by papereyes » 02 Jul 2008 22:55
by Royal Rother » 02 Jul 2008 23:05
by papereyes » 02 Jul 2008 23:10
Royal Rother Okay so we might well lose Kitson, Doyle and Lita, but would new players actually come here anyway whilst those 3 remain unsold? Doubt it.
by Rev Algenon Stickleback H » 03 Jul 2008 00:04
papereyes The club should have a far clearer idea of which players want to go and which want to stay so work pro-actively around that knowledge.
by RoyalBlue » 03 Jul 2008 08:13
Royal Rother Okay so we might well lose Kitson, Doyle and Lita, but would new players actually come here anyway whilst those 3 remain unsold? Doubt it.
by Bill Oddie's Beard » 03 Jul 2008 10:31
by brendywendy » 03 Jul 2008 10:35
papereyesRoyal Rother Okay so we might well lose Kitson, Doyle and Lita, but would new players actually come here anyway whilst those 3 remain unsold? Doubt it.
That would depend entirely on how they were sold the situation, wouldn't it?
Sorry, I just think the best chance we have of having a good season is to take the bull by the horns, as it were. If I've alluded to any other Championship clubs in that, its accidental.
by Southbank Old Boy » 03 Jul 2008 10:45
by brendywendy » 03 Jul 2008 10:53
Southbank Old Boy Players don't have to be back in training for the manager/club to speak to them or their agents.
by Southbank Old Boy » 03 Jul 2008 10:59
brendywendySouthbank Old Boy Players don't have to be back in training for the manager/club to speak to them or their agents.
i know he and the club will have a rough idea, and laready be planning around that
but itll take face to face meeting to sort it finally in my opinion
by Bill Oddie's Beard » 03 Jul 2008 11:01
Southbank Old BoybrendywendySouthbank Old Boy Players don't have to be back in training for the manager/club to speak to them or their agents.
i know he and the club will have a rough idea, and laready be planning around that
but itll take face to face meeting to sort it finally in my opinion
Nothing to stop them coming in for a chat before pre-season either. In fact I'm sure a few of them usually do some training at the club even during the close season.
I'm sure there was a story about Shorey doing just that not long ago.
by Gordons Cumming » 03 Jul 2008 11:15
Silly me for thinking perhaps he may have tried to look at potential top Championship players when we were in the Prem who could make the step up. I also forgot that we'd been in the Premiership for decades and have no idea what this league holds.
Get ready for loads more mate. We (the fans) have only got ourselves to blame, thanks to those clowns who protested in his car park space, we are consigned to a season full of negativety and more backward progress. When he walks out at Christmas due to our pathetic league position, I doubt they'll be protesting then.
Yes I'm negative, but I see absolutely nothing positive coming from the manager or team so far this year.
by Vision » 03 Jul 2008 11:25
Southbank Old Boy Players don't have to be back in training for the manager/club to speak to them or their agents.
by brendywendy » 03 Jul 2008 11:28
Southbank Old BoybrendywendySouthbank Old Boy Players don't have to be back in training for the manager/club to speak to them or their agents.
i know he and the club will have a rough idea, and laready be planning around that
but itll take face to face meeting to sort it finally in my opinion
Nothing to stop them coming in for a chat before pre-season either. In fact I'm sure a few of them usually do some training at the club even during the close season.
I'm sure there was a story about Shorey doing just that not long ago.
by Royalee » 07 Jul 2008 10:47
by Roger the Rabbit » 07 Jul 2008 11:00
by Royalee » 07 Jul 2008 11:05
Roger the Rabbit Agents in inducing their players to break contracts shocker !!
by West Stand Man » 07 Jul 2008 11:06
Royalee Boo hoo, agents in trying to get the most for their clients shocker...,,10306~1339113,00.html
Grow some balls Coppell, it's the same for everyone.
by Royalee » 07 Jul 2008 11:10
West Stand ManRoyalee Boo hoo, agents in trying to get the most for their clients shocker...,,10306~1339113,00.html
Grow some balls Coppell, it's the same for everyone.
.. and does he say anything to contradict that? No. Are you a half wit? Yes. Have you got an education worth talking about? No.
by West Stand Man » 07 Jul 2008 11:11
RoyaleeRoger the Rabbit Agents in inducing their players to break contracts shocker !!
Perhaps if he wasn't so slow, Coppell wouldn't be burning bridges and instead would be looking to use the power of agents to poach top players at smaller clubs. Just a thought though, I'm not saying that Coppell should demonstrate any form of intelligence as that would be breaking with his tradition.
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