Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Fezza » 10 Mar 2008 15:16

Maybe we should just section off all the people without blond hair and blue eye's, we could even bring back fences for them (after all it would be doing the world a favour if they crushed each other to death) and possibly guards and shower blocks and and and and.....

Oh this seems a touch familiar! Are you the Pope?

The way I see it ticket pricing already does what you are suggesting, if you want to stay away from "normal" people pay to have a box of your own. Get your wallet out and pay for the privilege - though yo may as well stay in your living room - not so many noisey chavs their I suppose.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by North Somerset Royal » 10 Mar 2008 15:21

Rev Algenon Stickleback H
Thou Voice
One Beer is never enough. BITE

Frankly what really annoys me is the attitude of fans like you. Had you had some like minded friends when we first moved from Elm Park then you could have all purchased season tickets next to each other and then this problem would never had arisen. You could all be sat in a little banjo playing enclove by yourselves, moaning like you used to on the Tilehurst Road end and dreaming of dreaming of success like you did in the past.

In the mean time, now we have the internet, electricity and I even think that a wheel has been invented. Grow up, move on, and accept that families now spend more money on football than the majority of individual fans therefore they will be embraced and encouraged by all managers of entertainment facilities to attend.

If this truely is not to your liking then no doubt Reading Town will enjoy your 'hardcore' support of a local team.

Have you never been annoyed by people that you sit with?

I am offering what is basically a new revenue stream here for the club, so that myself and my family would be allowed to sit next to a better quality fan then the ones that we're currently surrounded by. I am surprised that this is not being wholeheartedly embraced here by other people.

Lets just move the analogy. If you live in a bad area, you try to move. So likewise why can this not be put into play for seating arrangements by the people that are unhappy with their neighbours paying a small premium to sit with better fans?

This should also come with other benefits like our plastic season tickets have gold bands rather then blue bands.
maybe you should get on to the club and suggest that one part of the ground, perhaps the upper west, should have seats that cost more than the rest of the ground.

I think that TV has a point in relation to some aspects of the present arrangements. Whilst always reluctant to take issue with the Rev I must do so on this occassion. As he knows UW is already more expensive than other parts of the ground. However this does not deter people from populating it with large numbers of small children many of whom are more interested in kicking the seat in front, pushing each other and running up and down to the concourse than watching football. These children occupy these prime seats at concessionary rates thus depriving the club of funds whilst spoiling others enjoyment of the match. The club should scrap all concessions in the Upper West and create a family area (Y25/26?) where family tickets can be sold for a discounted rate.
This would go a long way to solving the problem highlighted by TV.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Tinrib » 10 Mar 2008 15:27

North Somerset Royal
Rev Algenon Stickleback H
Thou Voice [

Frankly what really annoys me is the attitude of fans like you. Had you had some like minded friends when we first moved from Elm Park then you could have all purchased season tickets next to each other and then this problem would never had arisen. You could all be sat in a little banjo playing enclove by yourselves, moaning like you used to on the Tilehurst Road end and dreaming of dreaming of success like you did in the past.

In the mean time, now we have the internet, electricity and I even think that a wheel has been invented. Grow up, move on, and accept that families now spend more money on football than the majority of individual fans therefore they will be embraced and encouraged by all managers of entertainment facilities to attend.

If this truely is not to your liking then no doubt Reading Town will enjoy your 'hardcore' support of a local team.

Have you never been annoyed by people that you sit with?

I am offering what is basically a new revenue stream here for the club, so that myself and my family would be allowed to sit next to a better quality fan then the ones that we're currently surrounded by. I am surprised that this is not being wholeheartedly embraced here by other people.

Lets just move the analogy. If you live in a bad area, you try to move. So likewise why can this not be put into play for seating arrangements by the people that are unhappy with their neighbours paying a small premium to sit with better fans?

This should also come with other benefits like our plastic season tickets have gold bands rather then blue bands.
maybe you should get on to the club and suggest that one part of the ground, perhaps the upper west, should have seats that cost more than the rest of the ground.

I[b][b] think that TV has a point in relation to some aspects of the present arrangements. Whilst always reluctant to take issue with the Rev I must do so on this occassion. As he knows UW is already more expensive than other parts of the ground. However this does not deter people from populating it with large numbers of small children many of whom are more interested in kicking the seat in front, pushing each other and running up and down to the concourse than watching football. These children occupy these prime seats at concessionary rates thus depriving the club of funds whilst spoiling others enjoyment of the match. The club should scrap all concessions in the Upper West and create a family area (Y25/26?) where family tickets can be sold for a discounted rate.
This would go a long way to solving the problem highlighted by TV.[/quote]

Great idea. Families occupying the most vocal & verbal part of the ground. Just so those eating their sandwiches in the Upper west can do so without being bothered by 'other folk'.


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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by North Somerset Royal » 10 Mar 2008 15:56

No I said the East Stand not the North.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Tinrib » 10 Mar 2008 16:01

North Somerset Royal No I said the East Stand not the North.

