Hunt dissapointed

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by cmonurz » 03 Sep 2008 08:44

Agree with Vision - Everton are a (relatively) huge club, one of the biggest in the country. I would want to move to Everton, even as a Reading fan, it is a great opportunity, and I can understand Hunt's disappointment.

With Hunt, I am sure he will continue to give his all for the club. And tbf he makes the pertinent point, which is that Everton could have secured the transfer with £5m up front, had they wanted to.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Streets » 03 Sep 2008 08:52

Yorkshire Royal He's a stupid long haired rambo wannabe.. Another excuse for a quality player when really all he does is run around with passion and energy... Again his performances so far this year are proving me wrong (see crossing camp comment), but overall he is a joke of a footballer. Better than Andy Hughes though..

What makes me sad is that our joke of a club needs him, so well done Coppell for not giving in to Everton's bullying techniques..


'greed. Hughes, a footballer?

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Fat Leather Jacket » 03 Sep 2008 08:55

Hunt sounds like a big plebby child. Hardly a surprise though from todays modern footballer.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Wycombe Royal » 03 Sep 2008 08:58

To me it sounds like his agent stirring. RFC say that they only received an enquiry and not a bid, whereas Hunt understands that Everton were offering a large chunk of the £5m up front and the rest within a year. I wonder who told him that?

As for Everton if what Hunt is saying about the offer is true then why didn't they just up their offer to the £5m up front which would have triggered the release clause, after all this is a club who have just paid £15m for a 20 year old from Belgium. THey obviously didn't want him that much.

I am dissapointed by Hunt. He has taken the opportunity whilst away with Ireland and therefore RFC to say this stuff porbably in the hope that it will have blown over by the time he returns and he also drags Kevin Doyle in to it.

Everyone already knew that he would want to play in the Premiership, which player doesn't, but he didn't need to come out and say how dissapointed and angry he is. The club need to discipline him for his outburst.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Royal Rother » 03 Sep 2008 08:59

Vision and cmonurz have it right - out of all the stuff Hunt says, the only comments that ring particularly true, as coming from his heart, are the ones that if he was worth £5m someone would have paid it, and that he will be redoubling his efforts for RFC in the coming months. That's the Stephen Hunt we know and respect.

The rest is just as a result of his agent unsettling him to ensure his client remains in the news, with as many clubs as possible aware that he wants out, as that way he will generate a nice fat fee in January. Scummy bastards.

When asked a direct question, Coppell is completely unable to lie. No formal offer of £3.5m was made.

Juanpablo also has it right when he says football is pretty shitty these days.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Yorkshire Royal » 03 Sep 2008 09:10

Royal Rother Yorkshire Royal, just shut up and go to bed will you? You're an embarrassment.

Oh do be quiet you pompous little man. I'm entitled to my opinion, one shared by most football fans, is that Stephen Hunt is not actually a good player.

And he has a stupid hair cut.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Yorkshire Royal » 03 Sep 2008 09:13

And after reading the full quote in that Irish Examiner, not only is he a rubbish footballer, but also a grade A prick...

Rather like RR actually...

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by CMRoyal » 03 Sep 2008 09:14

I love Hunty and Doyle, but these guys need a frigging reality check. According to SC, 8 players came to him pre-season and said they wanted out. That’s pretty much the core of a team that wasn’t good enough for the Premier League last season – talk about not taking responsibility for failure! They all seem to think it was someone else’s fault. They took the plaudits for collective success, but aren’t prepared to face up to collective failure.

So as the dust settles on the transfer activity, what have we got? Shorey’s done alright getting his move to Villa, although it came very late, a lot cheaper than expected and as a result of as serious injury to Villa’s regular left-back. His performances so far (4 out of 10 against Liverpool in one paper – everyone else a 6 or 7) suggest he’ll make a decent reserve for them when Bouma returns.

