Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Arch » 27 Sep 2008 20:09

There's some serious goalpost moving going on. The main idea of the original post was that we'd be mid-table at best and watching Reading was going to be very dull. Since then we've won 6-0 and 4-0 and drawn 2-2 away. We're third. Call it what you like, but it's not mid-table and it's not dull.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 20:10

Arch There's some serious goalpost moving going on. The main idea of the original post was that we'd be mid-table at best and watching Reading was going to be very dull. Since then we've won 6-0 and 4-0 and drawn 2-2 away. We're third. Call it what you like, but it's not mid-table and it's not dull.

It was emotional, frustrated, knee-jerk rubbish to be honest.
When was the original post made again?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Schards#2 » 27 Sep 2008 20:24

readingbedding And, of course had Doyle failed to score and played poorly, and Stephen Hunt suffered a lack of form so far this season, you would say that was a lack of progress too.

Even if we overcome that obsticle and get promoted, do you seriously believe Madejski will invest serious money?

Personally, I think Madejski will have to, we all learnt from the last couple of years, and hopefully players of the calibre of Mensah and Lescott and Scott Brown will want to come to RFC. - You don't get it do you? There's more chance of me playing up front for Cameroon in the next world cup than Madejski throwing money at the club.

Trying to reclaim some face here...Promotion?
You've never said that word before on this thread have you? - No, because, for reasons already stated, promotio wouldn't alter the problems highlighted
Even mentioning the word promotion... does that not mean progress for the foreseeable future??? - Not in the medium/long term, it would not be a 'brick by brick' progression.
Shot your bolt far too early...even entertaining a retrospective of the season at this stage of the season, shows frustration, and is extremely premature. - Can you point out where i've done a retrospective on this season?

Now you're saying that it's unlikely that we'll get any away form whatsoever, bringing out the crystal ball again.
We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.- We're very consistent away, two away wins since the end of April 07. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this cold fact.

Finally...I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.
Has the beginning of the sea-change started yet?- No

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Franchise FC » 27 Sep 2008 20:28

readingbedding And, of course had Doyle failed to score and played poorly, and Stephen Hunt suffered a lack of form so far this season, you would say that was a lack of progress too.

Even if we overcome that obsticle and get promoted, do you seriously believe Madejski will invest serious money?

Personally, I think Madejski will have to, we all learnt from the last couple of years, and hopefully players of the calibre of Mensah and Lescott and Scott Brown will want to come to RFC. - You don't get it do you? There's more chance of me playing up front for Cameroon in the next world cup than Madejski throwing money at the club.

Trying to reclaim some face here...Promotion?
You've never said that word before on this thread have you? - No, because, for reasons already stated, promotio wouldn't alter the problems highlighted
Even mentioning the word promotion... does that not mean progress for the foreseeable future??? - Not in the medium/long term, it would not be a 'brick by brick' progression.
Shot your bolt far too early...even entertaining a retrospective of the season at this stage of the season, shows frustration, and is extremely premature. - Can you point out where i've done a retrospective on this season?

Now you're saying that it's unlikely that we'll get any away form whatsoever, bringing out the crystal ball again.
We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.- We're very consistent away, two away wins since the end of April 07. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this cold fact.

Finally...I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.
Has the beginning of the sea-change started yet?- No

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a THREE CONSECUTIVE comfortable home winS.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Lower West » 27 Sep 2008 20:34

With the impending "credit crunch", all those players whose contracts have get out clauses if offers are in excess of £5 million are received will have a long wait................

For the first half today we saw the beginning of the next title winning team.

"Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future" :?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 20:40

readingbedding And, of course had Doyle failed to score and played poorly, and Stephen Hunt suffered a lack of form so far this season, you would say that was a lack of progress too.

Even if we overcome that obsticle and get promoted, do you seriously believe Madejski will invest serious money?

Personally, I think Madejski will have to, we all learnt from the last couple of years, and hopefully players of the calibre of Mensah and Lescott and Scott Brown will want to come to RFC. - You don't get it do you? There's more chance of me playing up front for Cameroon in the next world cup than Madejski throwing money at the club.

Trying to reclaim some face here...Promotion?
You've never said that word before on this thread have you? - No, because, for reasons already stated, promotio wouldn't alter the problems highlighted
Even mentioning the word promotion... does that not mean progress for the foreseeable future??? - Not in the medium/long term, it would not be a 'brick by brick' progression.
Shot your bolt far too early...even entertaining a retrospective of the season at this stage of the season, shows frustration, and is extremely premature. - Can you point out where i've done a retrospective on this season?

Now you're saying that it's unlikely that we'll get any away form whatsoever, bringing out the crystal ball again.
We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.- We're very consistent away, two away wins since the end of April 07. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this cold fact.

