Bikey is bored

Man Friday
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Re: Bikey is bored

by Man Friday » 05 Oct 2008 16:51

Man Friday Anyone know why Bikey has his own individual fitness session with the fitness coach just before each match starts?

Mentally prepare him for the game?

No, what I mean is: Why does he have his own individual fitness session just before the match starts and no one else does?

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Man Friday » 05 Oct 2008 16:55

"You should see him when he tries
See him when he tries
Andre Bikey
You should see him when he tries"

sung to "she'll be coming round the mountain when she comes..."

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Royalwaster » 05 Oct 2008 19:36

From the Burnley fans forum: ... 2128181727

Took a neutral friend who pointed out that our weakness was Duff and our physical presence compared to Readings- They are a big unit and Bikey!!- where did he come from? He is an awesome man mountain of a player. MOM by a mile.......

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Re: Bikey is bored

by towserSL2crew » 05 Oct 2008 20:16

I agree change the Sonko is Superman to Bikey is Superman
OR !
To the Smiths Hang the DJ
Andre Bikey Andre Bikey Andre Bikey
Andre Bikey

Wots that , another pile of shite ? ...

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Joe 90 » 05 Oct 2008 20:52

rob the royal now sonko's gone... shouldn't bikey be 'promoted' to superman. i mean let's face it, superman is a REAL super-hero.

Spiderman is just some woofter who can climb up walls and shoot spider webs.

Sound 8)

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Royalshow » 05 Oct 2008 22:08

towserSL2crew I agree change the Sonko is Superman to Bikey is Superman
OR !
To the Smiths Hang the DJ
Andre Bikey Andre Bikey Andre Bikey
Andre Bikey

Wots that , another pile of shite ? ...

Already been suggested! Already be excepted. Boring Boring north stand.Did not join in when tested.

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Millsy » 05 Oct 2008 22:30


"Amidst fears of Bikey getting too bored in the Championship, Coppell has allowed Bikey to use his mobile phone during matches. The club are understood to have bought him a phone with over 400 free minutes per month, to be used only on matchdays."

(from the Official Shite)

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Badger Finger » 05 Oct 2008 23:35

Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys

Hmmm Bikey Bikey

I'll now get my coat

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Re: Bikey is bored

by rg6royal » 06 Oct 2008 07:52

Badger Finger Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys
Ooh boys Bikey girls
Ooh girls Bikey boys

Hmmm Bikey Bikey

I'll now get my coat

O dear!

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Re: Bikey is bored

by andyhalls » 06 Oct 2008 11:58

One Beer is never enough. Bikey clearly is a class above - the interview on RW post match by SSC sums him up quite well.

"If he has 20 seconds to get to the ball, he'll use 19 of them!"

Not sure Coppell is as keen on it as you have put across here..

The full comment was "he plays the game at his own tempo, doesn't matter what anyone says to him, if he's got twenty seconds to get to the ball, he'll use all 19. In many ways I can't see him changing, we just have to accept, but he also has to accept if he makes mistakes there's players waiting to take his place; so credit to him today, he did some terrific things, he does look laid-back on occasions, but that's just the way he is."


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Re: Bikey is bored

by Kitsondinho » 06 Oct 2008 12:26

"Whos that beating up a Tango? it's Andre Bikey, it's Andre Bikeyyyy"

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Re: Bikey is bored

by ellpryjon » 06 Oct 2008 12:41

towserSL2crew I agree change the Sonko is Superman to Bikey is Superman
OR !
To the Smiths Hang the DJ
Andre Bikey Andre Bikey Andre Bikey
Andre Bikey

Wots that , another pile of shite ? ...

On a similar note - Rock the Casbah ,

the refferees dont like him
Andre Bikey
Andre Bikey
The refferees dont like him
Andre Bikey
Andre Bikey

Last edited by ellpryjon on 06 Oct 2008 12:46, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bikey is bored

by donface » 06 Oct 2008 12:44

Referees don't like it.


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Re: Bikey is bored

by ellpryjon » 06 Oct 2008 12:45

donface Referees don't like it.


thatll do

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Woodcote Royal » 07 Oct 2008 08:59

Not sure Coppell is as keen on it as you have put across here..

The full comment was "he plays the game at his own tempo, doesn't matter what anyone says to him, if he's got twenty seconds to get to the ball, he'll use all 19. In many ways I can't see him changing, we just have to accept, but he also has to accept if he makes mistakes there's players waiting to take his place; so credit to him today, he did some terrific things, he does look laid-back on occasions, but that's just the way he is."


The fact, Steve, that you couldn't bring yoursellf to accept this situation last season cost us our Premiership status and the small fortune that goes with it :evil:

So Bikey looks "languid" and takes 19 seconds if he knows he's got 20.

On the other hand, Ingimarrson is slow and only looks good when he's got a pre-injury Sonko or a Bikey alongside who have the speed to get him out of the sh*t when required but, guess who you picked evey week even after we shipped 7.

If we are supposed to move on, so should you.
Last edited by Woodcote Royal on 07 Oct 2008 09:02, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Bikey is bored

by juanpablo » 07 Oct 2008 09:02

needs a song.......

please lets get one going Preston away

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Re: Bikey is bored

by brendywendy » 07 Oct 2008 11:29

Woodcote Royal
Not sure Coppell is as keen on it as you have put across here..

The full comment was "he plays the game at his own tempo, doesn't matter what anyone says to him, if he's got twenty seconds to get to the ball, he'll use all 19. In many ways I can't see him changing, we just have to accept, but he also has to accept if he makes mistakes there's players waiting to take his place; so credit to him today, he did some terrific things, he does look laid-back on occasions, but that's just the way he is."


The fact, Steve, that you couldn't bring yoursellf to accept this situation last season cost us our Premiership status and the small fortune that goes with it :evil:

So Bikey looks "languid" and takes 19 seconds if he knows he's got 20.

On the other hand, Ingimarrson is slow and only looks good when he's got a pre-injury Sonko or a Bikey alongside who have the speed to get him out of the sh*t when required but, guess who you picked evey week even after we shipped 7.

If we are supposed to move on, so should you.

ooooo bitchy!

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Re: Bikey is bored

by RIP ELM Park » 07 Oct 2008 11:52

To the tune of Day-oh just in case you don't know it!!!

Bikey, Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Say Bikey, Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

He’s six foot, seven foot, eight foot, Bikey !
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, Bikey !
Strikers come and they wan' go home

Work all night on a drink a' rum
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Tackle and pass till the morning come
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

Bikey, Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Say Bikey, Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

The coat hook is empty and I have left the building :oops:

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Re: Bikey is bored

by brendywendy » 07 Oct 2008 12:15

no need, thats genius

i cant guarantee anyone will sing along
but i will definately wee myself laughing

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Re: Bikey is bored

by Archie's penalty » 07 Oct 2008 12:42

RIP ELM Park To the tune of Day-oh just in case you don't know it!!!

Bikey, Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Say Bikey, Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

He’s six foot, seven foot, eight foot, Bikey !
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Six foot, seven foot, eight foot, Bikey !
Strikers come and they wan' go home

Work all night on a drink a' rum
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Tackle and pass till the morning come
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

Bikey, Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home
Say Bikey, Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey Say Bikey
Strikers come and they wanna' go home

The coat hook is empty and I have left the building :oops:

I like it!

But I think we only need to sing the first (or maybe second paragraph).

He’s six foot, seven foot, eight foot, Bikey ! That bit doesn't work - can we think of something else?

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