season tickets renewals

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for those of you who already have season ticketsm will you be renewing next season

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Re: season tickets renewals

by The Rouge » 05 Oct 2009 14:17

Terminal Boardom
The Rouge Plastics.

Realists who actually have a life! Try getting one some time.

I have a life thanks. My criteria for watching my football club play is not based on whether or not they are winning. RFC fans have been spoilt in the last 10-15 years - if we finish fifth from bottom, we finish fifth from bottom.

If you decide not to get a season ticket based on life decisions/finances fair enough - but if your reason for stopping is that you don't see enough wins, then I can call you a plastic fan.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Matt de K » 05 Oct 2009 14:51

Not renewing your season ticket does not make you a plastic fan.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by REALROYAL » 05 Oct 2009 14:58

This my 9th season as a ST holder, I might be a happy royal, but i will always be a loyal royal. Yes i will renew my ST.... :twisted:

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Starfish » 05 Oct 2009 15:20

Just to annoy you a bit. I bought a ST for a team in the Bundesliga 2 this year. It's in the standing area and for 17 games cost €120. The team is Greuther Fürth and the four home games so far have been 4-0, 2-4, 4-0 and a seriously good game that ended 2-1 last Saturday.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Silver Fox » 05 Oct 2009 15:32

How many Reading games are included in that season ticket starfers?

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Re: season tickets renewals

by brendywendy » 05 Oct 2009 15:37

The Rouge
Terminal Boardom
The Rouge Plastics.

Realists who actually have a life! Try getting one some time.

I have a life thanks. My criteria for watching my football club play is not based on whether or not they are winning. RFC fans have been spoilt in the last 10-15 years - if we finish fifth from bottom, we finish fifth from bottom.

If you decide not to get a season ticket based on life decisions/finances fair enough - but if your reason for stopping is that you don't see enough wins, then I can call you a plastic fan.

spot on




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Re: season tickets renewals

by Starfish » 05 Oct 2009 15:57

Silver Fox How many Reading games are included in that season ticket starfers?

I know. I know. I was just making a (none too relevant) comparison. I'll f-off back to GF for this kind of thing now. I promise.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Y21 » 05 Oct 2009 18:35

I have my own, pathetic little protest. For most matches, I used to buy a programme, occasionally a drink or two. Usually a golden gamble as well. On top of that, each season would see a shirt, and for the colder months, perhaps a hat as well. However, following our lack of serious investment to keep us in the premier league, and our laughable attempts to return to the overpriced holy land, I now only buy a season ticket. So I guess its not costing the club too much, but it makes the season more affordable, and lot less painful when forced to watch the current turgid guff.

Imagine if everyone did that...I wonder if anyone at the club would pay attention to the feelings of the fans then?

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Re: season tickets renewals

by towserSL2crew » 05 Oct 2009 18:53

Through THICK and THIN.......Forever Royal......Forever Loyal.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Royal Lady » 05 Oct 2009 18:57

towserSL2crew Through THICK and THIN.......Forever Royal......Forever Loyal.

Look, for the hard of reading, it doesn't make you any less a loyal fan if you don't buy a ruddy ST. Jeez. :roll:

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Re: season tickets renewals

by towserSL2crew » 05 Oct 2009 19:32

Royal Lady
winchester_royal So the fair weather fans are buggering off as soon as we hit a bad patch.

Good, oxf*rd off then.
Come now w_r, you're not the imbecile you're trying to imply you are! They're not "buggering off" they're stating that they won't be renewing their season tickets - they'll go to games as and when they can, but not pay upfront. And I can sympathise with that wholeheartedly. I'm contemplating doing the same myself - perhaps the club will realise that not having 11,000 people paying up front is going to dent their pockets somewhat - that's only one of the ways that we, as fans, can show our unhappiness with the situation.

Hello , hard of reading here ,you highly unhappy person. Is denting the clubs pockets going to be a fantastic thing for you and your many followers to do or will it only dent ALL of us by the club not knowing its financial position before the season whos wages can we afford to pay if we sign them , or do they just guess how many are going to turn up each week ? Football is a business Im afraid to say ,though you will probably correct me on this.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Platypuss » 05 Oct 2009 19:35

towserSL2crew Through THICK and THIN.......Forever Royal......Forever Loyal.

Easy to say when you're a teenager who still lives with mum.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by towserSL2crew » 05 Oct 2009 19:54

towserSL2crew Through THICK and THIN.......Forever Royal......Forever Loyal.

Easy to say when you're a teenager who still lives with mum.

Wish I was, Im 54 yrs old !

