by cmonurz » 25 Jan 2008 13:02
by RoyalBlue » 25 Jan 2008 13:08
Uke Do all you pretend managers complain vehemently on an internet forum about Sainsbury's board's decisions? If they do not stock the product you want? Why not?
Wake up and realise the club is not yours to run, you have about as much say in the running of the club as you do in Sainsbury's
If you don't like it you can all oxf*rd off back to Aldi
by shadesrwrf » 25 Jan 2008 13:11
by Stranded » 25 Jan 2008 13:14
by readingbedding » 25 Jan 2008 13:17
shadesrwrf Five pages already. Any gems amongst the usual clueless witterings?
by Tilehurst End » 25 Jan 2008 13:22
by Woodcote Royal » 25 Jan 2008 13:26
by Blue Blooded » 25 Jan 2008 13:27
Daniella Why all the moaning?
In my opinion we don't need signings. We have one of the best away records in the prem and our home record is improving.
The defence has played out of their skin this season, games like villa, pompey and tottenham are prime examples of their solidness, how many assists have come from the right wing?? Who wants to upset a team spirit as strong as our's with better players, who wants to bankrupt the club with a couple of silly big name god...we'll do a leeds or something. Remember where we were three years ago!!! Im happy to see us getting spanked stupid every week, every time a goal is conceded I think " don't get upset, we were loosing to colchester a few years ago". all is forgotten, im grateful.
by Tilehurst End » 25 Jan 2008 13:29
Stranded Can't be bothered to read the whole thread but having read that this morning doesn't Coppell's quotes just say that we won't be buying a CB as Cisse looks like being a decent bet there - something he would have been unsure of earlier. So not a backtrack, more a change in circumstance? Seems valid to me.
The suggestion that Kebe is the last signing is made by the EP.
by Barry the bird boggler » 25 Jan 2008 13:37
by loyalroyal4life » 25 Jan 2008 13:44
by beno » 25 Jan 2008 13:48
by Bill Oddie » 25 Jan 2008 13:54
by floyd__streete » 25 Jan 2008 13:55
Alan Partridge
by Uke » 25 Jan 2008 13:55
RoyalBlueUke Do all you pretend managers complain vehemently on an internet forum about Sainsbury's board's decisions? If they do not stock the product you want? Why not?
Wake up and realise the club is not yours to run, you have about as much say in the running of the club as you do in Sainsbury's
If you don't like it you can all oxf*rd off back to Aldi
Fantastic! What a spectacular own goal you have just scored!!!![]()
Latest 'Which?' survey shows that consumers are far happier with Lidl and Aldi than they are with Sainsbury, Tesco & Morrison!
by BR2 » 25 Jan 2008 13:56
by floyd__streete » 25 Jan 2008 13:56
Bill Oddie Save the money for the extention rather than "wasting" it on wages, the extention really is the most important thing as it will define the size and status of our club for the next 100 years !
by West Stand Flash » 25 Jan 2008 13:59
Daniella Why all the moaning?
In my opinion we don't need signings. We have one of the best away records in the prem and our home record is improving.
The defence has played out of their skin this season, games like villa, pompey and tottenham are prime examples of their solidness, how many assists have come from the right wing?? Who wants to upset a team spirit as strong as our's with better players, who wants to bankrupt the club with a couple of silly big name god...we'll do a leeds or something. Remember where we were three years ago!!! Im happy to see us getting spanked stupid every week, every time a goal is conceded I think " don't get upset, we were loosing to colchester a few years ago". all is forgotten, im grateful.
by Archie's penalty » 25 Jan 2008 13:59
Bill Oddie God you lot are worst than my wife always wanting to spend spend spend. Whats wrong with saving a bit of money ? I do not want to see a load of rash signing who would unbalance the team and upset the status quo. As for not paying wages I totally agree, the day RFC start paying 40k a week is the day I stop going, its bad enough at the minute with them being out of touch with the fans, how I long for the days of bumping into a pissed up Adi Williams in Upotia on a Tuesday night after a game. This season is the first time in 20 + years that I haven't been to an away game, its reallly starting to lose its appeal where as not so long ago RFC was the most important thing in my life. Save the money for the extention rather than "wasting" it on wages, the extention really is the most important thing as it will define the size and status of our club for the next 100 years !
Pick the bones out of that you spend FREAKS !!!
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