Coppell "I'm due a break"

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by Ian Royal » 06 Dec 2007 18:15

I'd just like to add that this thread seems to be mostly filled with the biggest bunch of over reacting mindless morons I've ever come across. I mean even by HNA's lowest standards this is something special.

If Coppell resigns before the summer I'll be truly shocked. If we stay up I expect he'd stay out his contract and then leave.

Himalayas out of a single molehill.

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by Southbank Old Boy » 06 Dec 2007 18:35

Ian Royal I'd just like to add that this thread seems to be mostly filled with the biggest bunch of over reacting mindless morons I've ever come across. I mean even by HNA's lowest standards this is something special.

If Coppell resigns before the summer I'll be truly shocked. If we stay up I expect he'd stay out his contract and then leave.

Himalayas out of a single molehill.

I think most of the over reaction has come from those defending the reported comments.

Most of the other posts seem to just be highlighting the destabalising effect his comments might have.

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by Uke » 06 Dec 2007 19:00

Ian Royal newspapers never misquote.

That's because a misquote is made by mistake

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by Uke » 06 Dec 2007 19:00

Southbank Old Boy Most of the other posts seem to just be highlighting the destabalising effect his comments might have.

except they weren't his comments

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by handbags_harris » 06 Dec 2007 19:33

Hoop Blah
handbags_harris Reserving judgement until this moment, I've followed this thread with interest since it first started and I was always confident the comments were taken out of context. Some people really do seem to believe exactly what they read in the papers, and these people really need to be more prudent and less trigger happy with their comments. As highlighted by Spacey, Winchester, Gus & West Stand Flash, take a bow boys.

Thats all well and good but at a time when the club needs to be projecting a positive and united front it is naive to say you're looking to leave very shortly. It hardly matters how you mean it to be taken, it's how it will be perceived that is of real importance.

I see your point, and a valid point it is. In my opinion though Coppell said his words in perfectly good faith and Henry Winter has himself quoted individual excerpts from Coppell's comments to make people see the words in the exact light that they've been interpreted on here. Some people (myself included) take direct quotes in the media with a pinch of salt for this very reason. Journalists report things to create a story when there isn't one, just like this case. Coppell was asked "what next" and he replied "I'll probably take a break". He didn't give a timeline, but different tabloids have snatched at the "story" and reported it in their own manner. Likewise, various people have snatched at the story by Henry Winter and interpreted it in their own way. I do not believe Coppell meant these words in a destructive way, I do not believe he was naive in the slightest. What I do believe is he was asked a supposedly genuine question, and he gave the usual Coppell answer: straightforward and honest. One thing you can say about Coppell is you can take his words at face value, but only when given the whole scenario and not individual bits and bobs such as Winter has done here, because all Winter has done is deliberately set out to make people look in this direction with the same thoughts.

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by Tinrib » 06 Dec 2007 20:25

Hoop Blah
handbags_harris Reserving judgement until this moment, I've followed this thread with interest since it first started and I was always confident the comments were taken out of context. Some people really do seem to believe exactly what they read in the papers, and these people really need to be more prudent and less trigger happy with their comments. As highlighted by Spacey, Winchester, Gus & West Stand Flash, take a bow boys.

Thats all well and good but at a time when the club needs to be projecting a positive and united front it is naive to say you're looking to leave very shortly. It hardly matters how you mean it to be taken, it's how it will be perceived that is of real importance.

I see your point, and a valid point it is. In my opinion though Coppell said his words in perfectly good faith and Henry Winter has himself quoted individual excerpts from Coppell's comments to make people see the words in the exact light that they've been interpreted on here. Some people (myself included) take direct quotes in the media with a pinch of salt for this very reason. Journalists report things to create a story when there isn't one, just like this case. Coppell was asked "what next" and he replied "I'll probably take a break". He didn't give a timeline, but different tabloids have snatched at the "story" and reported it in their own manner. Likewise, various people have snatched at the story by Henry Winter and interpreted it in their own way. I do not believe Coppell meant these words in a destructive way, I do not believe he was naive in the slightest. What I do believe is he was asked a supposedly genuine question, and he gave the usual Coppell answer: straightforward and honest. One thing you can say about Coppell is you can take his words at face value, but only when given the whole scenario and not individual bits and bobs such as Winter has done here, because all Winter has done is deliberately set out to make people look in this direction with the same thoughts.

Welcome to the Premier League Gents, with all the back page 'sunsationalism' you could throw a stick at.

Anyone whose read and learnt anything about Coppell over the past few years should know he's not going to give any titbits to the gutter press.

The real shame is the amount of 'suckers' we have on HNA.

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by Oxon_Royal » 06 Dec 2007 22:29

Hoop Blah
handbags_harris Reserving judgement until this moment, I've followed this thread with interest since it first started and I was always confident the comments were taken out of context. Some people really do seem to believe exactly what they read in the papers, and these people really need to be more prudent and less trigger happy with their comments. As highlighted by Spacey, Winchester, Gus & West Stand Flash, take a bow boys.

Thats all well and good but at a time when the club needs to be projecting a positive and united front it is naive to say you're looking to leave very shortly. It hardly matters how you mean it to be taken, it's how it will be perceived that is of real importance.

