by Toon Toon Blue army » 31 May 2008 17:17
by Alan Partridge » 31 May 2008 17:19
by earleyroyal » 31 May 2008 17:26
by g » 31 May 2008 17:43
by rg6royal » 31 May 2008 17:46
g i think its great for two family clubs with lots of new supporters to meet and greet and make friends
by Avon Royal » 31 May 2008 18:27
earleyroyal No club should agree to play MK Dons in a friendly, one penny to them is far too much. Hopefully AFC Wimbledon will pass them in a couple of years.
by Platypuss » 31 May 2008 18:45
Avon Royalearleyroyal No club should agree to play MK Dons in a friendly, one penny to them is far too much. Hopefully AFC Wimbledon will pass them in a couple of years.
Yawn - when are luddites like you finally going to get over yourselves?
If you had any inkling of the history of Milton Keynes you would realise that the relocation of a football team from London to MK could not be more reflective of the population of that town.
by Mad Dog's Ghost » 31 May 2008 19:41
by Ian Royal » 31 May 2008 20:15
by Tutti Frutti » 31 May 2008 20:31
by SHORT AND CURLY » 31 May 2008 20:36
by earleyroyal » 31 May 2008 20:39
PlatypussAvon Royalearleyroyal No club should agree to play MK Dons in a friendly, one penny to them is far too much. Hopefully AFC Wimbledon will pass them in a couple of years.
Yawn - when are luddites like you finally going to get over yourselves?
If you had any inkling of the history of Milton Keynes you would realise that the relocation of a football team from London to MK could not be more reflective of the population of that town.
What's that got to do with how they did it?
by silas » 31 May 2008 21:16
by Tutti Frutti » 31 May 2008 21:38
silas Can't argue with that but there is little mention anywhere, ever, of how AFC did the dirty on Kingstonian. Added to the fact that everyone I have met associated with AFC all the way through to the youth football (I mean the club officials here not the kids!) has been a total oxf*rd cock, I find myself swaying towards MK these days
by TheRealRoyal » 31 May 2008 23:24
Laura Norder hi forbry loin i like milton keynes greate shops
by TheRealRoyal » 01 Jun 2008 00:11
Rawlie19Laura Norder hi rawlie are yu 19 with a name rawlie19 yuo can be 19 for all yuuor life ha ha rule 1 is dont tell internet men what nickers and cloths yuo have on it is the law so i can not say it some men say i am pretty and the locle bobby says i dont have a bad bone in my body wich is nice of him he is a nice man and very nice i have good brains and i think a lot abuot all sorts of stuff all the time thanks rawlie yuo seem nioce to and a nice man i am lerning abuot crop rotertin and nitergen today of hob nob very intresting buy now
by rfcjoe » 01 Jun 2008 00:14
TheRealRoyalLaura Norder hi forbry loin i like milton keynes greate shops
Well thanks for that.
Ever thought of becoming a travel agent?
TheRealRoyalRawlie19Laura Norder hi rawlie are yu 19 with a name rawlie19 yuo can be 19 for all yuuor life ha ha rule 1 is dont tell internet men what nickers and cloths yuo have on it is the law so i can not say it some men say i am pretty and the locle bobby says i dont have a bad bone in my body wich is nice of him he is a nice man and very nice i have good brains and i think a lot abuot all sorts of stuff all the time thanks rawlie yuo seem nioce to and a nice man i am lerning abuot crop rotertin and nitergen today of hob nob very intresting buy nowBeautiful.
you are all gay
by Avon Royal » 01 Jun 2008 07:39
earleyroyalPlatypussAvon Royal
Yawn - when are luddites like you finally going to get over yourselves?
If you had any inkling of the history of Milton Keynes you would realise that the relocation of a football team from London to MK could not be more reflective of the population of that town.
What's that got to do with how they did it?
Exactly. Nothing to do with a Luddite mindset (you get marks for using a clever word though) but more to do with the fact that the club didn't go through the non-league system and simply started where Wimbledon left off. In contrast, AFC Wimbledon started in the non-league pyramid and have progressed up the leagues without cheating the system.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 01 Jun 2008 10:59
Avon RoyalearleyroyalPlatypuss
What's that got to do with how they did it?
Exactly. Nothing to do with a Luddite mindset (you get marks for using a clever word though) but more to do with the fact that the club didn't go through the non-league system and simply started where Wimbledon left off. In contrast, AFC Wimbledon started in the non-league pyramid and have progressed up the leagues without cheating the system.
So by your argument a club should have to start from scratch simply because it moves location?
Is your objection based on scale of move? If that is the case, where do you draw the line? QPR, Arsenal, Millwall etc have all moved location without the need to rebuild from scratch. Same issues, different time - therefore different scale of move required.
by semtex1871 » 01 Jun 2008 12:40
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