by sucatraps » 22 Jan 2008 10:42
by Stevie G » 22 Jan 2008 16:27
by Focher » 22 Jan 2008 16:31
Stevie G I was also telling a friend the other day at work about the 'Tracksuits from Matalan' chant that was on a Royals match I watched on the telly some time ago although possibly against Liverpool last season. The kind of simple effectiveness needed, but not meaty enough for a weekly chant, but it's the kind of thing to build on.
by dodgylegs » 22 Jan 2008 16:40
Dirk Gently
To take one example you used, "Delilah" - this was on a juke box in a pub full of Stokies and they started singing along to it and it stuck, and it spread from there.
Dirk Gently
And that, I'm afraid, is the only way it will work these days. Spontaneous, or not at all. Anyone who tries to organise anything will get derided for it, and many people will resists any such new idea precisely because it is something that they personally weren't involved in choosing.
That's the reality, I'm afraid - but you're definitely right that a song needs to catch a mood. I thought we nearly had it with "Sweet Caroline" - which to me still captures the mood of that glorious last month in the Championship season, but it was never really persevered with, and, of course, for everyone who liked it someone else hated it just as violently.
by brendywendy » 22 Jan 2008 17:48
by baggyroyal1871 » 22 Jan 2008 20:24
by madreadingfan » 22 Jan 2008 21:06
baggyroyal1871 In 2006,
oh this is true,
a record was set by a team in blue (& white)
It's been a long time
since that day,
and until it is broken, we will celebrate,
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
(To tune of Martin Butler's old chant and what everyone jumps around to when we score)
by Shevchenko » 22 Jan 2008 21:13
by Royal Rother » 22 Jan 2008 21:16
by Royalshow » 22 Jan 2008 21:49
madreadingfanbaggyroyal1871 In 2006,
oh this is true,
a record was set by a team in blue (& white)
It's been a long time
since that day,
and until it is broken, we will celebrate,
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
(To tune of Martin Butler's old chant and what everyone jumps around to when we score)
I like it but no one will take any interest because this thread is just for making up songs instead of actually trying them at matches
by madreadingfan » 22 Jan 2008 22:02
by Nobby » 22 Jan 2008 23:05
Shevchenko The best songs sung at football matches are all really simple ones, or at least ones that are full of long notes, and fairly few syllables. It just sounds better and it's easier to sing that way.
by loyalroyal4life » 23 Jan 2008 00:28
Royalshowmadreadingfanbaggyroyal1871 In 2006,
oh this is true,
a record was set by a team in blue (& white)
It's been a long time
since that day,
and until it is broken, we will celebrate,
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
106 (Record)
(To tune of Martin Butler's old chant and what everyone jumps around to when we score)
I like it but no one will take any interest because this thread is just for making up songs instead of actually trying them at matches
lol i like it and will even try and sing it at matches! Anyone in the north please join in if i do.
by Shevchenko » 23 Jan 2008 00:34
madreadingfan OHH WHEN THE BLUES
OH WHEN THE BLUES GO STEAMING IN (but do this really slowly like spurs do, and then clap in and sing it fas, it would be great!)
by rob the royal » 23 Jan 2008 02:21
Winchester RoyalOzymandias If you want to sing, go to church.
If you want to watch football, buy a Sky box. Cheaper and people won't stand in front of you.
by LWJ » 26 Jan 2008 11:02
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