Finally...I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.
Has the beginning of the sea-change started yet?- No

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

Would you like a shovel?
Win, lose or draw - I don't really lose focus, especially at this stage of the season.

I repeat for the hard of reading.

We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.

That's the only claim about RFC's season so far that I made on that post.

You've said on this thread that you'd be happy being a yo-yo club, now is that brick-by-brick progression?
Hmmmmm, so therefore...
If we do get promoted and the Chairman doesn't do enough to stay up we'll go down, that means that you'll be happy.

Or you're shifting the goal-posts around to suit your emotional, knee-jerking and frustrated post.

Please add more fuel to the fire.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by strap » 27 Sep 2008 20:46

Arch There's some serious goalpost moving going on. The main idea of the original post was that we'd be mid-table at best and watching Reading was going to be very dull. Since then we've won 6-0 and 4-0 and drawn 2-2 away. We're third. Call it what you like, but it's not mid-table and it's not dull.

Without wishing to be a party pooper, a few realities must be pointed out in this argument.

Even with our new found free-scoring home form, we are 8 points off top spot, and 9 off 24th. That's pretty mediocre, (although 5 points off a promo spot v 9 off a relegation place suggests an above average standing).

The home games do suggest that games at the Mad Stad are far from dull. However, we haven't actually played anyone of note yet, have we? So before we start crowing too much, let's see how we get along against the early pace-setters. Tuesday's encounter will be extremely illuminating, and a great place to get a first away win of the season. However, away from home we are pants, so we are hardly going there as favourites. Given it's the twohighest scoring teams in the division going head to head, must be odds on a boring 0-0! Think we'd settle for that.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 20:50

Schards#2 I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.

Madejski - clearly, his heart is not in it to the extent it was previously. He would love to sell out but can't find a buyer. He will keep the club sound and stable but has no intention of investing further funds or trying to push the club forwards.

Coppell - if the spirit of the championship had survived, he would definately have been the right man for the job, but it hasn't. The chairman is not fully behind it anymore, many players have left to pursue their own self interest and many still here would like to leave. The golden team has long gone and we have to move on and build a new team. Coppell doesn't, IMHO, have the hunger to do this.

Whilst not being a member of the carpark squad, I applauded their actions as, at the time it was the right thing to do. Had we known that the spirit of the championship side was already totally dead, in hindsight, we should have let Coppell go and started afresh.

As for Madejski, there are some on here who would happily see us drift downwards whilst improving/maintaining our balance sheet in the belief that the rest of football will meltdown around us and we will emerge as one of the last men standing. They are rather like people who build nuclear bunkers in their back garden. Much as I admire and appreciete what Madejski has done, I don't see how the club can go forward with him at the helm and would now like to see someone new who wants to move things forward.

Can't see either leaving anytime soon so supporting Reading's going to be a whole lot duller and uninspiring than in recent years :cry:

Here's the retrospective for RFC's season 2008/2009, made in the middle of September.
I've highlighted some highlights.

We finished mid-table, Coppell didn't want to be here, concrete sales went through the roof as people build Nuclear bunkers.
No spirit, no heart, no desire.
It was dull, uninsipring, certainly in comparison to previous seasons.
Some fans were content with this, waiting for the game itself to implode.
Coppell should have went, his heart was not in this.
Some fans saw the light, way back in the middle of September, they demanded a sea change, they didn't get one, which was a shame.

I think that's about it.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Schards#2 » 27 Sep 2008 20:52

readingbedding And, of course had Doyle failed to score and played poorly, and Stephen Hunt suffered a lack of form so far this season, you would say that was a lack of progress too.

Even if we overcome that obsticle and get promoted, do you seriously believe Madejski will invest serious money?

Personally, I think Madejski will have to, we all learnt from the last couple of years, and hopefully players of the calibre of Mensah and Lescott and Scott Brown will want to come to RFC. - You don't get it do you? There's more chance of me playing up front for Cameroon in the next world cup than Madejski throwing money at the club.

Trying to reclaim some face here...Promotion?
You've never said that word before on this thread have you? - No, because, for reasons already stated, promotio wouldn't alter the problems highlighted
Even mentioning the word promotion... does that not mean progress for the foreseeable future??? - Not in the medium/long term, it would not be a 'brick by brick' progression.
Shot your bolt far too early...even entertaining a retrospective of the season at this stage of the season, shows frustration, and is extremely premature. - Can you point out where i've done a retrospective on this season?

Now you're saying that it's unlikely that we'll get any away form whatsoever, bringing out the crystal ball again.
We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.- We're very consistent away, two away wins since the end of April 07. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this cold fact.

