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Re: Coppell's last game?

by Millsy » 10 May 2008 01:22

The whole year inn
LoyalRoyal22 We should all stand up and sing his name at the end of the game, regardless of the result or what division we are in.


He is out of his depth in the top division. His time at Palace and his time here proves that.

The moment there is any pressure whatsoever he starts putting out very strange team selections and refuses to drop players that played well two years ago.

Time for him to move aside, taking Kevin Dillon and Wally Downes with him. You need a ruthless management team to survive long term in this league. See Roy Keane and Steve Bruce.

Everyone seems obsessed that as Coppell went to uni this indicates an intelligent manager? Lets be honest a university education is not exactly a pre-requisite amongst football managers but Coppell? The guy spent all of his time at Liverpool missing lectures and ended up with a less than mediocre degree from a run of the mill uni.

The guy is not bright. I can see how appeals to the working class football fans though

Preparing myself for a massive whoosh here, but that has got to be the comedy post of the season. :lol:

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by earleyroyal » 10 May 2008 02:19

The whole year inn
LoyalRoyal22 We should all stand up and sing his name at the end of the game, regardless of the result or what division we are in.


He is out of his depth in the top division.
His time at Palace and his time here proves that.

The moment there is any pressure whatsoever he starts putting out very strange team selections and refuses to drop players that played well two years ago.

Time for him to move aside, taking Kevin Dillon and Wally Downes with him. You need a ruthless management team to survive long term in this league. See Roy Keane and Steve Bruce.

Everyone seems obsessed that as Coppell went to uni this indicates an intelligent manager? Lets be honest a university education is not exactly a pre-requisite amongst football managers but Coppell? The guy spent all of his time at Liverpool missing lectures and ended up with a less than mediocre degree from a run of the mill uni.

The guy is not bright. I can see how appeals to the working class football fans though

Ok having thought about initiating a sensible debate over the merits of this post I've decided to re-read it (and :lol: at the bits in bold) and deliver the verdict:

F*ck off.

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by The whole year inn » 10 May 2008 02:46

2 world wars, 1 world cup
The whole year inn
LoyalRoyal22 We should all stand up and sing his name at the end of the game, regardless of the result or what division we are in.


He is out of his depth in the top division. His time at Palace and his time here proves that.

The moment there is any pressure whatsoever he starts putting out very strange team selections and refuses to drop players that played well two years ago.

Time for him to move aside, taking Kevin Dillon and Wally Downes with him. You need a ruthless management team to survive long term in this league. See Roy Keane and Steve Bruce.

Everyone seems obsessed that as Coppell went to uni this indicates an intelligent manager? Lets be honest a university education is not exactly a pre-requisite amongst football managers but Coppell? The guy spent all of his time at Liverpool missing lectures and ended up with a less than mediocre degree from a run of the mill uni.

The guy is not bright. I can see how appeals to the working class football fans though

Preparing myself for a massive whoosh here, but that has got to be the comedy post of the season. :lol:

If only our daft management team listened; I predicted relegation at the start of the season should we not invest.

We'll see how your opinions change when he gets us relegated in a couple of days, despite having millions in the bank.

Remember this is a guy whos team were thumped by sides picked by Lawrie Sanchez and Sammy Lee.

Roy Hodgson is an incredibly intelligent man. Coppell is not fit to wipe his arse

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by Cripple Creek » 10 May 2008 03:52

I'm sure Coppell will go regardless of whether we stay up or go down. I doubt he needs the money, he is in his early 50s, he has hobbies (golf, sadly) and a family. Why on earth would he want to put up with:
A. a repeat of this season which I have found stressful and I'm not an employee of RFC
B. going down and trying to resurrect us.

Thanks Steve. Without doubt our greatest ever manager and, in my humble opinion, whatever anyone says about him being "dour" a thoroughly likeable and humorous man. More brain cells than most of the rest of the premiership managers put together, apart from Megson of course.

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by The whole year inn » 10 May 2008 04:00

Cripple Creek More brain cells than most of the rest of the premiership managers put together, apart from Megson of course.

