FAO Jimmy Kebe

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by wolsey » 02 Oct 2009 10:51

Ryn TBH I don't want to see Kebe in the box taking on the keeper.

Good job he didn't try that on Tuesday.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by floyd__streete » 02 Oct 2009 13:40

Woodcote Royal
Woodcote Royal And if he decides it's not worth the bother when playing in front of ignorant twats who slag him off regardless before posting their ill informed nonsense on these pages, I wouldn't blame him.

Yep, what these people should do is wait in their car parked in the MadStad car park until the team is announced on the radio so as they can decide whether the line-up meets with their satisfaction.

If you don't want to support the team go wherever you like other than the Mad Stad.................I realise that this might be a bit deep for you but, who knows, perhaps one day the penny will finally drop.

Don't hold your breath, folks!!!

Apropos of nothing really; Woodcote, out of interest, how many of our record breaking run of matches without victory at the MadStad have you missed?

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Ryn » 02 Oct 2009 14:01

Ryn TBH I don't want to see Kebe in the box taking on the keeper.

Good job he didn't try that on Tuesday.

99 times out of hundred I'd rather a striker took on the keeper, if it's all the same to you. Kebe doesn't exactly have the best record so far in that department.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by wolsey » 02 Oct 2009 14:05

Ryn TBH I don't want to see Kebe in the box taking on the keeper.

Good job he didn't try that on Tuesday.

99 times out of hundred I'd rather a striker took on the keeper, if it's all the same to you. Kebe doesn't exactly have the best record so far in that department.

Well it was good enough on Tuesday..as said elsewhere there aren't many in the present squad with the quality of his first touch.

Also as a winger he faces the problem that when he does manage to get a cross into the box we're lucky if there are 2 Reading players there to make use of it (let alone "strikers")

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Hugo Boss » 02 Oct 2009 15:41

wolsey as said elsewhere there aren't many in the present squad with the quality of his first touch.

This is the most LOLaughable thing i've ever read on HNA!! Will remember this comment when the ball inevitably ricochets off his shins into touch tomorrow.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by brendywendy » 02 Oct 2009 16:11

i want him to do well as much as anyone

but even i raised my eyebrows a sidgeon when i saw that

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Upper West Ginger » 02 Oct 2009 16:24

Hugo Boss
wolsey as said elsewhere there aren't many in the present squad with the quality of his first touch.

This is the most LOLaughable thing i've ever read on HNA!! Will remember this comment when the ball inevitably ricochets off his shins into touch tomorrow.

To be fair, I think wolsey is referring to the specific first touch when he took his excellent goal on Tuesday (which really was sublime), as opposed to the usual Kebe first touch where the ball bounces off in a random direction, closely followed by Kebe's rubber legs.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Thaumagurist* » 02 Oct 2009 16:28

I think Cisse has a worse first touch.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Ian Royal » 02 Oct 2009 16:59

Ian Royal
Upper West Ginger It is precisely because we know that he can have moments of sheer genius and can terrorise defences that it is all the more maddening when he has one of his "what-am-I-doing-here" moments, standing still and wondering what to do next.
The guy has some unusual footballing skills, but is utterly inconsistent and unpredictable.
If he ever got to be consistently good, we would either get promoted or he would get sold to a Premier League team.

Come on Jimmy, let's have another good match from you on Saturday.

He'd need a footballing intelligence to do that and sadly he has demonstrated on many an occasion that he doesn't have that.

Skills can make you a great player on your day, but with out the brain to back them up you'll never be a consistently great player.

I don't think he lacks footballing intelligence, I think he just often lacks the coolness in front of goal or in the penalty box. It's the difference between a great player and a not-so-great one is whether they can keep cool when they're one-on-one with the keeper etc. I remember Little had a similar problem - great skills outside the penalty box, but how many times did you see him completely miss a shot inside the box!

Another thing with JK is that he's an impact player - so a lot of pressure is on him to produce something out of nothing and when things start going wrong it seems to go to his head. Don't blame him as same happens to me when I play - you start doubting yourself. Doesn't help having the home fans on his back. I think if he manages to score a few at home and prove himself, he could start to relax a bit more in those 'pressure situations' and really do well, but who knows!

