by Huntley & Palmer » 09 Dec 2007 15:17
by Garry Mann » 09 Dec 2007 15:22
Huntley & Palmer Win against Liverpool at the weekend Gazzer?
by Huntley & Palmer » 09 Dec 2007 15:25
by floyd__streete » 09 Dec 2007 15:26
Garry Mann aLOLad spot on as the Arsenal choke begins.
by readingbedding » 09 Dec 2007 15:38
floyd__streeteGarry Mann aLOLad spot on as the Arsenal choke begins.
Yep. All very well stroking the ball around against a frightened Reading side but up in the frozen north Arsenal fail again.
Great to see their ego dented, some of the most self-righteous supporters in the league:
"have you ever seen Chelsea play like this" - no, but when did you ever win back to back titles?
"Liverpool, hoof the ball" - you don't get extra points for style.
by floyd__streete » 09 Dec 2007 15:43
readingbedding Arsenal have won back to back titles.
by Katie Marsden » 09 Dec 2007 15:50
cmonurz I have used alad logic for my updated view of the championship race.
"Having been unbeaten all season, Liverpool's defeat at Reading was affordable."
by cmonurz » 09 Dec 2007 16:09
by LUX » 09 Dec 2007 16:14
Katie Marsden but as soon as they win a few games you get the media and all their fans coming out of the woodwork talking about being the best team in the world.
by Katie Marsden » 09 Dec 2007 16:24
cmonurz Arsenal have lost one game all season. This isn't by any stretch of the imagination, 'bottling it'. And they only go away 'up north' twice more before March. As you rightly say on another thread - the league is about 38 games, not individual defeats, so stop shifting the goalposts to suit your arguments. I am sure if United do lose at Anfield next week, the defeat will be 'affordable'.
by Ian Royal » 09 Dec 2007 16:40
Katie Marsdencmonurz Arsenal have lost one game all season. This isn't by any stretch of the imagination, 'bottling it'. And they only go away 'up north' twice more before March. As you rightly say on another thread - the league is about 38 games, not individual defeats, so stop shifting the goalposts to suit your arguments. I am sure if United do lose at Anfield next week, the defeat will be 'affordable'.
I'd call dropping 5 points in 2 games you'd expect to win choking especially after they did the hard work and won at Villa. They had a decent lead over United but have thrown that away now and they still have 4 very hard games to come in the next few weeks.
by cmonurz » 09 Dec 2007 16:48
Katie Marsdencmonurz Arsenal have lost one game all season. This isn't by any stretch of the imagination, 'bottling it'. And they only go away 'up north' twice more before March. As you rightly say on another thread - the league is about 38 games, not individual defeats, so stop shifting the goalposts to suit your arguments. I am sure if United do lose at Anfield next week, the defeat will be 'affordable'.
I'd call dropping 5 points in 2 games you'd expect to win choking especially after they did the hard work and won at Villa. They had a decent lead over United but have thrown that away now and they still have 4 very hard games to come in the next few weeks.
by Ian Royal » 09 Dec 2007 16:50
cmonurzKatie Marsdencmonurz Arsenal have lost one game all season. This isn't by any stretch of the imagination, 'bottling it'. And they only go away 'up north' twice more before March. As you rightly say on another thread - the league is about 38 games, not individual defeats, so stop shifting the goalposts to suit your arguments. I am sure if United do lose at Anfield next week, the defeat will be 'affordable'.
I'd call dropping 5 points in 2 games you'd expect to win choking especially after they did the hard work and won at Villa. They had a decent lead over United but have thrown that away now and they still have 4 very hard games to come in the next few weeks.
And wouldn't United expect to win at Bolton, and at home to Reading?
by Katie Marsden » 09 Dec 2007 17:08
Ian RoyalcmonurzKatie Marsdencmonurz Arsenal have lost one game all season. This isn't by any stretch of the imagination, 'bottling it'. And they only go away 'up north' twice more before March. As you rightly say on another thread - the league is about 38 games, not individual defeats, so stop shifting the goalposts to suit your arguments. I am sure if United do lose at Anfield next week, the defeat will be 'affordable'.
I'd call dropping 5 points in 2 games you'd expect to win choking especially after they did the hard work and won at Villa. They had a decent lead over United but have thrown that away now and they still have 4 very hard games to come in the next few weeks.
And wouldn't United expect to win at Bolton, and at home to Reading?
In fact you could say United arn't in poll position because they bottled their start to the season.
by Ian Royal » 09 Dec 2007 17:44
by Katie Marsden » 09 Dec 2007 17:48
by readingbedding » 09 Dec 2007 17:52
floyd__streetereadingbedding Arsenal have won back to back titles.
In the modern era? Under Wenger? Chelsea have won two titles back-to-back in the time when Arsenal have been playing such great, trophyless football :roll:
by Ian Royal » 09 Dec 2007 17:52
Katie Marsden Just a shame about the 7 at the other end
by Victor Meldrew » 10 Dec 2007 17:13
by Katie Marsden » 19 Dec 2007 17:03
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