Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

Who's our best championship season player?

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Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Archie's penalty » 05 Oct 2009 20:36

With Sidders playing for Villa regularly (a top seven team). I vote for him (not surprisingly).
Last edited by Archie's penalty on 05 Oct 2009 21:14, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by PEARCEY » 05 Oct 2009 20:46

Shirley harper should be one of the options. Shame on you Archibald's Penalty.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Archie's penalty » 05 Oct 2009 20:53

B*llocks. Could we reset the poll please mods?

Thing is who would you take out from that list? Convey was great in 2005-6 but Hunt was more important in 2006-7. Hmm...

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by 1871 Royal » 05 Oct 2009 20:59

I went for Little as his ability to glue the ball to his foot then put an inch perfect cross which we inevitably scored from.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by PEARCEY » 05 Oct 2009 21:01

Archie's penalty B*llocks. Could we reset the poll please mods?

Thing is who would you take out from that list? Convey was great in 2005-6 but Hunt was more important in 2006-7. Hmm...

Look at the thread title....and then delete SHunt. Simples.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Archie's penalty » 05 Oct 2009 21:03

Archie's penalty B*llocks. Could we reset the poll please mods?

Thing is who would you take out from that list? Convey was great in 2005-6 but Hunt was more important in 2006-7. Hmm...

Look at the title thread....and then delete SHunt. Simples.

You're probs right - but then I think the golden era was 2005-7.

Darn my indecision.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by PEARCEY » 05 Oct 2009 21:05

Are you changing the thread title then? The title of the thread does not refer to who is our best player from 2005-2007 you daft donut. It refers to season 2005/06. Does it not? Simples.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Archie's penalty » 05 Oct 2009 21:09

I need thirteen options really.

So I won't. Let's make it the Championship year. Tomorrow we can move on to the great premiership year.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Alan Partridge » 05 Oct 2009 21:18

That year Little was the best player in the league. Some of his skill, set up play and goals were of the highest quality. The like I've never seen or doubt I'll get to see again, made it all the sadder to see him last year and he looked completely shot, although doing ok for SHeff Utd by all accounts.

Also Hahnemann was consistantly excellent that season, everyone was good or better than they had been but Little for me was top top class.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by 1871 Royal » 05 Oct 2009 21:20

His goal @ Plymouth was one of the best I have ever seen for RFC

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by PEARCEY » 05 Oct 2009 22:04

Sidwell for me. The engine of the side. Gave the team that extra bit of confidence and scored his share of goals as well.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Big Foot » 05 Oct 2009 22:32

Convey scored some great goals that season and looked like he was going to create something pretty much everytime he got the ball. Gutted it didn't work out for him at RFC in the end

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Terminal Boardom » 05 Oct 2009 22:46

Bollox. Didn't read the question properly

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Archie's penalty » 05 Oct 2009 22:51

Terminal Boardom Bollox. Didn't read the question properly

It was a bit of a misleading poll. Sort of wanted to say who was the best player who played for us during the 2005-7(.5) golden years.

Sidwell is the one who has succeeded properly at the top level. That's why I went for him.

Btw I like the way that Villa are the closest team in the prem to be playing 'our' brand of football. Makes me proud that Sidders is in there doing a good job.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Rex » 05 Oct 2009 23:01

Glad things have finally worked out for him instead of bench warming at Chelsea.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Bill Oddie » 05 Oct 2009 23:57

Convey scored some great goals that season and looked like he was going to create something pretty much everytime he got the ball. Gutted it didn't work out for him at RFC in the end

I'm sorry but even after all this time I still don't get Convey or the people on here who still wish to have his babies. He had ONE good game at home against Millwall, and that was it, ONE good game. I went to every home and away game that year and even in that great team he looked like little boy lost. He couldn't take on his man, he couldn't tackle, he couldn't head a ball, in fact come to think about it has he come back as Shaun Cummings ?

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Alivey » 06 Oct 2009 03:52

There is only one Dave Kitson

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by rhroyal » 06 Oct 2009 05:25

Glen Little was absolute magic that season. He didn't have pace but he had everything else, defenders had no answer to his ability to walk past them again and again. His crossing was top notch too. He had the most assists in the Championship that season despite missing the last 2 months injured! Great goal at Plymouth too. It was a privilege to watch him play.

Honourable mentions go to Sidwell, Sonko, Convey, Doyle, USA, Ivar, Murty, Lita, Kitson, Harper and Shorey, such was the brilliance of that team.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by rhroyal » 06 Oct 2009 05:26

Bill Oddie
Convey scored some great goals that season and looked like he was going to create something pretty much everytime he got the ball. Gutted it didn't work out for him at RFC in the end

I'm sorry but even after all this time I still don't get Convey or the people on here who still wish to have his babies. He had ONE good game at home against Millwall, and that was it, ONE good game. I went to every home and away game that year and even in that great team he looked like little boy lost. He couldn't take on his man, he couldn't tackle, he couldn't head a ball, in fact come to think about it has he come back as Shaun Cummings ?

This had better be a WUM post. Either that or you were blind for the 05/06 season.

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Re: Who was our best oldie of the championship year?

by Ryn » 06 Oct 2009 07:10

I am torn between Sidders and Glenda, but I've plumped for Glenda based on all the assists he provided. As already mentioned, a privilege to watch him play that year.

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