The dreaded vote of confidence

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Do you have faith in the management team and board at RFC?

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The dreaded vote of confidence

by floyd__streete » 18 Jul 2008 18:42

Some interesting debate on the 40+ pager on the Kitson transfer. I get the feeling that the natives are a bit restless at this moment in time and rightly so IMHO. Herewith a little poll, click away your angst. In the words of Rob Brydon, it's just a bit of fun.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by FiNeRaIn » 18 Jul 2008 18:47

Good post.

In all honesty I would say I have no faith at all anymore. Only time will tell, but the lack of ambition is frightening to be honest.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Streets » 18 Jul 2008 18:51

Ok, here goes.

We are a very well ran football club.
We have a fantastic manager.


We are so well ran the chairman refuses to invest significant amounts in transfer fees and wages.
The chairman holds us back for the above.

= I have faith in our manager but not our chairman.

I'm happy with the current state of the football club, it's all very nice. But we need to move forward and our chairman is currently taking us backwards because he wont invest where required.

But hey, lovely new megastore and media centre so who cares.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Royal Rebel » 18 Jul 2008 18:57

Streets Ok, here goes.

We are a very well ran football club.
We have a fantastic manager.


We are so well ran the chairman refuses to invest significant amounts in transfer fees and wages.
The chairman holds us back for the above.

= I have faith in our manager but not our chairman.

I'm happy with the current state of the football club, it's all very nice. But we need to move forward and our chairman is currently taking us backwards because he wont invest where required.

But hey, lovely new megastore and media centre so who cares.

The Chairman has quoted many many times that the club is for sale. Whatever makes you think he's going to invest any money ?


Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by mahoj002 » 18 Jul 2008 18:59

Royal Rebel
Streets Ok, here goes.

We are a very well ran football club.
We have a fantastic manager.


We are so well ran the chairman refuses to invest significant amounts in transfer fees and wages.
The chairman holds us back for the above.

= I have faith in our manager but not our chairman.

I'm happy with the current state of the football club, it's all very nice. But we need to move forward and our chairman is currently taking us backwards because he wont invest where required.

But hey, lovely new megastore and media centre so who cares.

The Chairman has quoted many many times that the club is for sale. Whatever makes you think he's going to invest any money ?

il second that 8)

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Southbank Old Boy » 18 Jul 2008 18:59

The Chairman, Director of Football and the Manager have repeatedly stated that funds were available but that the Manager didn't want to spend it.

Don't make this another thread apportioning blame Jay.

Personally my faith was pretty much exhausted over the last season. This weeks not dented my faith any more.

I voted No.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Streets » 18 Jul 2008 19:00

Royal Rebel
Streets Ok, here goes.

We are a very well ran football club.
We have a fantastic manager.


We are so well ran the chairman refuses to invest significant amounts in transfer fees and wages.
The chairman holds us back for the above.

= I have faith in our manager but not our chairman.

I'm happy with the current state of the football club, it's all very nice. But we need to move forward and our chairman is currently taking us backwards because he wont invest where required.

But hey, lovely new megastore and media centre so who cares.

The Chairman has quoted many many times that the club is for sale. Whatever makes you think he's going to invest any money ?

Oh, well when squeeky says, and he said it again today, we have money to spend, you hope to see investment.

Last season we heard about £10,000,000 or so? We didn't see even half of it.

Now the little fecker is saying Coppell can use all £5.5m. LOL.


We didn't that much in the Premiership last season, we wont in the Championship this term!

Chairman gets a NO VOTE OF CONFIDENCE.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by TFF » 18 Jul 2008 19:01

It really is too early (in a season that hasn't started yet) for this.

Let's wait (1) for the transfer window to close and (2) for us to play some matches.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Coppell's Right Footed 11 » 18 Jul 2008 19:01

You know my thoughts Floyd as pointed out in the other thread. I don't have faith at the moment and until they prove me otherwise i wont have any faith.

Although i really am hoping for us to sign some players, im just very concerned the vultures are hungry now and we have 3 weeks to sign our new look side

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Southbank Old Boy » 18 Jul 2008 19:03

Streets Now the little fecker is saying Coppell can use all £5.5m. LOL.


We didn't that much in the Premiership last season, we wont in the Championship this term!

Chairman gets a NO VOTE OF CONFIDENCE.

What about the man that won't spend the money Jay?

Who do you blame for the lack of investment? The man who says, here you go here's some money. Or the man that says, nah, keep ya money I'm happy with what I've got?

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Platypuss » 18 Jul 2008 19:15

Southbank Old Boy The Chairman, Director of Football and the Manager have repeatedly stated that funds were available but that the Manager didn't want to spend it.

Don't make this another thread apportioning blame Jay.

Personally my faith was pretty much exhausted over the last season. This weeks not dented my faith any more.

I voted No.

Money has always been available for signings, but not individual wages. hence we have loads of dross on 10k, but not enough quality.

