back from the Coventry away game...

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Dirk Gently » 05 Apr 2009 12:55

hughsies no.1 anyone know why doyle wasn't involved?

"Emotionally drained" apparently.

He doesn't know the meaning of the word until he's travelled to watch that sort of dross. That's "emotionally draining" - not living the kind of life that any one of the people who pay his wages would jump at the chance of living - and then give it everything they have!

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by bcubed » 05 Apr 2009 13:25

rg6royal Crap game, good day out. And the beer at half time was pretty good tbh. I'm sorry but Little and Kitson aren't as good as everyone makes them out to be, little escpecially is past it. Thought Kelly had a good game and probably was up for motm maybe? We never get going until the last 10 minutes when it's too late and even then the final ball is lackluster. Where was Kebe today? When he was playing we were winning more games, adds alot to the side imo. Also bringing Nhunt on with 9 minutes to go...what's the point??!!

That my friend is heresy in these parts but unfortunately painfully spot on

Bringing these two back may well prove to be the final nail in the coffin for a manager who has simply run out of ideas

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by fridays child » 05 Apr 2009 13:40

Positives - It was a sunny day and traffic was really light.

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Re: back...

by RoyalBlue » 05 Apr 2009 13:54

Dirk Gently Dull, passionless and uninspiring. On this showing we can well and truly kiss goodbye to any hopes of automatic promotion and we can have no confidence of the play-offs - if we make them. And if by some miracle we did go up then it would be embarrassing and painful next season - like lambs to the slaughter every single game.

Just as well that the deadline for Season Ticket renewals was yesterday as no-one would be buying after today.

Spoke to a Coventry fan who was at the game and he couldn't believe how completely disinterested and passionless our team looked when it is supposed to be pushing on for promotion. He reckoned we only started to look like we wanted a positive result when the two Hunts and Marek were brought on.

As for Coppell, once again he comes out with his whinging utter b*llocks about the travel for and after international breaks messsing us up. He certainly didn't do geography for his degree!! Italy is hardly the other side of the world and Coventry is hardly the other end of the country!! Perhaps the reason his team always play so crap after international fixtures is because of his constant negative attitude and bleating about fixture lists and travel. :twisted:

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Re: back...

by Big Foot » 05 Apr 2009 14:01

RoyalBlue As for Coppell, once again he comes out with his whinging utter b*llocks about the travel for and after international breaks messsing us up. He certainly didn't do geography for his degree!! Italy is hardly the other side of the world and Coventry is hardly the other end of the country!! Perhaps the reason his team always play so crap after international fixtures is because of his constant negative attitude and bleating about fixture lists and travel. :twisted:

The team being unable to train together though in the run up to a match is surely a factor, non?

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Sarah Star » 05 Apr 2009 14:01

hughsies no.1 anyone know why doyle wasn't involved?

"Emotionally drained" apparently.

That's just manager-speak for 'he's not performing' though isn't it?

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Re: back...

by RoyalBlue » 05 Apr 2009 14:09

Big Foot
RoyalBlue As for Coppell, once again he comes out with his whinging utter b*llocks about the travel for and after international breaks messsing us up. He certainly didn't do geography for his degree!! Italy is hardly the other side of the world and Coventry is hardly the other end of the country!! Perhaps the reason his team always play so crap after international fixtures is because of his constant negative attitude and bleating about fixture lists and travel. :twisted:

The team being unable to train together though in the run up to a match is surely a factor, non?

Maybe, but that wasn't what he was whinging about!! Also, he knew he had international players in his squad and he knows what that entails. If the poor precious things can't cope with the travel or can't play well unless they train together every single day, then maybe he should have used the transfer windows to do something about it.

I'm sorry but his latest bleat about internationals (how many other teams do you hear going on about them?) shows he has lost the plot and the Chairman should be kicking him around the office for coming up with such a feeble and unconvincing excuse for failure.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 05 Apr 2009 14:43

Back from another game and does it matter who we play it is de ja vu.

The lack of entertainment of the pitch in 2009 has become a big problem.

Mr Coppell needs to give the fans who spend good money to be entertained an explanation as to the reasons behind the team selection and style of play that RFC have adopted in 2009 or should I just credit the 2009 form to Wally Downes who has set us up as total defensive unit not to concede nor score goals as the players are frightened to move out of their positions on the chess board.

How boring are we, it use to be boring, boring Arsenal well Reading certainly have won the boring / predictable award for 2009.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Archie's penalty » 05 Apr 2009 15:17

I agree with all the negative comments on here. Dire just dire. No-one looked like they cared and it was soul destroying watching the game. We needed to force the pace against a poor team with nothing to play for and we just didn't do it. We had no pace on the wings and Coppell bypassed them anyway by getting USA and Doobs to hoof hoof hoof. The game was literally crying out for the enthusiasm of the two Hunt brothers and the driving creational force that is Marek. Noel was great when he came on, put in two or three good crosses, had a decent shot saved. He is ten times the player Long is, why Coppell has gone off him is beyond me! Semi-final defeat in the play-offs it is then. Only hope is if Copps plays the young and the hungry. My team in the next game would be:

Afed (at least when he hoofs it it finds our players)
Kelly (very impressed with him yesterday)
Pearce (in for doobs due to his constant hoofing)
Kebe (dangerous and scares defenders)
Marek (drives forward)
Karacan (we need enthusiasm in the middle)
Shunt (anyone is better than Tabb)
Nhunt (for his enthusiasm)
Kitson(he was poor yesterday but would like to see him and nhunt together)

Subs: Doyle, Harps, Doobs, Marcus, Long.

