voice of reasonWoodleyRoyal so your telling me that spending nearly £10,000 to follow the club home and away for the last five years barley missing a game i dont have a right to boo?
Everyone has the right to their own opinion, no matter how much they have spent following the club. If that opinion is ill informed then expect that opinion to be questioned, as I have just done. The point is you cant JUSTIFY booing him. Do you know what that word means? E.g. you have no actual reason to, your reasons are based purely on assumptions which are more than likely not at all accurate. So you can boo him if you so wish but expect to sound a bit stupid when asked why you are booing.
P.s. £10,000? Unless you have been spending an average of 40 quid per match for 50 games a season I struggle to see where this figure comes from. Are you 15?
Korea pre-season and two trips to sweden not cheap chap this just dosent relate to this season he shuld have coughed up last season and the assets we have sold this year is the final nail in the coffin