Terminal Boardom Can't we replace Deathy with someone who will SUPPORT the club?
Can't fault my support my old mate. You try living in Leeds and not missing a home game for 3 years. I'm entitled to an opinion, wether you like it or not. Rosenior is bloody awful far too often. I only persistanly knock two players - Kebe and Long. Seriously try and defend them if you will, but they're just terrible.
Deathy Yeah why not? It's not always about success. The improvement in how we pass the ball about is there for all to see. Give this team a few months, and I think we'll have a decent young little outfit. Not promotion standard, but expecting that this season is foolish. I'm confident looking at that team that we'll be a midtable side. We just need one, maybe two strikers in this next week or so.
So shut your face.