That team might just get us some points but am not holding my breath. I am normally the biggest of Stevie C fans but he is living on borrowed time at the moment.
Last edited by Archie's penalty on 05 Apr 2009 15:38, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by rg6royal » 05 Apr 2009 15:34

Archie's penalty I agree with all the negative comments on here. Dire just dire. No-one looked like they cared and it was soul destroying watching the game. We needed to force the pace against a poor team with nothing to play for and we just didn't do it. We had no pace on the wings and Coppell bypassed them anyway by getting USA and Doobs to hoof hoof hoof. The game was literally crying out for the enthusiasm of the two Hunt brothers and the driving creational force that is Marek. Noel was great when he came on, put in two or three good crosses, had a decent shot saved. He is ten times the player Long is, why Coppell has gone off him is beyond me! Semi-final defeat in the play-offs it is then. Only hope is if Copps plays the young and the hungry. My team in the next game would be:

Afed (at least when he hoofs it it finds our players)
Kelly (very impressed with him yesterday)
Pearce (in for doobs due to his constant hooding)
Kebe rw (dangerous and scares defenders)
Marek (drives forward)
Karacan (we need enthusiasm in the middle)
Shunt (anyone is better than Tabb)
Nhunt (for his enthusiasm)
Kitson(he was poor yesterday but would like to see him and nhunt together)

Subs: Doyle, Harps, Doobs, Marcus, Long.

That team might just get us some points but an not holding my breath. I am normally the biggest of Stevie C fans but he is living on borrowed time at the moment.

'greed with that team but I'd much rather have Doyle than Kitson.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Royalee » 06 Apr 2009 01:27

Archie's penalty I agree with all the negative comments on here. Dire just dire. No-one looked like they cared and it was soul destroying watching the game. We needed to force the pace against a poor team with nothing to play for and we just didn't do it. We had no pace on the wings and Coppell bypassed them anyway by getting USA and Doobs to hoof hoof hoof. The game was literally crying out for the enthusiasm of the two Hunt brothers and the driving creational force that is Marek. Noel was great when he came on, put in two or three good crosses, had a decent shot saved. He is ten times the player Long is, why Coppell has gone off him is beyond me! Semi-final defeat in the play-offs it is then. Only hope is if Copps plays the young and the hungry. My team in the next game would be:

Afed (at least when he hoofs it it finds our players)
Kelly (very impressed with him yesterday)
Pearce (in for doobs due to his constant hoofing)
Kebe (dangerous and scares defenders)
Marek (drives forward)
Karacan (we need enthusiasm in the middle)
Shunt (anyone is better than Tabb)
Nhunt (for his enthusiasm)
Kitson(he was poor yesterday but would like to see him and nhunt together)

Subs: Doyle, Harps, Doobs, Marcus, Long.

That team might just get us some points but am not holding my breath. I am normally the biggest of Stevie C fans but he is living on borrowed time at the moment.

You're slowly caving then? :wink:

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Archie's penalty » 06 Apr 2009 01:53

Royalee You're slowly caving then? :wink:

You could say that. Saturday was very disappointing. Amazingly we still have time to turn it around although In some ways I don't want to go up now as 1) we'd get thrashed, 2) it would mean that players like Karacan won't get his chance again.

Anyway I'm still an RTG (whatever that is) just I can see where the negativity on here is coming from now.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by brummie royal » 06 Apr 2009 09:32

Agree with much of what's been said here.

The game was crying out for someone to take charge and we didn't appear to have anyone who was interested in taking on that responsibility - no leaders on the pitch or in fact anyone who looked like they were remotely interested. Was almost an 'end-of-season going through the motions' attitude not helped by the lack of atmosphere in the stadium.

Harper and Cisse in centre midfield were far too defensive and Tabb and Little too slow/lightweight so until Matejovsky and Hunt came on for the last 20 minutes there was no support for the front two. Thought Kelly did well and at least the subs seemed to inject some life into the performance but too little too late.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Mr Angry » 06 Apr 2009 09:45

As soon as it was clear that we were going to start with Long and Kitson, it was obvious what sort of game plan we had; lump it forward.


Were the players having an in-joke between them? Who could kick it the highest, with the winner being first in the queue for a neck brace?

Truly awful.

We went away to Doncaster, played 451 which turned into 433 when we went forward, and we looked superb - why the hell has he reverted back to the same old dull and uninspiring 442 with Cisse and Harper in the middle? If you are going to play 442, then FFS play Karacan and Marek there instead!

At least Kelly had an ok game.

On the positive side, friendly stewards and club, efficient car parking and er...thats it.

Roll on Friday.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Huntley & Palmer » 06 Apr 2009 10:12

Mr Angry On the positive side, friendly stewards and club,

'greed, they let us stay down in the concourse drinking beer and watching the National at the start of the second half

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Harry Carry » 06 Apr 2009 10:17

The game was ruined for me by a big bunch of drunken off their head lads.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Maguire » 06 Apr 2009 10:40

Just checking in again to add further Monday morning lolz about how shit that game was. I don't remember anything happening. At all.

Might give Fri a miss.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by AF1 » 06 Apr 2009 10:42

Still can't believe there were 17 thousand people in that stadium :shock:

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Wycombe Royal » 06 Apr 2009 10:52

Best moment for me was when Stephen Hunt had a shot from a free kick about 23 or 24 yards out. It sailed a good 10 yards over the bar and the person next to me starting going mad at the ref because he gave a goal kick - he was adamant it had been deflected, until it was pointed out to him that it was just a crap free kick.

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Re: back from the Coventry away game...

by Huntley & Palmer » 06 Apr 2009 11:02

AF1 Still can't believe there were 17 thousand people in that stadium :shock:

It was quite some illusion, I didn't even realise the ground held over 30,000 to be honest. Seems strange with no second tiers

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