Kitson got off-loaded to Stoke and is facing another relegation struggle with a parlous goal-scoring return. Neither he nor Shorey look like getting a sniff of international action, in fact they are getting further away from the possibility with each match. Inexplicably, Sonko’s joined Dave at Stoke. How he can be so arrogant as to think that his performances in the Prem (and against Charlton) make him remotely good enough for the top flight is beyond me. Much more suffering due for him and his team this season, I expect.

Little? Went off to play in Pompey’s reserves (if and when he’s fit), and I guess he – like the others – has the comfort of a larger salary to cushion the blow of underachievement. Then there was Sidwell warming the Chelsea bench last season. Who knows whether he’ll manage to break into the Villa side?

OK, these guys are all better off materially now, but it’s pretty obvious that the team was always greater than the sum of its parts and no doubt the smarter Premier League managers are aware of that fact. Hunt must surely know he’s only nominally worth £5mill because of the manager who has developed him and players he’s had around him. If any part of him should be wounded, it’s his pride – Everton only came in for him because they couldn’t get their first choice (the Nigerian) and even then they valued him a good 30% less than he willingly valued himself only last season. Doyle is no doubt in a similar position, and surely it’s rather pathetic to be hanging around on the last day of a 3 month transfer window in the vague (and vain) hope that a Premier League team will have so run out of options and be so desperate that they’ll finally reluctantly pay over the odds for your services.

It’s time these boys realised which side their bread’s buttered, junked the Big Time Charlie attitude and made damn sure they get back where they so clearly think they belong, with the club that’s done so much to help get them into a position where that's possible.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Who Moved The Goalposts? » 03 Sep 2008 09:19

Royal Rother Vision and cmonurz have it right - out of all the stuff Hunt says, the only comments that ring particularly true, as coming from his heart, are the ones that if he was worth £5m someone would have paid it, and that he will be redoubling his efforts for RFC in the coming months. That's the Stephen Hunt we know and respect.

The rest is just as a result of his agent unsettling him to ensure his client remains in the news, with as many clubs as possible aware that he wants out, as that way he will generate a nice fat fee in January. Scummy bastards.

When asked a direct question, Coppell is completely unable to lie. No formal offer of £3.5m was made.

Juanpablo also has it right when he says football is pretty shitty these days.

I think "shitty" doesn't go far enough. I'd say football for the likes of the traditional supporter is being read the last rites. Abramovich set the industry back 10 years; the ridiculous goings on at Man City have set in back even further. It's no longer about what happens during 90 minutes, more about supposedly "grown" men willy-waving with their bank balances in order to achieve supremacy. Is it any wonder the players get sucked in?

I love my football club and football in general, have done for nearly 40 years, but I am coming to the point where I've had enough. Everything is so pointless if you're not one of the now big 5 - even if you get promotion it's likely to be a struggle, and the clubs are either battling for survival themselves or chasing the one fewer European places that will be available thanks to Man City's new found status. It's about time someone at UEFA or FIFA had the bollocks to try and level the playing field, but since they are just as focussed on chasing the dollar, it won't happen anytime soon. My only hope is (and fingers are crossed) that one of the top clubs suddenly has their loans recalled or their owners become victims of the global economy and crash and burn spectacularly.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Huntley & Palmer » 03 Sep 2008 09:26

Why is it that RFC fans struggle so much with the fact that players want to be in a team at the highest possible level?

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Focher » 03 Sep 2008 09:29

There is absolutely no way he's tarmacing my drive now after these comments

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Vision » 03 Sep 2008 09:29

CMRoyal I love Hunty and Doyle, but these guys need a frigging reality check. According to SC, 8 players came to him pre-season and said they wanted out. That’s pretty much the core of a team that wasn’t good enough for the Premier League last season – talk about not taking responsibility for failure! They all seem to think it was someone else’s fault. They took the plaudits for collective success, but aren’t prepared to face up to collective failure.

