by SteveRoyal » 18 Mar 2008 22:02
by RoyalBlue » 18 Mar 2008 22:18
by londinium » 18 Mar 2008 22:22
RoyalBlue I think this but really sums it up:
“John does take risks and if it doesn’t work he has a tendency to look bad, but he’s a good player and I have a lot of time for him."
I'd rather see players take risks that occasionally don't pay off than hide in their shells. Players who take risks also create opportunities that we desparately need if we are to stay up. Oster took a risk when he played the freekick across to Marek on Saturday. It paid off and we got a goal but I'm sure the boo boys would have gone for him even more had it not worked.
I hope he continues to take risks and proves the boo boys wrong. IMO he is a good player.
by bikey_is_god! » 18 Mar 2008 22:28
by Kitsondinho » 18 Mar 2008 22:37
londiniumRoyalBlue I think this but really sums it up:
“John does take risks and if it doesn’t work he has a tendency to look bad, but he’s a good player and I have a lot of time for him."
I'd rather see players take risks that occasionally don't pay off than hide in their shells. Players who take risks also create opportunities that we desparately need if we are to stay up. Oster took a risk when he played the freekick across to Marek on Saturday. It paid off and we got a goal but I'm sure the boo boys would have gone for him even more had it not worked.
I hope he continues to take risks and proves the boo boys wrong. IMO he is a good player.
At last someone has had the balls to say they think Oster is a good player.. I am in total agreement and am sure we will be laughed at and ridiculed by most on here.
Then again I had the piss ripped out of me when I dared to say Hunt was a decent player and should be in the team infront of Convey.
Again, I would much prefer Oster to Convey whether people think I am mad or not.
by strap » 18 Mar 2008 22:45
by silas » 18 Mar 2008 23:09
londiniumRoyalBlue I think this but really sums it up:
“John does take risks and if it doesn’t work he has a tendency to look bad, but he’s a good player and I have a lot of time for him."
I'd rather see players take risks that occasionally don't pay off than hide in their shells. Players who take risks also create opportunities that we desparately need if we are to stay up. Oster took a risk when he played the freekick across to Marek on Saturday. It paid off and we got a goal but I'm sure the boo boys would have gone for him even more had it not worked.
I hope he continues to take risks and proves the boo boys wrong. IMO he is a good player.
At last someone has had the balls to say they think Oster is a good player.. I am in total agreement and am sure we will be laughed at and ridiculed by most on here.
by Royalee » 18 Mar 2008 23:22
by The whole year inn » 18 Mar 2008 23:26
Royalee He also states that Oster hasn't been performing and he expects better of him.
Why isn't he dropped then?
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 18 Mar 2008 23:46
by strap » 19 Mar 2008 00:07
The whole year innRoyalee He also states that Oster hasn't been performing and he expects better of him.
Why isn't he dropped then?
Because there is noone to replace him with.
Apart from sending Glenn Little to Lourdes there is nothing anyone can do
by winchester_royal » 19 Mar 2008 00:14
by Gav » 19 Mar 2008 00:51
strap impOSTER
by londinium » 19 Mar 2008 00:56
Gavstrap impOSTER
Get a life. His name is 'Oster', and 'impOSTER' is hardly so profound you need to repeat it every two seconds.
by Woodcote Royal » 19 Mar 2008 01:44
silaslondiniumRoyalBlue I think this but really sums it up:
“John does take risks and if it doesn’t work he has a tendency to look bad, but he’s a good player and I have a lot of time for him."
I'd rather see players take risks that occasionally don't pay off than hide in their shells. Players who take risks also create opportunities that we desparately need if we are to stay up. Oster took a risk when he played the freekick across to Marek on Saturday. It paid off and we got a goal but I'm sure the boo boys would have gone for him even more had it not worked.
I hope he continues to take risks and proves the boo boys wrong. IMO he is a good player.
At last someone has had the balls to say they think Oster is a good player.. I am in total agreement and am sure we will be laughed at and ridiculed by most on here.
I'm in total agreement with both of you, and its poor that he has been getting this kind of reaction lately. IMO Oster offers a lot to the side but in a very different style to say Glen Little. At times he takes to much of a risk and plays a silly ball but I am sure if he gets a run in the side, which he has never had in two and a half years here, we will prove the boo boys wrong.
by Barry the bird boggler » 19 Mar 2008 07:09
by statto » 19 Mar 2008 07:21
by The 17 Bus » 19 Mar 2008 08:07
by rg6royal » 19 Mar 2008 08:08
by brendywendy » 19 Mar 2008 09:57