by chandog » 18 Jul 2008 20:38
by Streets » 18 Jul 2008 20:51
Southbank Old BoyStreets Now the little fecker is saying Coppell can use all £5.5m. LOL.
We didn't that much in the Premiership last season, we wont in the Championship this term!
Chairman gets a NO VOTE OF CONFIDENCE.
What about the man that won't spend the money Jay?
by Roger the Rabbit » 18 Jul 2008 20:51
PEARCEYToby_Jugs Madejski has taken us as far as we wants to. Time for him to go before other clubs overtake us. Steve Coppell remains a good manager and we don't know to what extent his hands have been tied, but I doubt the likes of Hammond of Madeksji have helped him much recently.
We should be thankful for where Madejski has taken the club, but time for him to move on and let someone take the club to the next level.
by Big Foot » 18 Jul 2008 20:55
by SCIAG » 18 Jul 2008 21:01
by PEARCEY » 18 Jul 2008 21:09
Roger the RabbitPEARCEYToby_Jugs Madejski has taken us as far as we wants to. Time for him to go before other clubs overtake us. Steve Coppell remains a good manager and we don't know to what extent his hands have been tied, but I doubt the likes of Hammond of Madeksji have helped him much recently.
We should be thankful for where Madejski has taken the club, but time for him to move on and let someone take the club to the next level.
Significant flaw in the arguement though....
by Turns8 » 18 Jul 2008 21:11
by PEARCEY » 18 Jul 2008 21:17
Turns8 YAWN
by Big Ern » 18 Jul 2008 21:23
by Handsome Man » 18 Jul 2008 21:24
IMAMATEOFJOVSKY Far too risk averse - thats the problem -there's being careful and there's being bloody tight and totally shortsighted on the long term strategy -
£5.5m??? The board have never been there with that kind of money either paying out or receiving - they probably p**sed their pants with excitement
The board would sh*te themselves and give themselves sleepless nights if we paid anywhere near £5m on a decent player - we operate in a comfort zone, and under current stewardship , always will
by Handsome Man » 18 Jul 2008 21:29
Big Ern The guy is also sicophantic........
by The whole year inn » 18 Jul 2008 21:32
Handsome ManIMAMATEOFJOVSKY Far too risk averse - thats the problem -there's being careful and there's being bloody tight and totally shortsighted on the long term strategy -
£5.5m??? The board have never been there with that kind of money either paying out or receiving - they probably p**sed their pants with excitement
The board would sh*te themselves and give themselves sleepless nights if we paid anywhere near £5m on a decent player - we operate in a comfort zone, and under current stewardship , always will
by floyd__streete » 18 Jul 2008 21:41
Big Ern The guy is also sicophantic, and has used the club purely as a means to highten his profile. Lets face it, before he bought the club, how many of us outside the publishing industry had actually heard of him? Now he appears in the media on a regular basis and I am sure a Kighthood is not far away. It if often the case that those who can buy almost anything they want, a category that Madejski falls into, often strive to attain things money cannot buy. Lets face it, why else would he spend millions on his Performng Arts College and other such projects........
by Row Z Royal » 18 Jul 2008 21:44
by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 18 Jul 2008 21:54
by readingbedding » 18 Jul 2008 22:09
by Royalee » 18 Jul 2008 22:16
readingbedding Every RFC fan wants the best for RFC.
It's all about whether you trust the current set-up or not.
It's not about point-scoring, or I'll told you so...because if the wheels do fall off and I see that we have ground to a halt, then yeah, I will gladly turn from someone who trusts the set-up to someone who doesn't...
And on the flipside, if someone has grave doubts or does not trust the set-up sees it all emerging again into something they can trust, of course they will change their tune.
We all want the same thing.
by Arch » 18 Jul 2008 22:28
readingbedding Every RFC fan wants the best for RFC.
It's all about whether you trust the current set-up or not.
It's not about point-scoring, or I'll told you so...because if the wheels do fall off and I see that we have ground to a halt, then yeah, I will gladly turn from someone who trusts the set-up to someone who doesn't...
And on the flipside, if someone has grave doubts or does not trust the set-up sees it all emerging again into something they can trust, of course they will change their tune.
We all want the same thing.
by strap » 18 Jul 2008 22:48
Roger the Rabbit This is like a meeting of Depressives Anonymous !
I reckon you guys should all trash your ids and go watch the cricket....
by seahawk10 » 18 Jul 2008 22:56
readingbedding Every RFC fan wants the best for RFC.
It's all about whether you trust the current set-up or not.
It's not about point-scoring, or I'll told you so...because if the wheels do fall off and I see that we have ground to a halt, then yeah, I will gladly turn from someone who trusts the set-up to someone who doesn't...
And on the flipside, if someone has grave doubts or does not trust the set-up sees it all emerging again into something they can trust, of course they will change their tune.
We all want the same thing.
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