Finally...I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.
Has the beginning of the sea-change started yet?- No

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

Would you like a shovel?
Win, lose or draw - I don't really lose focus, especially at this stage of the season.

I repeat for the hard of reading.

We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.

That's the only claim about RFC's season so far that I made on that post.

You've said on this thread that you'd be happy being a yo-yo club, now is that brick-by-brick progression?
Hmmmmm, so therefore...
If we do get promoted and the Chairman doesn't do enough to stay up we'll go down, that means that you'll be happy.

Or you're shifting the goal-posts around to suit your emotional, knee-jerking and frustrated post.

Please add more fuel to the fire.

You're not very bright are you?

Read the posts, if you can't, get someone to read them for you.

I'm not emotional, I don't do kneejerk posts, I'm not frustrated -just giving my opinion of where we currently stand.

You seem to have forgotten the two dismal away performances that followed the last two impressive home wins.

I've won over £1,000 betting on and against Reading in the last two years, maybe i'll be wrong this time. I doubt it though.

There was another long thread of people criticising me a while ago, that was about the demand for an extention. Think I got that one spot on too.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Schards#2 » 27 Sep 2008 20:54

Schards#2 I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.

Madejski - clearly, his heart is not in it to the extent it was previously. He would love to sell out but can't find a buyer. He will keep the club sound and stable but has no intention of investing further funds or trying to push the club forwards.

Coppell - if the spirit of the championship had survived, he would definately have been the right man for the job, but it hasn't. The chairman is not fully behind it anymore, many players have left to pursue their own self interest and many still here would like to leave. The golden team has long gone and we have to move on and build a new team. Coppell doesn't, IMHO, have the hunger to do this.

Whilst not being a member of the carpark squad, I applauded their actions as, at the time it was the right thing to do. Had we known that the spirit of the championship side was already totally dead, in hindsight, we should have let Coppell go and started afresh.

As for Madejski, there are some on here who would happily see us drift downwards whilst improving/maintaining our balance sheet in the belief that the rest of football will meltdown around us and we will emerge as one of the last men standing. They are rather like people who build nuclear bunkers in their back garden. Much as I admire and appreciete what Madejski has done, I don't see how the club can go forward with him at the helm and would now like to see someone new who wants to move things forward.

Can't see either leaving anytime soon so supporting Reading's going to be a whole lot duller and uninspiring than in recent years :cry:

Here's the retrospective for RFC's season 2008/2009, made in the middle of September.I've highlighted some highlights.

We finished mid-table, Coppell didn't want to be here, concrete sales went through the roof as people build Nuclear bunkers.
No spirit, no heart, no desire.
It was dull, uninsipring, certainly in comparison to previous seasons.
Some fans were content with this, waiting for the game itself to implode.
Coppell should have went, his heart was not in this.
Some fans saw the light, way back in the middle of September, they demanded a sea change, they didn't get one, which was a shame.

I think that's about it.


You're really not very bright at all are you?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 20:59

Schards#2 Yo-Yoing would be good.

I don't see any evidence that this is where we are at.


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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 21:02

Franchise FC
readingbedding And, of course had Doyle failed to score and played poorly, and Stephen Hunt suffered a lack of form so far this season, you would say that was a lack of progress too.

Even if we overcome that obsticle and get promoted, do you seriously believe Madejski will invest serious money?

Personally, I think Madejski will have to, we all learnt from the last couple of years, and hopefully players of the calibre of Mensah and Lescott and Scott Brown will want to come to RFC. - You don't get it do you? There's more chance of me playing up front for Cameroon in the next world cup than Madejski throwing money at the club.

Trying to reclaim some face here...Promotion?
You've never said that word before on this thread have you? - No, because, for reasons already stated, promotio wouldn't alter the problems highlighted
Even mentioning the word promotion... does that not mean progress for the foreseeable future??? - Not in the medium/long term, it would not be a 'brick by brick' progression.
Shot your bolt far too early...even entertaining a retrospective of the season at this stage of the season, shows frustration, and is extremely premature. - Can you point out where i've done a retrospective on this season?

Now you're saying that it's unlikely that we'll get any away form whatsoever, bringing out the crystal ball again.
We're inconsistent, but I can see us go on a decent unbeaten run, most promoted teams do.- We're very consistent away, two away wins since the end of April 07. It doesn't take a crystal ball to see this cold fact.

Finally...I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.
Has the beginning of the sea-change started yet?- No

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a THREE CONSECUTIVE comfortable home winS.

and...Promotion will not alter the problems highlighted.

Yo-yo club, or Promotion will not alter the 'problems' highlighted?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Franchise FC » 27 Sep 2008 21:05

Franchise FC
Schards#2 An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a comfortable home win. A glad you're happy in your myopic ignorance.

