0 0 3 0 9 0 1 2 0 3 1

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by RoyalBlue » 02 Dec 2007 09:07

Berry I think the "Over Reaction" Thread kind of sums up many people on here.
The team needs over hauling, Yes. Lets wait and see staff changes, fair play to Coppell for showing loyalty to the team that ripped up the Championship and nearly qualified for Europe. Loyalty is a rare word in Football.
Christ if you had said to me four years ago we would be in the Prem and dissapointed about losing 2 points to a UEFA cup finalist, I would of laughed and laughed.
Get a Grip All, Back The Boyz you know the rest.....

The RTGs are still working in some cases then.

Get real, our performances of late have been absolutely shyte. Wait for staff changes?

Even if the club do break the habit of a lifetime and manage to make three of four quality signings (and that's the absolute minimum we need) when the window opens, we'll no doubt be treated to the 'new players need time to bed in' line whilst we continue to drop points left, right and centre.

It really pees me off to see the club throw away in such an abject manner everything they have achieved a couple of years ago.

John Madejski's Wallet Aside from the misunderstanding with Sonko (who had a f*cking nightmare), exactly what did Marcus do wrong today?? He's had some poor games but this wasn't one of them (aside from the sh*te kicking obviously!)

After the pushed away the first of those two saves in the first half, the people around me were going spastic about him. Very, very harsh if you ask me.

I'll bet that Bibbo has picked him up on that first 'save' - committed the cardinal sin, weakly pushing it back into the danger area,

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by HereWeCome » 02 Dec 2007 09:13

If anyone listened to Coppell's interview on BBC Berks after the game, he mentioned that at the moment he will keep playing the same starting 11 until someone proves during training that they deserve a place in the starting line up, he stated that no-one had stepped up and could warrant a place over the existing 11 and that the team virtually picks itself. Also mentioned that just because the team are losing games, that doesn't automatically mean players need changing!!!!!!

So, despite what we all think, its pretty likely that the same 11 will start against Liverpool next week.

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by RoyalBlue » 02 Dec 2007 09:16

HereWeCome If anyone listened to Coppell's interview on BBC Berks after the game, he mentioned that at the moment he will keep playing the same starting 11 until someone proves during training that they deserve a place in the starting line up, he stated that no-one had stepped up and could warrant a place over the existing 11 and that the team virtually picks itself. Also mentioned that just because the team are losing games, that doesn't automatically mean players need changing!!!!!!

So, despite what we all think, its pretty likely that the same 11 will start against Liverpool next week.

Fingers crossed for that salmonella I wished on their Xmas party then! :wink:

Maybe a short illness would force a few changes and show whether those currently not in the team really can't do any better.

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by Bristol Paul » 02 Dec 2007 09:19

How he can base it all on how they perform in training is byond me. Training isn't the real thing, if the midfield isn't working and we are losing regularly, then if you change it and still lose, at least you have tried. If you don't try other players in a game situation, over the whole 90 mins then you're asking for trouble.

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by PieEater » 02 Dec 2007 09:36

I can't see what choice Coppell has other than start the same team, if he really thinks the alternatives aren't any better.

I also don't think people should expect too much in the transfer window, we may sign a couple of players but the majority of the team we need to keep us up is already here, and they need to start playing like they want to stay up. I'm struggling to remember one good performance this season.

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