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by Tails » 19 Jan 2008 17:19

The 17 Bus Jut the two pints then, the stupid thing is that he then decides speeding is a good idea!!

The fine is too low, all fines should be based on earnings IMHO, my friend lost a week and a halfs wages when he got done, though doubt that would be popular with the rich.

Unfortunately, fines and penalties should fit the crime, not the perpatrator commiting them.

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The 17 Bus
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by The 17 Bus » 19 Jan 2008 17:23

If the fine is to be a punishment it has to be relevant to the perpetrator

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by Uke » 19 Jan 2008 17:26

The 17 Bus If the fine is to be a punishment it has to be relevant to the perpetrator

That was tried a few years ago and was abolished when people were getting ridiculous fines for Speeding etc...

In addition the maens testing didn't work.

Sometimes people with a higher salary actually have less disposable income!

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