Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by weybridgewanderer » 22 Dec 2008 11:49

which, now they are aware of it, the BBC can report :

If you are an Ofcom radiocommunications licensee and you are experiencing interference to your licensed services, please use the Interference to Business Radio form to report interference.
Action Link: Use the Interference to Business Radio investigation form

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Dirk Gently » 27 Dec 2008 12:40

Just who was it "anchoring" yesterday's programme? I've never heard someone so out of his depth, as he rambled away trying to make sure that what he said and what was broadcast offended absolutely no-one.

And the way he treated the callers! Isn't the point of a call that there's a discussion? Not for him - listen then disconnect without comment.

Plus when a caller used the words "homophobic chanting" - in a serious, legitimate context, the caller was dropped like a hot cake - supposedly because "the line was so bad[" but that was clearly absolute bollox as everyone could hear him fine. It was obviously the fear that talking about the issues of the day might have caused offence to someone - what was he so scared of, the Daily Mail getting involved?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by AthleticoSpizz » 27 Dec 2008 21:16

Dirk Gently Just who was it "anchoring" yesterday's programme?
not sure, but think it was Tim Dellors' dad Ralph again.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 28 Dec 2008 19:28

Dirk Gently
RoyalBlue BTW if the BBC could sort out the pirate afro-caribbean station that has started to broadcast over the top of 104.1/104.4 in my area, I wouldn't have to resort to on-line!

I think this is affect me too, I pick up some caribean music on 104.1 /104.4 around heathrow and walton on thames

who can we go to? unfortuately Radio berks on DAB does not stretch as far as me

That'll be Ofcom's responsibility :

I think the culprits are in the blocks of flats by the Langley mM4 junction.

Said blocks of flats are long overdue explosive demolition so perhaps they could kill two birds with one stone!

Their was a fire in one of them a few years back. Unfortunately the local fire station is only a very short way from the flats and they put the fire out before it could do too much improvement! :wink:

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by readingbedding » 13 Jan 2009 10:30

Barry the bird boggler Ollie - thanks for your responses on this it's really helpful - would it be possible for you to contact Tim or someone at BBC Berks and just remind them they have Forum on HNA and while we appreciate that this site is not going to be a priority for them it would be nice if they could "pop in" every month or so even, if its no more than to remind people about the various shows they have coming up.

Another question re: local output on DAB, I note that you can get regional BBC TV programmes on digital TV from wherever you are in the country, therefore why is it not possible to get regional BBC radio programmes on DAB wherever you are in the country, as it would be very useful if you could pick up local radio shows when travelling back from an away game.

Is this a joke?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 13 Jan 2009 19:50

Why? Is the Beeb not about public service broadcasting?

Anyway I doubt you would catch an independent missing out on the opportunity for a bit of free promotion to a very targeted audience!

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by CMRoyal » 28 Jan 2009 10:54

Show finished at 10:20 again last night, just as we got to the car. Given that we don't have MW on our car radio, and so couldn't listen to Danny Baker, we were left with the option of having to listen to the sub-Lily Savage soundalike and his sad lonely old bat phone-in or silence during the 30-minute wait to leave the HP carpark. We opted for silence, natch.

Is there a commercial or independent channel that serves up a more wholesome after-match dish for midweek fixtures?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by readingbedding » 29 Jan 2009 08:44

Isn't the radio production of RFC games for people who cannot go to the games?
Not for people running back to their cars after the match.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by CMRoyal » 30 Jan 2009 09:43

readingbedding Isn't the radio production of RFC games for people who cannot go to the games?
Not for people running back to their cars after the match.

I never run. But yeah, I guess you're right, although I tend to think that in this modern media age that post-match interviews, analysis and unreasonable texted criticism are part and parcel of the whole matchday experience.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 30 Jan 2009 17:29

readingbedding Isn't the radio production of RFC games for people who cannot go to the games?
Not for people running back to their cars after the match.

It should be for both. I'd be interested to know what listening figures are for the footie show and how they break down between the different categories.

readingbedding Isn't the radio production of RFC games for people who cannot go to the games?
Not for people running back to their cars after the match.

I never run. But yeah, I guess you're right, although I tend to think that in this modern media age that post-match interviews, analysis and unreasonable texted criticism are part and parcel of the whole matchday experience.

You are spot on CMR.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by willz_royal » 22 Feb 2009 15:49

Why have the highlights been condensed into 1 clip of tim dellor telling us what the final score was when the final whistle goes?

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Royal Lady » 22 Feb 2009 18:13

willz_royal Why have the highlights been condensed into 1 clip of tim dellor telling us what the final score was when the final whistle goes?
because yesterday the final whistle WAS the highlight.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by crossie » 15 Mar 2009 18:03

Royal Lady
willz_royal Why have the highlights been condensed into 1 clip of tim dellor telling us what the final score was when the final whistle goes?
because yesterday the final whistle WAS the highlight.

That's not true. The highlight was the discussion about cakes and Diane's complaint that they talk too much about cakes.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by Rawlie19 » 10 Aug 2009 09:20

Royal Lady
willz_royal Why have the highlights been condensed into 1 clip of tim dellor telling us what the final score was when the final whistle goes?
because yesterday the final whistle WAS the highlight.

They did it again on Saturday. I get to my car and they play "Reading replay" jingle, then, expecting to hear some of the highlights of the game (I know there weren't very many shots but it wasn't that bad a game) all they play is the final whistle and Joel going on about that being the end of the match. What a waste of time, might as well have not bothered.

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Re: Curtailed Royals Footy Shows

by RoyalBlue » 20 Oct 2009 21:54

If BBCRB cut the coverage early tonight to go over to Saga radio then they are every bit as shyte as the club they are reporting on.

We want post match interviews etc. tonight!!

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