by Dickie Davies » 03 May 2009 21:33
by Terminal Boardom » 03 May 2009 21:41
Dickie Davies Decent player, terrible vein of form, only the thick and uneducated give him a bad rep.
by wichygbloke » 03 May 2009 21:41
Well Stevie it was me that left the newspaper clipping on your Porsche in the players carpark !!!
by wichygbloke » 03 May 2009 21:45
Dickie Davies Decent player, terrible vein of form, only the thick and uneducated give him a bad rep.
by SLAMMED » 03 May 2009 21:47
wichygbloke Of course I am only going on the last 2 seasons!!!
by Terminal Boardom » 03 May 2009 21:49
SLAMMEDwichygbloke Of course I am only going on the last 2 seasons!!!
Theres your problem right there.
by Dickie Davies » 03 May 2009 21:50
Terminal BoardomDickie Davies Decent player, terrible vein of form, only the thick and uneducated give him a bad rep.
In that case I am thick and uneducated! WTF has he done over the last 2 seasons? How many times has he turned a game on its head with a piece of dazzling skill, searing pace or genuine ability? shunt is a sham. The sooner he goes elsewhere with his ego the better. Had Bobby Convey not got injured or dramaticaly lost form how many games would shunt have played in the last 2 seasons? I would go so far to say that we would probably still be in the Premiership.
by NR_Royal » 03 May 2009 21:52
by Schards#2 » 03 May 2009 21:54
Dickie DaviesTerminal BoardomDickie Davies Decent player, terrible vein of form, only the thick and uneducated give him a bad rep.
In that case I am thick and uneducated! WTF has he done over the last 2 seasons? How many times has he turned a game on its head with a piece of dazzling skill, searing pace or genuine ability? shunt is a sham. The sooner he goes elsewhere with his ego the better. Had Bobby Convey not got injured or dramaticaly lost form how many games would shunt have played in the last 2 seasons? I would go so far to say that we would probably still be in the Premiership.
Apprecaite your comments, clearly you're educated but guessing you played rugby at school.
Steven hunt is no 5m player agreed, but as good a natural left midfielder in this div.
by Deathy » 03 May 2009 22:04
sawyers left arm Is his own mind!!
The guy is in the worst form of his career and he still thinks he is premier class. I wouldn't have him playing for Whitley Wood.
He needs to get real and start performing otherwise he could find himself back at Brentford.
by Dickie Davies » 03 May 2009 22:07
by Jackson Corner » 03 May 2009 22:16
by Dickie Davies » 03 May 2009 22:17
Jackson Corner What Premiership manager in there right mind would buy Hunt on todays showing? Against a side who will be certs to down he was useless. If Little was fit he wouldn't even have started. Never mind the Premier league he's not even up to this level.
by bobby m's syrup » 03 May 2009 22:18
by Pseud O'Nym » 03 May 2009 22:44
bobby m's syrup During our first Prem season, one of the broadsheets called him a 'journeyman player'. I remember being a little miffed on his behalf at the time, but looking back...
by Charles Dapper » 03 May 2009 22:58
by 1871royals » 03 May 2009 23:03
by Handsome Man » 03 May 2009 23:16
by Millsy » 03 May 2009 23:18
by moo » 04 May 2009 03:45
2 world wars, 1 world cup Wahay let's just attack our favourite scapegoat.
The only men who really looked like they tried today were Harding and Super Marek.
The rest of the team was SHITE.
To single out Shunt is unfair. Yes he was awful but so was the whole team, starting with USA who pretty much potentially threw the whole season away for us with one stupid moment.
Yet we blame Shunt!!??
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