Bang Bang Bosh Bosh Blarmy - And thats yer lot from the North.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Huntley & Palmer » 10 Mar 2008 16:07

Best stand in the ground the Northy

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Silver Fox » 10 Mar 2008 16:36

While this thread is absolute nonsense (if you're not SDR Thou Voice I can only assume the return of Flash trying again to make daddy proud) and I really should ignore it I just need to know what exactly is the problem with the brady bunch? They were all pretty pleasant and if a few of our fans were half as nice as Marsha then matchdays would be a tad better I reckon

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by brendywendy » 10 Mar 2008 16:38

Thou Voice
sucatraps There is aready a special place for Thou Voice and SDR types, it's in the Bracknell area and called Broadmoor! :wink:

Crowthorne. :twisted:

Oh yes of course Bracknell and Crowthorne are simply miles and miles apart, pedant! :shock: are you Spacey in disguise?

oh cmon, really

i do protest, there is a good mile of uninhabited road between crowthorne and bracknell, the two are very different places, geographically and socially
bracknell is a shit tip, new town,overflow for the council estates of south london, with no character and loads of roundabouts, and generally nothing of any note

crowthorne is a historic large village,often visited by royalty and gentry, with a little character, and plenty of pubs, restaurants, etc and is also the location of broadmoor hospital for the criminally insane, the transport and road research laboratory, and wellington college,
its people are of a much better social standing, they are kind polite and courteous, its quaint leafy lanes dotted with red telephone boxes, etc etc

also does thou voices defence of crowthorne point to him being from that locality?
the plot thickens

anyway back to the thread

im often sat near a family who bring a blanket
this is wrong
the people in front of me who are always telling the lad in front to sit down
they are wronguns
and also the kids behind me who rub my bald patch when we score, thus making my hair fall out that little bit quicker

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Dr Hfuhruhurr » 10 Mar 2008 16:44


LOL. Taking atmosphere tips from a drummer is like taking sex tips from a rapist. Stick with Reading Town - theyll have anyone, including drum thumping mongs.

But I have to agree with TV, the whole experience would be better if nobody else but me went. If that is too extreme, then how about just taking the children, the women, the pensioners and the gingers out of the North Stand.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by brendywendy » 10 Mar 2008 16:46

Dr Hfuhruhurr

LOL. Taking atmosphere tips from a drummer is like taking sex tips from a rapist. Stick with Reading Town - theyll have anyone, including drum thumping mongs.

But I have to agree with TV, the whole experience would be better if nobody else but me went. If that is too extreme, then how about just taking the children, the women, the pensioners and the gingers out of the North Stand.

not the gingers

that fat one is the highlight of my match

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Franchise FC » 10 Mar 2008 16:53

Thou Voice From all the matches that I have been to over the years, I have to say that this season beyond my disappointment with the RFC management that is really unequalled, I am most annoyed with the fans around me.

Looking around I can see a small child that likes to think the back of other peoples seats is something to constantly kick, nearby is a family that clearly bathes in garlic and nearby the nearby family that should never again be sold tickets by RFC ever again that remind me of the Brady Bunch. Those people are of the lowest quality.

I do not enjoy the price rises that the Balding Guy and the Emperor force upon us, but if they are going to continually do this I would like them to setup a Cherished Fan scheme where you can arrange to sit with fans of equal quality to yourself. Imagine being with good people like me, the whole experience even when we lose would simply be fantastic.

Does anyone else have issues or disappointment with people they sit near at home games and would agree that a cherished fan scheme would be a good way forward?

I vote we allow access only to white heterosexual males as well, although I think that the pricing scheme will eventually give you exactly what you want by pricing out some of the undesirables.


How about a revolutionary idea where the club has areas to stand up.
This way you can choose your favourite spot next to the people you like.
My favourite spot would be mid-front, left of centre at Elm Park .................. ahh, the old days :wink:

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by brendywendy » 10 Mar 2008 17:01

Franchise FC
Thou Voice From all the matches that I have been to over the years, I have to say that this season beyond my disappointment with the RFC management that is really unequalled, I am most annoyed with the fans around me.

Looking around I can see a small child that likes to think the back of other peoples seats is something to constantly kick, nearby is a family that clearly bathes in garlic and nearby the nearby family that should never again be sold tickets by RFC ever again that remind me of the Brady Bunch. Those people are of the lowest quality.

I do not enjoy the price rises that the Balding Guy and the Emperor force upon us, but if they are going to continually do this I would like them to setup a Cherished Fan scheme where you can arrange to sit with fans of equal quality to yourself. Imagine being with good people like me, the whole experience even when we lose would simply be fantastic.

Does anyone else have issues or disappointment with people they sit near at home games and would agree that a cherished fan scheme would be a good way forward?

I vote we allow access only to white heterosexual males as well, although I think that the pricing scheme will eventually give you exactly what you want by pricing out some of the undesirables.


