Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Royal Lady » 21 Sep 2008 20:44

So what happens if Watford miss out on play offs by 2 points or get relegated by 2 points? Same thing, doesn't matter when in the season it happens, shirley?

Anyway, I can't believe some fans are getting so uptight about this. If one of our players had walked the ball into the net for Watford, you'd have all been going ballistic and saying it wasn't up to the players, it was up to the officials. :roll: Shit happens. On this occasion we weren't even given an advantage - we should have beaten them!

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Sharpy » 21 Sep 2008 20:48

its the bit of luck we need....im sure we will have loads of shit decisions go against us this year all amounting to 'that goal'

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by FiNeRaIn » 21 Sep 2008 20:52

Royal Lady On this occasion we weren't even given an advantage - we should have beaten them!

Yes we were, we were given a goal that shouldn't of stood. Why should we have beaten them? Its upto us to put the ball in the net and thats something we can't do away. Without this awful piece of officiating we would have lost. Once again we were terrible at the back and couldn't take the chances up front, we scored a pen and a goal that never was, watford scored two goals from open play.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Royal Lady » 21 Sep 2008 20:56

I don't think us getting that first "goal" helped us at all - they weren't able to celebrate and gee each other up for the restart. After half time Watford came out all guns blazing to try and put it right - they had more reason to be riled and got their two goals.

There was nothing wrong with Bikey's goal - therefore, the ref "evened" it up - as we predicted as soon as he gave the first "goal". The ref did everything he could to not penalise Watford throughout the game, except when it was glaringly obvious that he had to give us a decision.

Why are you so bothered Finerain?? We only got a draw as it is!

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by FiNeRaIn » 21 Sep 2008 21:01

I am bothered as it isn't really a great image for the club, makes us look desperate.
Its not like it was " probably" not a goal, like a borderline offside, or a foul on the keeper which wasn't given. The ball didn't go near the goal and it almost looks as if the officials were bribed its that bad of a call. Debatable goals which can't be replayed by the players or officials on the pitch are fine to let go and be talking points, however when its 100% clear to everyone without the need of a video replay that is wasn't a goal, why not do the sporting gesture? This case was without doubt 100% clear to EVERYONE other than the linemsan and ref that it hadn't gone in and was frankly a horrendous call.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Royal Lady » 21 Sep 2008 21:04

Yes it was a terrible decision, but in the same way that other terrible decisions have gone against us, we just happened to be lucky this time. They're not going to make us replay the game, so what's the point of harping on about it. I still maintain that it was not up to us to score a goal for them, in the same way that I wouldn't expect an opposing team to score a goal for us in the same situation.

The ref will end up reffing a a sunday league game after this. If anything, it should show the FA that they need to take a long hard look at some of the decisions made by their officials in future and bring in video replays.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Archie's penalty » 21 Sep 2008 21:05

Arch If nothing else, Eustace deserved to have an OG chalked up to his record for that comical bit of defending. Doubly weak from Pearce for their second, as others have observed, and our whole team were defensively hesitant for their first. Anyone else think that Long had poked the ball out of his own reach and was lucky he got brought down?

Sooner this game is behind us the better.

I think that Long did very well on the penalty. Shame he couldn't do well at other times...

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Dirk Gently » 21 Sep 2008 21:41

Royal Lady On this occasion we weren't even given an advantage - we should have beaten them!

Yes we were, we were given a goal that shouldn't of stood. Why should we have beaten them? Its upto us to put the ball in the net and thats something we can't do away. Without this awful piece of officiating we would have lost. Once again we were terrible at the back and couldn't take the chances up front, we scored a pen and a goal that never was, watford scored two goals from open play.

But football is far too complicated a game to say what would have happened if that "goal" hadn't been awarded. Perhaps without the sense of injustice that motivated Watford and their fans then they'd not have scored the two they did. That "goal" wasn't an isolated thing - it was part of a game of over 90 minutes, and it being awarded changed the whole context of everything else that happened in the rest of the game.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Schards#2 » 21 Sep 2008 21:44

FiNeRaIn I am bothered as it isn't really a great image for the club, makes us look desperate.
Its not like it was " probably" not a goal, like a borderline offside, or a foul on the keeper which wasn't given. The ball didn't go near the goal and it almost looks as if the officials were bribed its that bad of a call. Debatable goals which can't be replayed by the players or officials on the pitch are fine to let go and be talking points, however when its 100% clear to everyone without the need of a video replay that is wasn't a goal, why not do the sporting gesture? This case was without doubt 100% clear to EVERYONE other than the linemsan and ref that it hadn't gone in and was frankly a horrendous call.

Getting a penalty with a blatent dive is cheating and makes you look desperate.