We went down due to comfy complacency and a reluctance throughout the top levels of the club to challenge (in)decision-making.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Southbank Old Boy » 18 Jul 2008 19:22

Southbank Old Boy The Chairman, Director of Football and the Manager have repeatedly stated that funds were available but that the Manager didn't want to spend it.

Don't make this another thread apportioning blame Jay.

Personally my faith was pretty much exhausted over the last season. This weeks not dented my faith any more.

I voted No.

Money has always been available for signings, but not individual wages. hence we have loads of dross on 10k, but not enough quality.

We went down due to comfy complacency and a reluctance throughout the top levels of the club to challenge (in)decision-making.

We were willing to pay some of our players 25k though.

If the manager didnt think he had the budgets (transfer and wages) then he should've been doing something to address those constraints not just wandering around saying he had funds but couldnt find players better than the ones he had.

I just don't get Jays slagging off of the Chairman here whilst avoiding the part Coppell has played. It was obvioulsy a joint effort, but for some reason one of the two is being spared Jays vitriol.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by IMAMATEOFJOVSKY » 18 Jul 2008 19:23

Far too risk averse - thats the problem -there's being careful and there's being bloody tight and totally shortsighted on the long term strategy -

£5.5m??? The board have never been there with that kind of money either paying out or receiving - they probably p**sed their pants with excitement

The board would sh*te themselves and give themselves sleepless nights if we paid anywhere near £5m on a decent player - we operate in a comfort zone, and under current stewardship , always will

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Royalee » 18 Jul 2008 19:29

I have a lot of respect for and faith in Madejski and if he was refusing Coppell money to spend then we'd have heard about it by now, however much many on here like a conspiracy theory.

Whilst once upon a time I had a lot of respect for Coppell's achievements here, he has undone that in the space of the last 18 months to the extent that we are now likely to be in a worse position than five years ago when he took over. I have absolutely no faith in the guy as he has failed just as much as he has experienced success (if not more so at places like Brighton) and the sooner he goes, the sooner a forward-thinking manager can come in who plans ahead instead of always wanting to 'react to what will happen', which has been shown up as a diabolical way to do things.

Thanks for 05/06 Steve, it was a wonderful season which will live long in the memory, but close the door on the way out.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by strap » 18 Jul 2008 19:30

I have more faith in Fraudy Brown turning round the economy than I have in the "management" of RFC, and that is zero!

I have said in the past that Mr Ego is RFC's 2nd tier equivalent of Frank Waller, and I was right. In fact, I would refer readers to the RoyalMail lists of 1995 for a prediction of what Mr Ego would do to this club. I just wish I could dig them out of a very old PC.

Mr Ego is a businessman, he is not a football supporter. He will make shed loads out of RFC one way or the other. Even the waste of space Howe has confirmed in public that Mr Ego hasn't put a single penny of his own money into OUR club in years. And of course you all remember don't you that he has only LOANED the club £40M or whatever. Even with 2 years on the gravy train, RFC's debt to him seems to be static. I await the publishing of the accounts with a great deal of interest.

Duped Ladies and Gentlemen. We have been duped. The Emporer has NO new clothes. Let's get used to the new reality.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Roger the Rabbit » 18 Jul 2008 19:41

This is like a meeting of Depressives Anonymous !

I reckon you guys should all trash your ids and go watch the cricket....

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by PEARCEY » 18 Jul 2008 20:01

I'm surprised that the voting is a 50/50 split on here...things do appear to be turning.
I have 100% faith in Coppell but we have to make some quality signings with only three recognised centre forwards yet seven centre backs...surely a massive imbalance.
Its all very well some on here blaming Coppell but its no good having transfer funds available but pointless if the wage structure is far too tight to attract players.
If we are to challenge for promotion we cannot afford to lose many more of our better players.
I admit to being a bit worried at the moment...particularly if someone like Kitson sees Stoke as a better long term option than us.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Pete10 » 18 Jul 2008 20:10

Strap your not wrong all very short sighted Mr Coppell must be tearing whats left of his hair out.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by Toby_Jugs » 18 Jul 2008 20:26

Madejski has taken us as far as we wants to. Time for him to go before other clubs overtake us. Steve Coppell remains a good manager and we don't know to what extent his hands have been tied, but I doubt the likes of Hammond of Madeksji have helped him much recently.

We should be thankful for where Madejski has taken the club, but time for him to move on and let someone take the club to the next level.

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Re: The dreaded vote of confidence

by PEARCEY » 18 Jul 2008 20:27

Toby_Jugs Madejski has taken us as far as we wants to. Time for him to go before other clubs overtake us. Steve Coppell remains a good manager and we don't know to what extent his hands have been tied, but I doubt the likes of Hammond of Madeksji have helped him much recently.

We should be thankful for where Madejski has taken the club, but time for him to move on and let someone take the club to the next level.


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