You made a spelling error, which under hobnob rules causes your argument to cave in.Schards#2 remians
by Forbury Lion » 01 Oct 2008 09:06
You made a spelling error, which under hobnob rules causes your argument to cave in.Schards#2 remians
by Schards#2 » 01 Oct 2008 09:09
Barry the bird boggler IF we are in a rather good position in January that will can only count for the club in their efforts to retain Harper, Doyle, Hunt etc. Obviously if one of the bigger sides comes in it won't make much difference but if it's a struggling side making the bid we hopefully will be OK.
Whatever happens Reading FC know the situation and at the very least they must know already who they would want to bring in as replacements.
by Hampshire Royal » 01 Oct 2008 09:13
Wax JacketThe 17 Bus But is Schards wrong????
he won't be when we lose three on the bounce just after all the good players are sold
by Vision » 01 Oct 2008 09:14
by Mr Angry » 01 Oct 2008 09:21
by Royal Rother » 01 Oct 2008 09:31
by bobbybottler » 01 Oct 2008 09:41
Vision This thread has turned a bit silly . The last couple of results don't really make much difference as far as the concerns of the original post are concerned. Its great of course but doesn't change the original thinking about the uncertainty of Madejski and Coppell's longer term plans.
I don't agree with the original post BTW as i can see genuine cause for long term or even medium term optimism and I'd have felt that way even if we were a half dozen places lower at this stage .However if people are ridiculing the original poster based on a couple of recent results then they're not really addressing the points raised and simply engaging in childish point scoring.
by Huntley & Palmer » 01 Oct 2008 09:41
Royal Rother It is human nature that when you make a strong prediction, defend that position repeatedly to a whole load of people, then go so far as to back it up with money, there is a little bit of you that takes a modicum of pleasure when proved right, and does not take quite the unconditional joy one might otherwise have done when proved wrong.
It might even be on a vaguely sub-conscious level but it is there niggling away in the back of the mind.
Anyone who is truly honest with themselves will acknowledge that. (Which probably means no-one on here will, but there you go!)
by Schards#2 » 01 Oct 2008 09:42
Royal Rother It is human nature that when you make a strong prediction, defend that position repeatedly to a whole load of people, then go so far as to back it up with money, there is a little bit of you that takes a modicum of pleasure when proved right, and does not take quite the unconditional joy one might otherwise have done when proved wrong.
It might even be on a vaguely sub-conscious level but it is there niggling away in the back of the mind.
Anyone who is truly honest with themselves will acknowledge that. (Which probably means no-one on here will, but there you go!)
by readingbedding » 01 Oct 2008 09:42
by Woodcote Royal » 01 Oct 2008 09:43
Denver Royal LOL at Woodcote and Rother giving it large. As if they have never been wrong.
by Huntley & Palmer » 01 Oct 2008 09:45
by readingbedding » 01 Oct 2008 09:48
Huntley & Palmer Woodcote just goes to prove with this post, the hugely fickle nature of our support.
by Seal » 01 Oct 2008 09:48
oxf*rd grow up - Schards actually doesn't give a toss what you think, and you're not impressing anyone by stalking him here there and everywhere over the fact that he has different opinions to you about certain things. Have a word with yourself.
by Woodcote Royal » 01 Oct 2008 09:50
Huntley & Palmer Woodcote just goes to prove with this post, the hugely fickle nature of our support.
by Maguire » 01 Oct 2008 09:52
by brendywendy » 01 Oct 2008 09:52
Schards#2Barry the bird boggler IF we are in a rather good position in January that will can only count for the club in their efforts to retain Harper, Doyle, Hunt etc. Obviously if one of the bigger sides comes in it won't make much difference but if it's a struggling side making the bid we hopefully will be OK.
Whatever happens Reading FC know the situation and at the very least they must know already who they would want to bring in as replacements.
Hmmm.............what does history tell us on this subject?
by Royal Rother » 01 Oct 2008 09:57
by cmonurz » 01 Oct 2008 09:58
by Wax Jacket » 01 Oct 2008 10:01
Maguire 'gree with H+P and readingbedding.
"The Team" board = reactionary nonsense week in, week out.
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