Where does this myth come from? Just because he is quiet, unassuming and went to Liverpool University?

He left with a less than mediocre degree and only got in because of his links to Man United at the time.

The guy is as daft as his management team.

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by Royalee » 10 May 2008 10:27

The whole year inn
LoyalRoyal22 We should all stand up and sing his name at the end of the game, regardless of the result or what division we are in.


He is out of his depth in the top division. His time at Palace and his time here proves that.

The moment there is any pressure whatsoever he starts putting out very strange team selections and refuses to drop players that played well two years ago.

Time for him to move aside, taking Kevin Dillon and Wally Downes with him. You need a ruthless management team to survive long term in this league. See Roy Keane and Steve Bruce.

Everyone seems obsessed that as Coppell went to uni this indicates an intelligent manager? Lets be honest a university education is not exactly a pre-requisite amongst football managers but Coppell? The guy spent all of his time at Liverpool missing lectures and ended up with a less than mediocre degree from a run of the mill uni.

The guy is not bright. I can see how appeals to the working class football fans though

Spot on.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Royal Rother » 11 May 2008 18:10

The Whole Year Inn and Royalee joining together to challenge the intelligence of Steve Coppell is definitely one of the funniest moments of the season! Great comedy chaps - keep it up please!! :lol: :lol:

PS Anybody suggested Tony Adams yet?

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by RobRoyal » 11 May 2008 18:25

The whole year inn
LoyalRoyal22 We should all stand up and sing his name at the end of the game, regardless of the result or what division we are in.


He is out of his depth in the top division. His time at Palace and his time here proves that.

8th, you oxf*rd numpty. LMA manager of the year. Twice. And you think getting Reading relegated negates that? That'a a position of the lunatic fringe I'm afraid. Worse still, being a Reading fan your idiocy makes you unable to appreciate what we have had (much as the past tense hurts).

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by Southbank Old Boy » 11 May 2008 18:33

The whole year inn
Cripple Creek More brain cells than most of the rest of the premiership managers put together, apart from Megson of course.

Where does this myth come from? Just because he is quiet, unassuming and went to Liverpool University?

He left with a less than mediocre degree and only got in because of his links to Man United at the time.

The guy is as daft as his management team.

Surely Coppell wasn't even at Utd at the time he was at Uni.

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Re: Coppell's last game?

by Coppelled Streets » 11 May 2008 18:38

Southbank Old Boy
The whole year inn
Cripple Creek More brain cells than most of the rest of the premiership managers put together, apart from Megson of course.

Where does this myth come from? Just because he is quiet, unassuming and went to Liverpool University?

He left with a less than mediocre degree and only got in because of his links to Man United at the time.

The guy is as daft as his management team.

Surely Coppell wasn't even at Utd at the time he was at Uni.

Coppell was a nippy, incisive wide player in his youth but despite interest from some top clubs, he chose to join lower league Merseyside club Tranmere Rovers as he wanted to study for a degree in economic history at the University of Liverpool.

By 1974, Coppell was playing for Tranmere, studying for his degree and coaching the university team. But in 1975 his life changed when Manchester United made an offer of £60,000 for him. Coppell lied to Manchester United about his wages (after being asked to by his Tranmere manager) but his prospective new club instantly offered to double his supposed 'wage' anyway and Coppell signed.

Coppell was able to complete his degree while charging up and down the right wing for Manchester United, making his debut as a substitute in a 4-0 win over Cardiff City on 1 March 1975, as his new club stormed back to the First Division after a season in the Second. Coppell ended that season with ten games under his belt and one goal.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Get Carter » 11 May 2008 18:51

Coppell did not want UEFA football last season & his team selection in the FA Cup appeared bizarre - no need to punch above our weight anymore - we are back in the championship.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by thefruits » 11 May 2008 18:54

I personally hope that Sir Steve stays.. but I fear he wont. Ever since he had 'that' article when he said he wanted some time off I've had my doubts whether he would stay. I fully expect him to resign this week and take some time off. I will be personally greatful for the joy he bought me in giving me the opportunity to see Reading in the Premiership and my own highlight this season, the win over Liverpool.