So as the dust settles on the transfer activity, what have we got? Shorey’s done alright getting his move to Villa, although it came very late, a lot cheaper than expected and as a result of as serious injury to Villa’s regular left-back. His performances so far (4 out of 10 against Liverpool in one paper – everyone else a 6 or 7) suggest he’ll make a decent reserve for them when Bouma returns.

Kitson got off-loaded to Stoke and is facing another relegation struggle with a parlous goal-scoring return. Neither he nor Shorey look like getting a sniff of international action, in fact they are getting further away from the possibility with each match. Inexplicably, Sonko’s joined Dave at Stoke. How he can be so arrogant as to think that his performances in the Prem (and against Charlton) make him remotely good enough for the top flight is beyond me. Much more suffering due for him and his team this season, I expect.

Little? Went off to play in Pompey’s reserves (if and when he’s fit), and I guess he – like the others – has the comfort of a larger salary to cushion the blow of underachievement. Then there was Sidwell warming the Chelsea bench last season. Who knows whether he’ll manage to break into the Villa side?

OK, these guys are all better off materially now, but it’s pretty obvious that the team was always greater than the sum of its parts and no doubt the smarter Premier League managers are aware of that fact. Hunt must surely know he’s only nominally worth £5mill because of the manager who has developed him and players he’s had around him. If any part of him should be wounded, it’s his pride – Everton only came in for him because they couldn’t get their first choice (the Nigerian) and even then they valued him a good 30% less than he willingly valued himself only last season. Doyle is no doubt in a similar position, and surely it’s rather pathetic to be hanging around on the last day of a 3 month transfer window in the vague (and vain) hope that a Premier League team will have so run out of options and be so desperate that they’ll finally reluctantly pay over the odds for your services.

It’s time these boys realised which side their bread’s buttered, junked the Big Time Charlie attitude and made damn sure they get back where they so clearly think they belong, with the club that’s done so much to help get them into a position where that's possible.

A good post and i pretty much agree with most of it but its a symptom of the modern game. The only difference i can see is that Hunt has actually been upfront and honest in what he says (without actually slagging anyone off) rather than hiding behind the usual jargon and cliches most players say in the same situation.

The club want young , hungry and ambitious players as a policy . Therefore its no surprise is it if those same players having tasted top flight football don't want to settle for 2nd best if they have an opportunity and interest from amongst the top clubs in the country?

I'm not happy about it of course, i'd love for players to love the club the way i do but it just isn't rea;istic I'm afraid. Quite why Hunt seems to be getting so much stick when he's just being perfectly upfront and expresssing the same view anyone in his situation would is beyond me. He'll give his all for us until the time comes where we accept a bid for him and he goes elsewhere and frankly thats all anyone can really ask or expect isn't it?
Last edited by Vision on 03 Sep 2008 09:31, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Wycombe Royal » 03 Sep 2008 09:31

Huntley & Palmer Why is it that RFC fans struggle so much with the fact that players want to be in a team at the highest possible level?

I have no issue with that, and any player that doesn't want to play at the highest level is never going to achieve much, but it is the way that talk about things in the media.

THere was no need for Hunt to make these comments in that manner. Doyle has said he wants to be in the Premiership but the way he has put himself across is a lot more proessional and has not angered the fans. Hunt in one interview has turned probably over 50% of the fans against him.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 03 Sep 2008 09:33

Lol at anyone who thinks transfer discussion would go on between Coppell and Moyes. That's not how football works.

And lol at Everton thinking Hunt is good enough for them. He was found out 2nd half of last season. Bllody hard worker, not a Premiership quality winger though.
Last edited by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe on 03 Sep 2008 09:38, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by LoyalRoyalFan » 03 Sep 2008 09:38

£3.5 million for Hunty is a joke.

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Gordons Cumming » 03 Sep 2008 09:39

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe Lol at anyone who thinks transfer discussion would go on between Coppell and Moyes. That's not how football works.

