Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

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Do you think Adam can perform well enough to keep Hahnemann out of the team once he is fit?

We'll see
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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Thames » 15 Jan 2009 14:24

I'm just trying to put my opinion across. :|

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by winchester_royal » 15 Jan 2009 14:29

Thames He's not good enough for the Prem. We should sign a Premiership quality keeper now otherwise it will be more dissapointment for this football club.

Thames, tell us why he isn't good enough. What is he lacking that a Prem keeper has ? Marcus was a prem keeper so maybe compare the two and tell us where Fed comes up short in your opinion.

Man Utd @ home in the Cup replay. Shocking performance.

Bravo. Bring up a single performance that happened two years ago. I wonder why your debating skills aren't acknowleged more on HNA?......

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Thames » 15 Jan 2009 14:31

winchester_royal Bravo. Bring up a single performance that happened two years ago. I wonder why your debating skills aren't acknowleged more on HNA?......

Maybe because I'm on a windup? :lol:

FTR, I think Federici is a much better goalkeeper than Hahnemann and will only get better.



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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by westongeezer » 15 Jan 2009 14:36

Thames He's not good enough for the Prem. We should sign a Premiership quality keeper now otherwise it will be more dissapointment for this football club.

What games have you been watching, he commands his goal mouth with confidence, he doe's not make howling errors, he comes out and meets the ball, frankly USA is losing it abit, i feel like any teams is able to put one past us after the half way line with USA in the goal. go go fedders.
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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by OLLIE KEARNS » 15 Jan 2009 14:37

Thames He's not good enough for the Prem. We should sign a Premiership quality keeper now otherwise it will be more dissapointment for this football club.

Thames, tell us why he isn't good enough. What is he lacking that a Prem keeper has ? Marcus was a prem keeper so maybe compare the two and tell us where Fed comes up short in your opinion.

Man Utd @ home in the Cup replay. Shocking performance.

Marcus at Preston. Shocking performance. All keepers have them. David James has had many. Do you have any more technical observations as to why he won't make it in the long run ?

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by winchester_royal » 15 Jan 2009 14:41

winchester_royal Bravo. Bring up a single performance that happened two years ago. I wonder why your debating skills aren't acknowleged more on HNA?......

Maybe because I'm on a windup? :lol:

FTR, I think Federici is a much better goalkeeper than Hahnemann and will only get better.




Many apologies, obviously your sarcasm and wit went straight over my head.



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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Hoop Blah » 15 Jan 2009 14:43

Previously I haven't been impressed with Federici.

I've thought that he conceeded goals that you expect a top draw keeper to save. He seemed to make rash decisions, get himself in the wrong position, and too often make it a bit too easy for the attacker to score.

He also didn't look to command his area any better than Marcus who has always been pulled up for not dominating enough when the ball has come into the box (apart from one-on-one's where he is very imposing and makes regular saves by standing up as long as possible).

I have to admit that Federici has done very little wrong during this spell in the side but, although he's looked very solid, I'm still a little weary as he's not really had a lot to do.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Franchise FC » 15 Jan 2009 14:48

Hoop Blah Previously I haven't been impressed with Federici.

I've thought that he conceeded goals that you expect a top draw keeper to save. He seemed to make rash decisions, get himself in the wrong position, and too often make it a bit too easy for the attacker to score.

He also didn't look to command his area any better than Marcus who has always been pulled up for not dominating enough when the ball has come into the box (apart from one-on-one's where he is very imposing and makes regular saves by standing up as long as possible).

I have to admit that Federici has done very little wrong during this spell in the side but, although he's looked very solid, I'm still a little weary as he's not really had a lot to do.

Why does Fed not having anything to do make you tired ?

I'd be a bit wary of that if I were you.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by rabidbee » 15 Jan 2009 15:03

Up until this spell, I had been of the opinion that he was a lucky keeper as much as a good one, but he's impressed me since he's come in. He doesn't look out of his depth, so he really ought to keep the place until something happens (injury) to remove him.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by rhroyal » 15 Jan 2009 15:09

I have to say that's one thing we haven't seen from Fedders, the ability to keep us in the game if the opposition are better. Last season Marcus had some dodgy games, but he was brilliant at the 0-0 against Man Utd, he kept us within a fighting chance with the home game against Fulham and made some crucial sames in close games. In games we lost comfortably he often stopped it from becoming embarrassing, like West Ham at home.

We can't criticize Fedders for not having done this yet, as a goalkeeper you can only do what your defense allows you to do. Fedders has done that very well so far and we can have no complaints with what we've seen, but he is untested at a higher level compared to Hahnemann. The only critical saves I can remember Federici being called into in his run were from Phillips at 1-1 in Birmingham, which was a class save, and the late 1 on 1 from Jay Booythroyd at the Mad Stad at 1-0 in the last minute, before he went down the other end and equalized. Like I said, he's done what he's had to do very well, but he still is to an extent unproven.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Thaumagurist* » 15 Jan 2009 15:11

rhroyal I have to say that's one thing we haven't seen from Fedders, the ability to keep us in the game if the opposition are better.

He played in our 3-1 win over Birmingham

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Millsy » 15 Jan 2009 15:13

Oh cool another Fed thread.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Henleyensian » 15 Jan 2009 15:20

rhroyal I have to say that's one thing we haven't seen from Fedders, the ability to keep us in the game if the opposition are better. Last season Marcus had some dodgy games, but he was brilliant at the 0-0 against Man Utd, he kept us within a fighting chance with the home game against Fulham and made some crucial sames in close games. In games we lost comfortably he often stopped it from becoming embarrassing, like West Ham at home.

I would take issue with you regarding Man Utd. Don't you remember the saves he made against them at Old Trafford in the F A Cup, which resulted in his being "Player of the round"? IIRC he was given a ticket to the final as a result.

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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by SLAMMED » 15 Jan 2009 15:23

Thames Next week then.

Positivity isn't your thing, is it?

Not when we're talking about Reading FC son.


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Re: Why Should Feds warm the bench

by Hoop Blah » 15 Jan 2009 15:30

rhroyal I have to say that's one thing we haven't seen from Fedders, the ability to keep us in the game if the opposition are better.

He played in our 3-1 win over Birmingham

He didn't have many saves to make though!

He took a few good crosses, didn't save the 25 yard effort from Phillps but pulled off a regulation but sharp reflex save from whoever in the top corner.

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Re: Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

by SteveRoyal » 15 Jan 2009 17:41

I want to change my poll vote now.
Remove one from "we'll see" and shuffle it over to "yes". :)

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Re: Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

by bishbosh92 » 15 Jan 2009 17:48

With Marcus back in full training now i hope he keeps the No1 spot

has done brillaint covering thinks its time for Marcus to pass the torch on!!

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Re: Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

by Dirk Gently » 15 Jan 2009 17:52

He's not been tested enough yet for us to be sure over the past few matches - he's doen everything asked of him, but to be honest he's not been asked do do that much.

He's good in the air, but I still worry considerably about his positioning.

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Re: Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

by who are ya? » 15 Jan 2009 17:57

Not a patch on Scott Howie.

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Re: Adam Federici: Is He Good Enough?

by winchester_royal » 15 Jan 2009 18:02

LOL @ those who voted 'no' instead of 'we'll see'.

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