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Tony Le Mesmer » 05 Oct 2009 20:00

My 20th season as a ST holder and i will not renew unless things change. And im not referring to the results, more the appathy of the players and staff and most of all, the sheer volume of Mongs that sit in our Spacker Bowl. Most of the time i am simply embarrased at our support. It used to make me proud.

Ive sat/stood through a lot worse than this. I went to Macclesfield on A Tuesday night, whilst ill, to see a ny on bankrupt Reading lose to Chester in front of 631 people. I sat on Coach 1 through the night asking myself what the hell was wrong with me going to that game. But i didnt for one second consider not going on Saturday and by the following morning i couldnt wait to be on the Southbank at 2.45 on Saturday.

Now, i keep asking myself the same question. What is the point?

Bet i end up renewing though. MUG.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Royal Lady » 05 Oct 2009 20:54

Royal Lady
winchester_royal So the fair weather fans are buggering off as soon as we hit a bad patch.

Good, oxf*rd off then.
Come now w_r, you're not the imbecile you're trying to imply you are! They're not "buggering off" they're stating that they won't be renewing their season tickets - they'll go to games as and when they can, but not pay upfront. And I can sympathise with that wholeheartedly. I'm contemplating doing the same myself - perhaps the club will realise that not having 11,000 people paying up front is going to dent their pockets somewhat - that's only one of the ways that we, as fans, can show our unhappiness with the situation.

Hello , hard of reading here ,you highly unhappy person. Is denting the clubs pockets going to be a fantastic thing for you and your many followers to do or will it only dent ALL of us by the club not knowing its financial position before the season whos wages can we afford to pay if we sign them , or do they just guess how many are going to turn up each week ? Football is a business Im afraid to say ,though you will probably correct me on this.

OMG, yeah, sorry - I totally forgot that if I and, say, a couple of thousand other idiots don't bother renewing our STs next season, we're going to have such an impact on the club not having our money or knowing their financial position before the season starts, that we're going to have to cut our cloth. :roll:

I wouldn't worry mate, I expect the club factored in win bonuses into the budget for this year, so they're better off than they thought. They can carry that money over to next season.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Terminal Boardom » 05 Oct 2009 22:35

Tony Le Mesmer My 20th season as a ST holder and i will not renew unless things change. And im not referring to the results, more the appathy of the players and staff and most of all, the sheer volume of Mongs that sit in our Spacker Bowl. Most of the time i am simply embarrased at our support. It used to make me proud.

Ive sat/stood through a lot worse than this. I went to Macclesfield on A Tuesday night, whilst ill, to see a ny on bankrupt Reading lose to Chester in front of 631 people. I sat on Coach 1 through the night asking myself what the hell was wrong with me going to that game. But i didnt for one second consider not going on Saturday and by the following morning i couldnt wait to be on the Southbank at 2.45 on Saturday.

Now, i keep asking myself the same question. What is the point?

Bet i end up renewing though. MUG.

I was there at Macclesfield. Up in Stoke on business so easy journey to make. Ark Royal was also up north on business and he drove over from Leeds. That was an incredibly, spectacularly appalling performance - not unlike Saturday in all fairness.

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Re: season tickets renewals

by Starfish » 06 Oct 2009 09:44

towserSL2crew Through THICK and THIN.......Forever Royal......Forever Loyal.

Easy to say when you're a teenager who still lives with mum.

Wish I was, Im 54 yrs old !

It really is high time for you to move out of your mum's place then, isn't it?

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Re: Short Changed

by facaldaqui » 06 Oct 2009 15:42

It does seem a bizarre policy to sell all your best players and then expect to push for promotion. What on earth could make Madejski think that's feasible?

The answer I think is a delusion created by the Coppell miracle. This is the idea that you can buy lesser-known players for cheap, build them into a promotion side, and then sell them for millions. I still don't know how Coppell performed his miracle, but Madejski must realise that the chances of it happening again are remote (anywhere, let alone at Reading). He needs to forget Coppell and revert to the Pardew model: gradual improvement, with gradually increasing expenditure on players. The anomaly here is the purchase of Mills for 2 million. That doesn't fit into a cost-cutting exercise, and it makes no sense in isolation as investment in team building. :?

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Re: Short Changed

by AF1 » 06 Oct 2009 15:50

Fact : Whenever someone feels the need to tell you how long they have been a supporter as if to back up what they're posting then every single time what they're posting is utter bollocks.

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Re: Short Changed

by Ryn » 06 Oct 2009 15:54

AF1 Fact : Everything I post is utter bollocks.

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