An embarrassing emotional kneejerk response to a THREE CONSECUTIVE comfortable home winS.

and...Promotion will not alter the problems highlighted.

Yo-yo club, or Promotion will not alter the 'problems' highlighted?

I'm not sure whether you're having a pop at or Shards. Given that I think I'm suppoerting your argument I can only assume you've quoted against the wrong post.
:? :?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 21:06

Schards#2 I think we need to get used to mid table championship football at the very best until there is a sea change at this club.

Madejski - clearly, his heart is not in it to the extent it was previously. He would love to sell out but can't find a buyer. He will keep the club sound and stable but has no intention of investing further funds or trying to push the club forwards.

Coppell - if the spirit of the championship had survived, he would definately have been the right man for the job, but it hasn't. The chairman is not fully behind it anymore, many players have left to pursue their own self interest and many still here would like to leave. The golden team has long gone and we have to move on and build a new team. Coppell doesn't, IMHO, have the hunger to do this.

Whilst not being a member of the carpark squad, I applauded their actions as, at the time it was the right thing to do. Had we known that the spirit of the championship side was already totally dead, in hindsight, we should have let Coppell go and started afresh.

As for Madejski, there are some on here who would happily see us drift downwards whilst improving/maintaining our balance sheet in the belief that the rest of football will meltdown around us and we will emerge as one of the last men standing. They are rather like people who build nuclear bunkers in their back garden. Much as I admire and appreciete what Madejski has done, I don't see how the club can go forward with him at the helm and would now like to see someone new who wants to move things forward.

Can't see either leaving anytime soon so supporting Reading's going to be a whole lot duller and uninspiring than in recent years :cry:

Here's the retrospective for RFC's season 2008/2009, made in the middle of September.I've highlighted some highlights.

We finished mid-table, Coppell didn't want to be here, concrete sales went through the roof as people build Nuclear bunkers.
No spirit, no heart, no desire.
It was dull, uninsipring, certainly in comparison to previous seasons.
Some fans were content with this, waiting for the game itself to implode.
Coppell should have went, his heart was not in this.
Some fans saw the light, way back in the middle of September, they demanded a sea change, they didn't get one, which was a shame.

I think that's about it.


You're really not very bright at all are you?

I don't know, depends who you're comparing me to...

How long are these views going to last for?
Next week, next month, or next year?
You've said that Coppell and the Chairman are not going anywhere soon, so you should expect no progression whilst these are here.
I believe that they will be here until the end of the season, that's why I've called it a retrospective.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 21:10

I'm not having a pop at you at all, I'm just trying to find out the difference between a yo-yo club and a club being relegated, promoted and then relegated.
Can anyone help me?

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Franchise FC » 27 Sep 2008 21:13

readingbedding I'm not having a pop at you at all, I'm just trying to find out the difference between a yo-yo club and a club being relegated, promoted and then relegated.
Can anyone help me?

One's a group of kids with bits of plastic tied to string.

The other's West Brom - you just missed the next promotion bit, then the next relegation, etc.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Archie's penalty » 27 Sep 2008 21:22

Schards#2 You're not very bright are you?

Read the posts, if you can't, get someone to read them for you.

I'm not emotional, I don't do kneejerk posts, I'm not frustrated -just giving my opinion of where we currently stand.

You seem to have forgotten the two dismal away performances that followed the last two impressive home wins.

I've won over £1,000 betting on and against Reading in the last two years, maybe i'll be wrong this time. I doubt it though.

There was another long thread of people criticising me a while ago, that was about the demand for an extention. Think I got that one spot on too.

Some people (like me) don't think that the Watford game was a dismal away performance. I thought it was an improvement and showed quite a lot of fight from the lads...

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 21:28

Franchise FC
readingbedding I'm not having a pop at you at all, I'm just trying to find out the difference between a yo-yo club and a club being relegated, promoted and then relegated.
Can anyone help me?

One's a group of kids with bits of plastic tied to string.

The other's West Brom - you just missed the next promotion bit, then the next relegation, etc.

Oh yeah.

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by Franchise FC » 27 Sep 2008 21:34

Franchise FC
readingbedding I'm not having a pop at you at all, I'm just trying to find out the difference between a yo-yo club and a club being relegated, promoted and then relegated.
Can anyone help me?

One's a group of kids with bits of plastic tied to string.

The other's West Brom - you just missed the next promotion bit, then the next relegation, etc.

Oh yeah.

I was trying to lighten the atmosphere a little.

Sadly, can't help with your other definitions

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Re: Hard to see any progress for the forseeable future

by readingbedding » 27 Sep 2008 21:44

I know, just a bit distracted watching Manchester United's 'penalty'.
Stiles messed up that decision.
Fo' sho'.

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