I see your point, and a valid point it is. In my opinion though Coppell said his words in perfectly good faith and Henry Winter has himself quoted individual excerpts from Coppell's comments to make people see the words in the exact light that they've been interpreted on here. Some people (myself included) take direct quotes in the media with a pinch of salt for this very reason. Journalists report things to create a story when there isn't one, just like this case. Coppell was asked "what next" and he replied "I'll probably take a break". He didn't give a timeline, but different tabloids have snatched at the "story" and reported it in their own manner. Likewise, various people have snatched at the story by Henry Winter and interpreted it in their own way. I do not believe Coppell meant these words in a destructive way, I do not believe he was naive in the slightest. What I do believe is he was asked a supposedly genuine question, and he gave the usual Coppell answer: straightforward and honest. One thing you can say about Coppell is you can take his words at face value, but only when given the whole scenario and not individual bits and bobs such as Winter has done here, because all Winter has done is deliberately set out to make people look in this direction with the same thoughts.

Welcome to the Premier League Gents, with all the back page 'sunsationalism' you could throw a stick at.

Anyone whose read and learnt anything about Coppell over the past few years should know he's not going to give any titbits to the gutter press.

The real shame is the amount of '***kers' we have on HNA.

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by purleyroyal » 06 Dec 2007 23:15

Coppell puts record right on SSN - 100% committed

2 parts of the job he doesn't like - interviews, and losing.
Rest of it - preparation etc - is wonderful

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by Hoop Blah » 07 Dec 2007 09:01

Southbank Old Boy Most of the other posts seem to just be highlighting the destabalising effect his comments might have.

except they weren't his comments

He hasn't said he didn't say what was quoted has he?

People might be misinterpreting it yes, but Coppell has not denied saying it from what I've seen.

I wouldn't even say that Winter is sensationalising the comment either, it's buried away in a nice article about Coppell's thoughts on the state of the game. A bit harsh for people to be having a pop at Winter, who is actually quite a good hack.

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by 3 veesinarow » 07 Dec 2007 10:55

Southbank Old Boy I think most of the over reaction has come from those defending the reported comments.

Most of the other posts seem to just be highlighting the destabalising effect his comments might have.

Total and utter crap. You are completely arse about face. Mind you, that's only my perception...

They're only "destabilising" if your mindset allows you to react to those words by telling Coppell he can fcuk off - THAT'S over-reaction, pure and simple. Merely stating that you shouldn't perhaps read too much into them, but allow the bloke the time and space to share his thought processes with you is nothing more than a stabilised response.

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by TFF » 07 Dec 2007 11:22

Poor show on the part of the club IMHO. A quicker retraction would have been good.

If media shy Steve didn't fancy setting the record straight Squeaky should have been come out to quell the rumours.

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by Stranded » 07 Dec 2007 11:26

That Friday Feeling Poor show on the part of the club IMHO. A quicker retraction would have been good.

If media shy Steve didn't fancy setting the record straight Squeaky should have been come out to quell the rumours.

Yes that really would have quelled the rumours on here.

I can guarantee that if Hammond had come and spoken instead of Coppell then the over reaction of some would have been much worse.

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by Ian Royal » 07 Dec 2007 13:03

That Friday Feeling Poor show on the part of the club IMHO. A quicker retraction would have been good.

If media shy Steve didn't fancy setting the record straight Squeaky should have been come out to quell the rumours.

Maybe people at the club don't read sensationalist HNA? and no one realised people would be so stupid as to take one slightly amibiguous quote buried in the middle of an article so ridiculouly out of proportion.

Will a professional footballer a) believe what a club, dof and manager tell him or
b) what the Sun/HNA interpreted form one small paragraph in an article.

So will have no effect

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by Gus the teenage cow » 07 Dec 2007 13:07

Ian Royal
That Friday Feeling Poor show on the part of the club IMHO. A quicker retraction would have been good.

If media shy Steve didn't fancy setting the record straight Squeaky should have been come out to quell the rumours.

Maybe people at the club don't read sensationalist HNA? and no one realised people would be so stupid as to take one slightly amibiguous quote buried in the middle of an article so ridiculouly out of proportion.

Will a professional footballer a) believe what a club, dof and manager tell him or
b) what the Sun/HNA interpreted form one small paragraph in an article.

So will have no effect

well if it had no effect why did he feel the need to come out and explain his comments or is he just pandering to the sensationalist mob?

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by Stranded » 07 Dec 2007 13:13

Because he was asked about it in a press conference.

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by Gus the teenage cow » 07 Dec 2007 13:16

he did an interview with sky sports news about it :?

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by Stranded » 07 Dec 2007 13:19

As part of his press duties for the weekends games.

All managers are expected to be available for interview and press conferences prior to each weekends fixtures. This was an obvious matter than he was going to be questioned about.

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by Gus the teenage cow » 07 Dec 2007 13:36

why can't he just concentrate on training and coaching the team?

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by Stranded » 07 Dec 2007 13:40

Because he's not the sort of bloke to act like a 8 year old boy because he's not got his way.

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by Gus the teenage cow » 07 Dec 2007 13:42

that 8 year old boy has won almost very football trophy known to man

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