Look at his decision making. Often takes on one defender too many, doesn't release the ball at the best time, crosses to empty space, takes quick freekicks to one player surrounded by defenders.

That's not a lack of coolness in the box

Would agree more with the second paragraph, which is why he tends to play best with another on form winger on the opposite flank. That's why I said I wish he'd relax a little more often and not try to force things.

He only tends to have people on his back after about his 6th or 7th mistake. He gets loads more vocal support around the several areas I've sat, than he gets stick. Certainly to start with.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Ian Royal » 02 Oct 2009 17:00

Sun Tzu
Ian Royal
Skills can make you a great player on your day, but with out the brain to back them up you'll never be a consistently great player.

Consistently great players don;t play in the Championship...
they don;t even play much below the top half dozen teams in the Prem

I'm talking in the context of the championship. He's hardly got the skills of Ronaldo.

Although if he had the brain to match his skill he would be in a decent Prem team. I'd just rather someone with a bit less skill and the brain to back it up.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by wolsey » 02 Oct 2009 19:41

Upper West Ginger
Hugo Boss
wolsey as said elsewhere there aren't many in the present squad with the quality of his first touch.

This is the most LOLaughable thing i've ever read on HNA!! Will remember this comment when the ball inevitably ricochets off his shins into touch tomorrow.

To be fair, I think wolsey is referring to the specific first touch when he took his excellent goal on Tuesday (which really was sublime), as opposed to the usual Kebe first touch where the ball bounces off in a random direction, closely followed by Kebe's rubber legs.

Thank you exactly what i meant

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Woodcote Royal » 02 Oct 2009 23:05

out of interest, how many of our record breaking run of matches without victory at the MadStad have you missed?

More than half. Last season often by choice this season only due to work.

Looking forward to attending tomorrow.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by leon » 02 Oct 2009 23:55

Woodcote Royal
out of interest, how many of our record breaking run of matches without victory at the MadStad have you missed?

More than half. Last season often by choice this season only due to work.

Looking forward to attending tomorrow.

To be fair Floyd, this is the guy about a month ago, who was convinced Mr Mad wasn't selling off our best (sorry..over paid experienced) players.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by AthleticoSpizz » 02 Oct 2009 23:57


do you want your butt plug back?

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by leon » 03 Oct 2009 00:01

AthleticoSpizz Leon

do you want your butt plug back?

:lol: Is that an ex army thing?

oh come on the guy is a bit of a twat - WR not Johnny Mad.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by AthleticoSpizz » 03 Oct 2009 00:03

we always know when the pubs are shut

It's when you tip-in


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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by leon » 03 Oct 2009 00:07

AthleticoSpizz we always know when the pubs are shut

It's when you tip-in


:D alas my life is a lot more mundane. This is my "Leon time". Sorry to have to share it with you.

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Archie's penalty » 03 Oct 2009 01:13

Fast approaching 'epic' thread of the season so far status.

Run, run, run, run KEBE!

Love you Jimmy. Maddeningly inconsistent but the most entertaining person to watch in the squad by a country mile.

Me and Rabidbee were criticising him and praising him all the way home. Don't know which side came out on top.

Either way long live the Kebe!

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Woodcote Royal » 03 Oct 2009 02:55

Woodcote Royal
out of interest, how many of our record breaking run of matches without victory at the MadStad have you missed?

More than half. Last season often by choice this season only due to work.

Looking forward to attending tomorrow.

To be fair Floyd, this is the guy about a month ago, who was convinced Mr Mad wasn't selling off our best (sorry..over paid experienced) players.

It was common knowledge that the club wished to off load it's highest earners and I remain delighted to see the back of Coppell's over paid, under performing favorites (this might be why I elected not to watch them towards the end of last season :| )

If only the man himself would find another club thus allowing his grovelling hero worshippers to fcuk off and join him :roll:

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Re: FAO Jimmy Kebe

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 03 Oct 2009 06:02

Come on WR was there a part of taking a break that you did not understand??

Still look at all that money sloshing around the club, that SC failed to spend.

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