My punt FWIW is that he might return sooner than later at that other blessed club that plays in hoops.


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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Dr Hfuhruhurr » 11 May 2008 19:41

Royalee Big Sam for me...and before any of you spout rubbish about boring football, I'd rather see players of the calibre of Okocha, Djorkaeff, Anelka and Diouf rather than the dire long ball crap we've played this season with footballing geniuses such as Hunt and Harper in the team.

My first trivia question.
Who was the only manager this season to manage a team to get beaten by Derby in the Premiership?

Youd also have to be on a serious amount of mind bending drugs to believe that Madejski / Hammond would let a player like Anelka anywhere near this club.

If SC doesnt stay, and I rather hope he does, it all points to Parky taking over (at least in an assistant manager role). Hoddle will apply but he didnt get it last time, so why not Dolan? I quite like the Paul Ince suggestion, though not entirely sure why. Allardyce is the most ill thought out suggestion of all on these 15 pages.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by zummerset » 11 May 2008 19:49

Dr Hfuhruhurr
Royalee Big Sam for me...and before any of you spout rubbish about boring football, I'd rather see players of the calibre of Okocha, Djorkaeff, Anelka and Diouf rather than the dire long ball crap we've played this season with footballing geniuses such as Hunt and Harper in the team.

My first trivia question.
Who was the only manager this season to manage a team to get beaten by Derby in the Premiership?

Youd also have to be on a serious amount of mind bending drugs to believe that Madejski / Hammond would let a player like Anelka anywhere near this club.

If SC doesnt stay, and I rather hope he does, it all points to Parky taking over (at least in an assistant manager role). Hoddle will apply but he didnt get it last time, so why not Dolan? I quite like the Paul Ince suggestion, though not entirely sure why. Allardyce is the most ill thought out suggestion of all on these 15 pages.

No a proven failure is the worst choice - SC goes and Mads should sell to someone with an interest in success i.e. not his own!

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Gordons Cumming » 11 May 2008 19:52

Coppell has one year left on his contract so we have him next season. He honours his contracts.

Charlton kept faith with Curbishley and that bore fruit, so it will with us.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Dr Hfuhruhurr » 11 May 2008 20:01

No a proven failure is the worst choice - SC goes

The problem with that analogy is that next year isnt about coming 17th in the premiership but about achieving something in the Championship. Coppell is far from a proven failure in that league - quite the opposite in fact (unless youd like to elaborate further). Of course, if he honours the one year on his contract then at the end of next season, we might have cause to change....... (We do have more money in the Championship than most, after all - repromotion isnt such a forlorn hope)

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by RoyalBlue » 11 May 2008 20:04

Gordons Cumming Coppell has one year left on his contract so we have him next season. He honours his contracts.

Sorry Gordon, haven't you got enough wrong already this season! :wink:

Coppell will offer his resignation and because Madesjki likes him, he will accept it. I guess there's no point at all in keeping Coppell here against his will, although at the moment, when it comes to Coppell, I'd quite like to hear Madejski repeat Smee's words about Branfoot:

'He got us into this mess, so he can damn well get us out of it!'

Please stay Steve.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Arch » 11 May 2008 20:08

zummerset No a proven failure is the worst choice - SC goes and Mads should sell to someone with an interest in success i.e. not his own!
Wigan have a "proven failure" for a manager, as do Bolton. They seem to be making a decent fist of it.

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by JezD » 11 May 2008 20:44

its gonna be lawrie sanchez

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Re: New manager [Merged]

by Royal Rother » 12 May 2008 08:10

zummerset No a proven failure is the worst choice - SC goes and Mads should sell to someone with an interest in success i.e. not his own!
Wigan have a "proven failure" for a manager, as do Bolton. They seem to be making a decent fist of it.

I think zummerset was referring to Peter Taylor when he used the expression "proven failure".

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