How about a revolutionary idea where the club has areas to stand up.
This way you can choose your favourite spot next to the people you like.
My favourite spot would be mid-front, left of centre at Elm Park .................. ahh, the old days :wink:

right of centre was much better IMO :wink:

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Franchise FC » 10 Mar 2008 17:06

Franchise FC
Thou Voice From all the matches that I have been to over the years, I have to say that this season beyond my disappointment with the RFC management that is really unequalled, I am most annoyed with the fans around me.

Looking around I can see a small child that likes to think the back of other peoples seats is something to constantly kick, nearby is a family that clearly bathes in garlic and nearby the nearby family that should never again be sold tickets by RFC ever again that remind me of the Brady Bunch. Those people are of the lowest quality.

I do not enjoy the price rises that the Balding Guy and the Emperor force upon us, but if they are going to continually do this I would like them to setup a Cherished Fan scheme where you can arrange to sit with fans of equal quality to yourself. Imagine being with good people like me, the whole experience even when we lose would simply be fantastic.

Does anyone else have issues or disappointment with people they sit near at home games and would agree that a cherished fan scheme would be a good way forward?

I vote we allow access only to white heterosexual males as well, although I think that the pricing scheme will eventually give you exactly what you want by pricing out some of the undesirables.


How about a revolutionary idea where the club has areas to stand up.
This way you can choose your favourite spot next to the people you like.
My favourite spot would be mid-front, left of centre at Elm Park .................. ahh, the old days :wink:

right of centre was much better IMO :wink:

Some adventurous types used to go right of centre when we were attacking the town end, and left of centre when attacking the Tilehurst end. Mad, impetuous fools.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Thou Voice » 12 Mar 2008 17:13

brendywendy also does thou voices defence of crowthorne point to him being from that locality?
the plot thickens

Good god, no...

...I know of Crowthorne because of the musical pipes that play at 10ish on a monday and then again a few minutes later when they realise that they've not lost anybody from the metal home that is based there - oh what a fine village!!!

You see, it's these kind of people that I am trying to avoid. Unfortunatly there has been no contact from RFC to me with regards to this scheme which in the cold light of day I thought they'd have loved as it's another revenue stream for them.

I feel that originally maybe my comments were a bit sweeping, with regards to this judging by some of the responses I get from less well educated people then myself who can only manage abuse, we need to have several tiers of membership.

1. Cherished Fans (People Like Me)

2. Above Average Fans (People Like brendywendy who does not seem to post abuse)

3. Average Fans (People Who Are Blinkered And Would Proably Get A Natural High From Licking The Balding Guy's Head)

4. Below Average Fans (People That Bring Their Children But The Kids Can't Bring Their Father As They Either Don't Know Them Or RFC Are Not Prepared To Lease A Whole Row Of Seats To Cater For All The Fathers)

Hell, I'd even pay a premium if I could sit next to myself! :D

But moving back to the orginal question, I am not from Crowthorne as too many people live there who would generally not be classed as the highest card in the pack.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by earleyroyal » 12 Mar 2008 17:32

Thou Voice Well it looks like this revenue stream is not being taking seriously by the management of Reading FC, so it leaves me with the following problem.

Assuming that we're still playing Premiership football next year, which is a big if, can anyone tell me how I'd go about moving seats? I am not too bothered about this if we're in the Championship as half the people will leave making it possible for loyal people like myself to sit where I want.

This weekend, although better then most at the match was won and the Balding Guy has started to listen to people like myself, I cannot imagine another season surronded by people like I've already mentioned.

Do I need to buy my ticket and request a move at the same time?

Firstly, wait until there's a lightning storm. Go and stand under a tree, preferably holding a piece of sheet metal. If this fails, perform a theatrical piece on the M25. Finally, you could walk through Harlem wearing a KKK suit.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by Thou Voice » 12 Mar 2008 18:07

earleyroyal Firstly, wait until there's a lightning storm. Go and stand under a tree, preferably holding a piece of sheet metal. If this fails, perform a theatrical piece on the M25. Finally, you could walk through Harlem wearing a KKK suit.

Although the first two are doable but slightly off track for this thread, why would I be wearing a KKK suit?

I don't think my family would be too pleased with me.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by URZZZZZZZZ » 13 Mar 2008 11:56

I agree with the original post actually.

One nonce nearby who slags off anyone and everyone at the first opportunity no matter how well theyve been playing. Thinks he knows the lot about footy and Reading but I overheard him saying he always goes and watches his local team, which implies that he hasn't been a Reading fan for long. Definately wasn't there pre Premiership.

Another bloke that sits behind me with his family. Gets the players names wrong, sings "Who are we" in stead of Blue Army, two bob fan who's only here because of the opposition.

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Re: Matchday Fans - Cherished Fans

by wichygbloke » 13 Mar 2008 13:22

Gordons Cumming

Maybe it needs more drummers?


Perhaps we should teach all our kids to kick the chairs in sequence....By the time we reach the UEFA cup final they could have half a decent tune going!

'Shorey Shorey Al la lulooo ya...Kick kick...Kick..'
'Shorey shorey Al la lulooo ya..Kick//Kick....'

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