Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

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Re: Coppell happy to have a replay

by T.R.O.L.I. » 22 Sep 2008 12:09

Geekins We would've won i feel before that incident, we were by far the better team, but if there was a replay, then Watford would be up for that like they were in the 2nd half.

Also would we possibly be at a disadvantage due to the amount of players they had on the treatment table at the weekend...

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Rex » 22 Sep 2008 12:14

Would both clubs have to play the same eligable players. I think TROLI raises a reasonable question there. When would this be fitted into the calendar. At the end of the season? Why should both clubs play an extra competative match. At the goals also struck off.does N Hunt have to find a week when he's got the trots again.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Dave the rave » 22 Sep 2008 12:21

One thing's for sure, we've added a little more history to our club.
This is a dead cert for 'what happened next' in 10 years time.

And to all the people on here who are berating that we look bad because of the officials' mistake I suggest you have a word with yourselves.

I support my club. It seems that some on here don't.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by DelBoyRodders » 22 Sep 2008 12:23

Laura Norder it must of bin a gaol at half time the lad brokes man was paying back if yuo bet on n hunt fist gaol scoer i saw him do it


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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by fozzy » 22 Sep 2008 12:36

The main problem have with Coppell's statement on the OS that "we would replay the game" is that it's easy for him to say so on his ten grand a week or whatever, but realistically who funds it?

Free tickets for those who went? (Or only if you kept the stubs?!) - if so, do Watford suffer the cost of hosting a game (stewards, police, catering staff, etc etc etc) at their cost again, if no revenue through turnstiles?

Travel repaid?
Parking repaid?

or, as these are unsolveable, just down to the fans to fork out again?! I bet that's the case.

The 'goal' didn't win us the game, and you could argue it nearly cost us it. Without that, we probably would have won 2 or 3 nil based on the play, and without Watford's anger............ and what with Bikey's good goal being ruled out, 1 possibly 2 more penalties ignored it's just not worth it, not worth the "What if" argument... else where do you draw the line? How bad does a mistake have to be before a game gets replayed and how long after it's finished?


(ps the one person who should fund it is the fecking lino!!!!)

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Franchise FC » 22 Sep 2008 13:06

SteveRoyal Referee's aren't allowed to go back on their decision.
But this judgement clearly shows the need for video replays.
It cries out for it.

Sorry, but that's simply not true. Alan Wiley went back on his decision in the Stoke - Everton game. Same weekend in the Football League a referee gave a penalty, then after speaking to an assistant referee who told him the defender had got the ball, changed his mind.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Man Friday » 22 Sep 2008 13:25

You don't need video technology to not award a goal when the ball is 4 yards away. You just need an assistant referee with half-decent eyesight and a referee with balls. Most of all you need common sense - officials: didn't you think it mildly odd that no one was celebrating or even appealing, etc? What absolutely absolute idiots.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Forbury Lion » 22 Sep 2008 13:27

Knowing our luck we'd have been reported for match fixing had we allowed them to equalise.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by 1960 » 22 Sep 2008 13:30

Arsenal replayed a cup game against Sheff Utd when they scored from a throw-in which where Sheff expected the ball to be given back to them. Arsenal knew they would win the replay any way, so it wasn't a hard decision.

However, the questions about personnel, tickets, costs etc etc may be answered from that game.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by floyd__streete » 22 Sep 2008 13:37

FiNeRaIn Without this awful piece of officiating we would have lost. Once again we were terrible at the back and couldn't take the chances up front, we scored a pen and a goal that never was, watford scored two goals from open play.

Now you are talking sense, lets discuss this instead. Having seen a replay of the Watford goals.....what an absolute shambles from Reading. Twice.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by aardvark » 22 Sep 2008 13:37

I'm not sure whether or not, at the time, the RFC players should have done something to rectify the 'goal'. But, surely, to replay the game now would be daft. Where would this end? How blatant would the mistake have to be for the match to be replayed - there's often handballs/offsides that it turns out were given/not given incorrectly. It would mean every time you were at a match when there was a bad decision you'd sit there wondering if the rest of what you were watching was going to count for nothing 'cos the match was going to get replayed.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Dirk Gently » 22 Sep 2008 13:38

1960 Arsenal replayed a cup game against Sheff Utd when they scored from a throw-in which where Sheff expected the ball to be given back to them. Arsenal knew they would win the replay any way, so it wasn't a hard decision.

But the key difference is that it was an Arsenal player who made the error - in this case breakin the the convention Sheffield Utd were expecting - not the referee!

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by floyd__streete » 22 Sep 2008 13:39

Derbyshire Royal Reading FC's image will be tarnished by this


Oh dear god.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Royal Lady » 22 Sep 2008 13:42

You try telling them Floyd - I'm just fed up of hitting my head against a brick wall. :roll:

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Man Friday » 22 Sep 2008 13:50

FiNeRaIn Without this awful piece of officiating we would have lost.

I assume you wern't there...please tell me you weren't there. If you were there's no way you could have arrived att his conclusion. We had a legit goal disallowed and 2 other legit pen appeals turned down as well as hitting the crossbar (twice).

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Y21 » 22 Sep 2008 13:54

I for one hope we get promoted on a goal difference. That'd be a laugh. Especially if we finish one goal ahead of Watford.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by West Stand Man » 22 Sep 2008 13:55

Let's see,

Stoke defenders all realise that Torres wan't offside at all, so the next time Liverpool attack Stoke defenders all stand aside and allow them to score. Likely? No.

Everton players are sure that the ball did not cross the line when it bounced down and so allow Hull a goal to compensate. Likely? No.

Any player anywhere is tripped and a penalty was the right decision, but the referee doesn't award it. Next attack the defence stands aside and allows a goal in compensation for the penalty. Likely? You are getting the picture.

Or, how about the referee gets in the way of a clearance and deflects it straight into the path of a striker who has a simple shot on goal and scores. Does his team (let's call them Norwich) compensate by allowing Reading a goal? No, and nor should they.

It was massively poor refereeing, but the result stands and it was not up to Reading to deal with it.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by floyd__streete » 22 Sep 2008 13:59

West Stand Man It was massively poor refereeing, but the result stands and it was not up to Reading to deal with it.

Hurrah! A sensible voice amongst us at last.

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Dirk Gently » 22 Sep 2008 14:06

West Stand Man Let's see,

Stoke defenders all realise that Torres wan't offside at all, so the next time Liverpool attack Stoke defenders all stand aside and allow them to score. Likely? No.

Everton players are sure that the ball did not cross the line when it bounced down and so allow Hull a goal to compensate. Likely? No.

Any player anywhere is tripped and a penalty was the right decision, but the referee doesn't award it. Next attack the defence stands aside and allows a goal in compensation for the penalty. Likely? You are getting the picture.

Or, how about the referee gets in the way of a clearance and deflects it straight into the path of a striker who has a simple shot on goal and scores. Does his team (let's call them Norwich) compensate by allowing Reading a goal? No, and nor should they.

It was massively poor refereeing, but the result stands and it was not up to Reading to deal with it.

Quite apart from that, what about the Chesterfiled v Middlesboro FA Cup semi-final? Massive and obvious injustice there! Why not have a replay?

Start down this road of replays after referee's mistakes and God knows where it will all end!

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Re: Dissapointed- The goal that Never was.

by Rex » 22 Sep 2008 14:08

The season never will anyway.

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