by Leamington Royal » 18 Apr 2008 11:49
by rfcjoe » 18 Apr 2008 11:53
brendywendy any club with a neutral section, and who have to advertise cheap tickets on the radio on a weekly basis in order to fill their ground, isnt fit to polish madejskis wig
by Platypuss » 18 Apr 2008 12:40
soggy biscuitNorfolk Royal Fulham who described Reading as being 'too plastic' and having 'no soul.'
Would find it hard to argue with that to be honest
by floyd__streete » 18 Apr 2008 12:41
The whole year inn Wasn't so long ago Fulham were scrapping with Torquay to avoid finishing bottom of the football league.
by readingbedding » 18 Apr 2008 12:47
floyd__streeteThe whole year inn Wasn't so long ago Fulham were scrapping with Torquay to avoid finishing bottom of the football league.
In front of crowds of 2,500.
No real soul sneers a club whose home ground has a 'neutral end'
by West Stand Man » 18 Apr 2008 13:33
by 3 veesinarow » 18 Apr 2008 13:36
Skin Tom Hark doesn't help our cause here. We're as plastic as they come with gimmicks like this. Sorry but its true.
by Thaumagurist* » 18 Apr 2008 13:38
by Muskrat » 18 Apr 2008 13:50
by rg6royal » 18 Apr 2008 14:09
Muskrat Don't understand why peole are getting so het up. We are who we are, they are who they are, what's the big deal?
If it wasn't for the fact that one of their stands (or at least the facade) is a listed structure, they too would have a shiny new "plastic" ground. It's down to LB Hammersmith that they haven't.
We've both been in all four divisions during my memory and have about the same level of fanbase that fluctuates depending on where we are in the league structure.
We are no better than them nor they us.
Just ignore the cockney twa@t.
by comeonthebiscuitmen » 18 Apr 2008 15:00
by West Stand Man » 18 Apr 2008 15:34
comeonthebiscuitmen We are the oldest club in the Premiership.
This fact isn't mentioned enough IMO - not a bad claim really.
so technicaly we can claim to have more history than any other Premiership team!
by floyd__streete » 18 Apr 2008 16:08
by T.R.O.L.I. » 18 Apr 2008 16:12
floyd__streete Arsenal, who are handing out ‘clappers’ (pieces of card which when banged together make a noise) before the game
by floyd__streete » 18 Apr 2008 16:14
T.R.O.L.I.floyd__streete Arsenal, who are handing out ‘clappers’ (pieces of card which when banged together make a noise) before the game
That makes Watford's (and our for that matter) Rumblestix look professional
by CMRoyal » 18 Apr 2008 16:17
floyd__streete The overuse of the term ‘plastic’ by those who attended football pre-Italia 90/inception of the Premier League is entirely tiresome, as if every club in this day and age hasn’t got its own large fanbase of middle class replica shirt bedecked families. Far too much handwringing on HNA on the subject; personally, I find the constant references to such to actually be far more embarrassing than those ‘plastics’ themselves you so detest.
RFC is no better or worse than anywhere else; seriously, some of you should attend some away matches at some time because you will never fail to be unimpressed by the lack of ‘atmosphere’ elsewhere, I promise you. Take Newcastle, the self-styled home of the best football supporters in the universe, they had to give out free scarves to whip them into anything approaching a frenzy. Chelsea, bless them, and their free flags and I give you tomorrow’s opposition…..Arsenal, who are handing out ‘clappers’ (pieces of card which when banged together make a noise) before the game! If 21st century supporters of teams competing for top honours such as Arsenal and Chelsea can’t make a proper rumpus without the (presumably unwanted) intervention of their clubs, then you can hardly expect little old Reading to be a cauldron of noise. And at the end of the game, at least most Reading fans will return home to Berkshire.....along with a whopping percentage of Gooners. Now they are what you can call 'plastic' (if you must).
by T.R.O.L.I. » 18 Apr 2008 16:18
floyd__streeteT.R.O.L.I.floyd__streete Arsenal, who are handing out ‘clappers’ (pieces of card which when banged together make a noise) before the game
That makes Watford's (and our for that matter) Rumblestix look professional
Yes, I must admit to now at least having an iota of interest in tomorrow's game, which in itself is nice given that I am - inevitably - making the trip.
by holsgrove breaks a leg » 18 Apr 2008 16:25
by brendywendy » 18 Apr 2008 16:35
by Keeper » 18 Apr 2008 17:31
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