And lol at Everton thinking Hunt is good enough for them. He was found out 2nd half of last season. Bllody hard worker, not a Premiership quality winger though.

.............and you know?

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Thaumagurist* » 03 Sep 2008 09:47

Gordons Cumming
Smoking Kills Dancing Doe Lol at anyone who thinks transfer discussion would go on between Coppell and Moyes. That's not how football works.

.............and you know?

Er, SKDD, have you not been following this at all? Did you not notice Coppell's comments about his conversation with Moyes?

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Southbank Old Boy » 03 Sep 2008 09:47

Generally I agree with Wycombe's stance on this. I can totally understand a player wanting to better himself and wanting to play at the highest level etc, but there is no need to go spouting off such drivel to the papers even if it's how you feel.

How would Hunt react if Coppell had come out straight after one of Hunts glaring misses last season and said that's probably just cust us our place in the Premiership! Sometimes you need to earn your 25k a week by being professional off the pitch as well as on it.

I do take issue with his ideas that the club owe him a debt of gratitude for taking him on a free and saving him from a couple of seasons on a relative pittence sraping away with Bradford in League 1. The fact that we've gone as far as playing him in the Premiership let alone paying him 25k a week for the privaledge should be more than enough compensation for him.

Royal Rother Vision and cmonurz have it right - out of all the stuff Hunt says, the only comments that ring particularly true, as coming from his heart, are the ones that if he was worth £5m someone would have paid it, and that he will be redoubling his efforts for RFC in the coming months. That's the Stephen Hunt we know and respect.

The rest is just as a result of his agent unsettling him to ensure his client remains in the news, with as many clubs as possible aware that he wants out, as that way he will generate a nice fat fee in January. Scummy bastards.

When asked a direct question, Coppell is completely unable to lie. No formal offer of £3.5m was made.

Juanpablo also has it right when he says football is pretty shitty these days.

I'm not sure that the only bit coming from his heart is the bit you pick out RR. There is a lot of emotive language he uses and I bet his raw feelings are a lot more around the anger and disappointment than the little aside at the end where I can picture him shrugging and saying, "well I guess I'll have to knuckle down again now...."

What does worry me a little is that the bad apple comments sound like a possible threat for the next transfer window. Coming out in the press so quickly and making comments like that isn't something you'd do if you didn't want to send some kind of message to the club. Remember Sonko's almost daily come and get me pleas in the Evening Post? I hope Hunt isn't being led astray by his agent who is gearing him up for a bad apple campaign to get him out in Januray

As for the Coppell being unable to tell a lie, he can certainly tell a half truth though

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by LoyalRoyal22 » 03 Sep 2008 09:52

Im starting to get seriously wound up by these comments. Hunt has some cheek, fair enough he might be abit dissapointed, but he should remember who gave him his chance in Prem and who stuck by him threw the cech saga. Im starting to think how professional Sidwell and Shorey are now. There is no need for Hunt to go public, Reading isnt exactly a bad place to play, we should win more than we lose this season and have a good chance to go back up, cant he stick it out for one season before moaning!? Doyle`s comments are not as bad but still pretty oxf*rd annoying. I was reading in the dail express this morning that Tottenham tried to get into touch with Reading about Doyle late on monday night, but they couldnt contact Reading officials :lol: Anyway, Not sure if we should boo Hunt or not...hmmmm

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Re: Hunt dissapointed

by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 03 Sep 2008 09:55

Gordons Cumming
Smoking Kills Dancing Doe Lol at anyone who thinks transfer discussion would go on between Coppell and Moyes. That's not how football works.

.............and you know?

Er, SKDD, have you not been following this at all? Did you not notice Coppell's comments about his conversation with Moyes?

They may have had a chat. But I doubt that was even the half of it.

Hunt was clearly trying to enginer things for a start.

These sort of comments make you wonder if we should have taken the deal...

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