by RoyalBlue »
01 Sep 2008 13:43
Royal Rother Skin Royal Rother Not a chance.
Lita is not the sort of player Coppell can manage, simple as. Litas ability is simply being restricted by his manager and his style of management . You'll see the right manager get the best out of him, unfortunately that is not Coppell. It happens, doesn't mean he can't and won't be a great player.

Your faith in our disfunctional, misfiring little striker who never strikes is commendable and long-lasting, particularly in the face of ever-mounting evidence to the contrary, but please, just for me, define "great" in the context you use it so I might understand how good you think he is. You know, great as in the class of a Leon Knight, a Nathan Tyson, a Paul Dickov perhaps, or a Thierry Henry, Ruud Van Nistelrooy or Michael Owen?
Ever mounting evidence? Don't get played, can't score. Guess that could be called evidence. This of a striker who not that long ago was receiving a letter from the FA congratulating him on how well he had played for England U21s in the Euro Champs.
My money's still on him proving you wrong, whether at RFC or whichever club we offload him to for a couple more million quid.