Getting a decision like yesterday's makes us look lucky though, given the subsequent events, even that's questionable.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Victor Meldrew » 21 Sep 2008 21:51

When we walked away from the game we knew that the officials would be making the headlines but at the time didn't realise just how bad the decision was.
Like it or not we got our usual 1 point at Watford and at least this time something happened during the game unlike on the last 2 occasions.
Is 1 point at Watford a point gained or two lost?
Who knows and who knows how bad they and the other sides that we have got points off are-Plymouth,Forest,Palace,Wednesday,all,along with Watford,currently in the bottom half of the table?

It's still very early in the season but Wolves away may give us a better idea of how we might fare for the season ahead and hopefully for that game and all the others we will be talking about the players and not the officials.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by OldBiscuit » 21 Sep 2008 22:01

FiNeRaIn Disappointed with coppell today, we might not have gone against the rules of the game, but we went against the spirit.
There is no way we should have accepted that as a goal, once it was given and we had a chance to discuss the incident at half time we should of walked the ball into our own net. It was a real scrubby move to play on as if nothing had happened.
I know we are a terrible team away from home but we were scraping the bottom of the barrel. Its not as if it was a " you win some you lose some" goal, it was NEVER a goal in a million years and we were awarded a goal out of nowhere. There wasn't even a decision to be made, the manager, players and club should be ashamed of themselves tonight.

Can't beleive this one, you are trying to be controversial just to get a thread going, surely?

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Sarah Star » 21 Sep 2008 22:07

Victor Meldrew When we walked away from the game we knew that the officials would be making the headlines but at the time didn't realise just how bad the decision was.
Like it or not we got our usual 1 point at Watford and at least this time something happened during the game unlike on the last 2 occasions.
Is 1 point at Watford a point gained or two lost?
Who knows and who knows how bad they and the other sides that we have got points off are-Plymouth,Forest,Palace,Wednesday,all,along with Watford,currently in the bottom half of the table?

It's still very early in the season but Wolves away may give us a better idea of how we might fare for the season ahead and hopefully for that game and all the others we will be talking about the players and not the officials.

I was surprised to discover that up until yesterday, we'd played the same tems as Wolves in the League.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by JC » 21 Sep 2008 22:48

phil in cornwall I think we still have a chance to show that Reading FC and Reading supporters have a sense of fair play.

We have a home game against Watford in January and I think we should allow them to score a goal from the kick off. After all, the assistant referee's error gave an incorrect away goal not a home goal. So we should give an away goal back to Watford.

If we can't score at least 2 goals in the remaining 89 minutes of that game we don't deserve three points anyway.

And they should then allow Bikey to score with an uncontested header and they should commit a deliberate foul in the penalty box (again).

I have never heard so much rubbish talked about any incident. Referees make mistakes and clubs have to live with them. Following your logic would mean the game would descend into chaos.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Laura Norder » 21 Sep 2008 22:54

it must of bin a gaol at half time the lad brokes man was paying back if yuo bet on n hunt fist gaol scoer i saw him do it

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by papereyes » 21 Sep 2008 23:33

RoyalBlue Had our promotion or relegation rested on the outcome of this match ...

They do.

I meant solely on this match i.e. it had been the last game of the season and a point would have made a critical difference.

But it would have been the same value point as earned here. All decisions in a league that could be very tight will be vital come the final reckoning.

I actually think its hilarious - a significant highlight of our season.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Very near...far away » 22 Sep 2008 02:29

Laura Norder it must of bin a gaol at half time the lad brokes man was paying back if yuo bet on n hunt fist gaol scoer i saw him do it

Sorry, what's that in English?

Rubbish decisions are made all the time in football, they usually even up over time. Except for Man Utd and John Terry obviously.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by ayjaydee » 22 Sep 2008 07:37

Laura Norder it must of bin a gaol at half time the lad brokes man was paying back if yuo bet on n hunt fist gaol scoer i saw him do it

Not at the end of the bloddy game he wasn't!! Changed to OG by that time.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by rg6royal » 22 Sep 2008 07:59

Laura Norder it must of bin a gaol at half time the lad brokes man was paying back if yuo bet on n hunt fist gaol scoer i saw him do it

Not at the end of the bloddy game he wasn't!! Changed to OG by that time.


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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Platypuss » 22 Sep 2008 08:39

One positive is that we might now lift the apparent fixation some fans have that RFC is somehow more "ethical" than most other football clubs.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Derbyshire Royal » 22 Sep 2008 08:54

Well we took the goal and it will stand and we get the away point. However I dont think that we can ever complain about a dodgy decision against us again.

In my opinion we should have said that it wasnt a goal, I understand how difficult this would be, but its not like a goal line clearance or an offside, this was well wide and our players knew it. This shows how the game has sunk and I wonder would other clubs have just taken the goal?

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