by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 11:14
by readingbedding » 29 Sep 2008 11:49
by Maguire » 29 Sep 2008 13:36
Mr Angry the fact that we have regular first team members having come up from the academy must surely show that progress is being made?
by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 13:47
by Platypuss » 29 Sep 2008 13:49
Thaumagurist* I would hope we would oscillate to victories more often than to defeats.
by Riseley » 29 Sep 2008 13:49
by Archie's penalty » 29 Sep 2008 13:52
PlatypussThaumagurist* I would hope we would oscillate to victories more often than to defeats.
Schards doesn't - he's got his eyes on £100.
by Schards#2 » 29 Sep 2008 14:02
Mr Angry Schards
The title of your thread implies that you cannot see any progress for the foreseeable future; can you actually define what you mean by progress and foreseeable future in the context of the title of this thread? This is because if you can't understand why individuals would wonder why 2 consecutive home victories where 10 goals are scored and none conceded DOESN'T represent progress in the foreseeable future (from when you posed the question), than it can only be because your definitions differ from everyone elses.
If (as I suspect) you mean the longer team future of the club, and maybe its longer term ambitions, then again I'm a little surprised; obviously being relegated means that we are in a worse position than where we were a few months ago, and the whys and wherefores of how that came about have been done to death - however, we are in the Championship now, so everything the club does fom now has to be seen in that context.
I posted a week and a half ago that I disagreed with your premise that there was no progress to be seen - the fact that we have regular first team members having come up from the academy must surely show that progress is being made? Furthermore, the starting 11 are beginning to gel and whilst away results to now have been dissappointing (and performances more so) you are basing your whole point on the inherent belief that that situation will not change, and I simply find that position incredible bearing in mind the last 4 most recent performances; even you must accept that performances are getting better?
As for the longer term, again, I find your attitude surprising with regard to expanding the stadium - on the one hand Mr Mad and the club are castigated for a lack of ambition, then with the next breath they are castigated for having the temerity of planning for the long term with an expansion of the stadium! At times it is hard to know what some people really want. Also, the financial prudence of the club constantly being called into question is one I don't understand - this weekend we see revealed Pompey's situation; I'm sure that if they go under in a couple of Years, the guy with the bell will be able to look fondly back at when they won the FA Cup - even though he no longer has his club to support. I apologise that my posting about what the current World financial situation means to football clubs was so readily dismissed or ignored, but the reality of the situation is that clubs who don't generate players and revenue will struggle - and we are placed very well to be one of those clubs that does progress both on and off the pitch.
Sorry this has been so long, but I think you have posted something on the bounce from a single terrible away performance and now find yourself digging a hole.
by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 14:13
Schards#2 We have a chairman who doesn't really want to be here,
Schards#2 a manager who wants a break
Schards#2 and several players who would rather be elsewhere.
Schards#2 In January, we are likely to lose some of those players as they will still want away.
Schards#2 We are unlikely to replace them adequately because the chairman is no longer the driving force behind the club he once was and the manager is unlikely to be here next season.
by Schards#2 » 29 Sep 2008 14:21
by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 14:35
Schards#2 Yes - Every interview he gives he talks about wanting to sell
Schards#2 Yes - Coppell's made no secret about wanting a break. What is ridiculous about making that point?
Schards#2 Yes - Hunt Doyle and Harper that we are aware of
Schards#2 We didn't sell them close season because nobody made an offer for them. We did appear to sell everyone we received an offer for
by Schards#2 » 29 Sep 2008 14:43
by Mr Angry » 29 Sep 2008 14:48
by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 14:56
Schards#2 First point - I would suggest that the fact he wants to sell means he doesn't want to be chairman any more. Isn't this bleedin' obvious?
Schards#2 Second Point - Yes, I do think Coppell will leave even if we get promoted
Schards#2 Third Point - Do you think these players are lying when they said they wanted to be in the premiership then?
Schards#2 Fourth Point - We sold Kitson, Shorey and Sonko and these are apparently, the only players we received offers for. Whether we accepted the first or fifth offer is irrelevent.
by brendywendy » 29 Sep 2008 15:06
by T.R.O.L.I. » 29 Sep 2008 15:06
Thaumagurist*Schards#2 Second Point - Yes, I do think Coppell will leave even if we get promoted
And why do you think he would do that?
by Thaumagurist* » 29 Sep 2008 15:08
T.R.O.L.I.Thaumagurist*Schards#2 Second Point - Yes, I do think Coppell will leave even if we get promoted
And why do you think he would do that?
So that he can finish his career on a high - wouldn't be the first manager to do so and certainly won't be the last...
by Royal Rother » 29 Sep 2008 15:09
by T.R.O.L.I. » 29 Sep 2008 15:13
Royal Rother I really don't think he's the sort to want to finish on a high (ego doesn't feature on his list of characteristics) - if he goes it'll be because he's had enough.
by Dirk Gently » 29 Sep 2008 15:22
T.R.O.L.I.Thaumagurist*Schards#2 Second Point - Yes, I do think Coppell will leave even if we get promoted
And why do you think he would do that?
So that he can finish his career on a high - wouldn't be the first manager to do so and certainly won't be the last...
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