Should Dellor Be Sacked?

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After his altercation on Saturday, and general negativity.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by The Real Sandhurst Royal » 14 Dec 2009 17:43

Tim Dellor hooked Brenda in like a fish taking the bait.

Well done TD.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by handbags_harris » 14 Dec 2009 17:55

LoyalRoyalFan I think the Scunthorpe performance was better than the Palace performance. For a start we didn't concede 4 goals and we got a point rather than none.

You're a) talking about results, not performances, and b) your point doesn't take into account the standard of the opposition. By that logic if Reading drew with Championship Scunthorpe, and then the next game won 2-0 against Reading and District Sunday League Division 4 East Hobnob FC, the latter game would have been the better performance.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by RoyalBlue » 14 Dec 2009 18:54

Give him a PR job at RFC.

It would be good to hear things how they really are!!

Mind you, still has to go some to get a Baskerville Ban!

Royal Lady If the podcast has been pulled from the beeb, then it can only mean that RFC agree with the majority in that BR was wrong to react in the way he did and they don't want other people hearing it. Though, I wouldn't have thought that RFC have enough clout to do that, do they??

Perhaps the football club told BBCRB to remove it and to sort Dellor out unless they want to lose access to the club?

If so, the BBC should have stood firm and blown the whistle on the club, showing everyone what a desperate bunch of bullies are in charge.

The shyte they are currently in, the last thing the club can afford to do is alienate the media.

And BTW, Rodgers is very lucky that Dellor was prepared to immediately let him wriggle off the hook, rather than going in with some killer follow up responses/questions as a less club friendly reporter would have done. Rodgers was floundering on the ropes and one targeted comeback would have left him out for the count.

A really stupid and inconsidered response from a man clearly under pressure and could well have swung another 5-10% of support against him. Even as a declared Rodgers' supporter I was stunned and very disappointed by the manner in which he behaved. If RFC had any shyte hot PR people working for them (more cloth cutting?) I would have thought they would have moved very quickly to engineer a very public bridge repair.
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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by facaldaqui » 14 Dec 2009 19:03

I should think Dellor IS a supporter. He comes from Woolhampton.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by RoyalBlue » 14 Dec 2009 19:13

facaldaqui I should think Dellor IS a supporter. He comes from Woolhampton.

Didn't he also attend Burghfield College.

BBCRB have always tended to go for public schoolboy Reading supporting journos. Both Jonathan Richards and Mark Gonella went to Reading Blue Coat School and were active supporters of RFC before they started working for BBCRB. Of course Jonathan Richards also p*ssed off RFC big time and proved he was a true supporter with his great on-pitch welcome for the FSB!!

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by SteveRoyal » 14 Dec 2009 19:14

I really, really don't like the man.
I can't stand his voice and some of the things he says are daft.
However, I think his combo with Gooding is fantastic for BBCRB, so no, don't sack 'im.
(As if what any of us have to say makes any difference)

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by MmmMonsterMunch » 14 Dec 2009 19:23

I like Dellor - he means well. For Rodgers to say he isn't a supporter & telling him to stay away from the team etc is ridiculous though. He's come out looking like a bit of a bully & a arrogant tw@t to be honest.

Completely unecessary I thought.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by FiNeRaIn » 14 Dec 2009 19:23

So far 14 retards on the board have voted yes, wish they could be named and shamed.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Ian Royal » 14 Dec 2009 19:24

FiNeRaIn So far 14 retards on the board have voted yes, wish they could be named and shamed.

Royalee will be one.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Basingstoke Royal » 14 Dec 2009 19:25

Yes. Not cos of this, just because he is knob.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Ian Royal » 14 Dec 2009 19:27

Basingstoke Royal Yes. Not cos of this, just because he is knob.

I'd be oxf*rd if I was in a job where being a "knob" was classed as gross misconduct.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Rex » 14 Dec 2009 19:31

So the first time that Dellor actually asks a question with a little meat in the bones he's criticised for having the balls to make a pertinent point. The smashing / fatastic / great platitides from BR tend to grind after a while. The reaction from BR was the only interesting thing of note in the interview and got behind the fascade. IF Dellor is removed then all this will ensure is an inoffensive lapdog just picking up more ineffectual soundbites.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by MmmMonsterMunch » 14 Dec 2009 19:33

He won't get sacked for that!

Just makes you realise how classy Coppell was.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by winchester_royal » 14 Dec 2009 19:35

facaldaqui I should think Dellor IS a supporter. He comes from Woolhampton.

Didn't he also attend Burghfield College.

BBCRB have always tended to go for public schoolboy Reading supporting journos. Both Jonathan Richards and Mark Gonella went to Reading Blue Coat School and were active supporters of RFC before they started working for BBCRB. Of course Jonathan Richards also p*ssed off RFC big time and proved he was a true supporter with his great on-pitch welcome for the FSB!!

He was at Bradfield College actually.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by juanpablo » 14 Dec 2009 19:35

like others have said needs the sack for being sh!t week in week out not for the incident on saturday

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Basingstoke Royal » 14 Dec 2009 19:36

Ian Royal
Basingstoke Royal Yes. Not cos of this, just because he is knob.

I'd be oxf*rd if I was in a job where being a "knob" was classed as gross misconduct.

ha ha!

I'm part of the 13% like don't like him. Voice does my head in, all he says is negative comments and a lot of the time I don't agree with his opinion.

Sacking him is probably a bit harsh but there must be someone out there who can do a mch better job.

Mick gooding, now he is quality and knows what he is talking about.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Harpers So Solid Crew » 14 Dec 2009 19:37

richards was sacked after pressure and comments from ppl on HNA? I thought????

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Sarah Star » 14 Dec 2009 19:41

Basingstoke Royal
Ian Royal
Basingstoke Royal Yes. Not cos of this, just because he is knob.

I'd be oxf*rd if I was in a job where being a "knob" was classed as gross misconduct.

ha ha!

I'm part of the 13% like don't like him. Voice does my head in, all he says is negative comments and a lot of the time I don't agree with his opinion.

Sacking him is probably a bit harsh but there must be someone out there who can do a mch better job.

Mick gooding, now he is quality and knows what he is talking about.

Me too. Many's the time he makes an average performance sound abysmal. He is far too negative, so much so, that I really believe he'd be better off doing something else because he sounds so miserable. Not only that but he gets things wrong - the RFC accounts for one thing. I'm sure there must be someone out there willing and able to do a much better job.

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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by RoyalBlue » 14 Dec 2009 19:41

facaldaqui I should think Dellor IS a supporter. He comes from Woolhampton.

Didn't he also attend Burghfield College.

BBCRB have always tended to go for public schoolboy Reading supporting journos. Both Jonathan Richards and Mark Gonella went to Reading Blue Coat School and were active supporters of RFC before they started working for BBCRB. Of course Jonathan Richards also p*ssed off RFC big time and proved he was a true supporter with his great on-pitch welcome for the FSB!!

He was at Bradfield College actually.

I knew it had at least on 'B' in it!

Harpers So Solid Crew richards was sacked after pressure and comments from ppl on HNA? I thought????

You are having a laugh aren't you?!! In which case you've hooked me.

RFC didn't even give themselves time to read HNA. What's more, what he said wasn't really that bad. IIRC it went along the lines of 'Some say we should forgive and forget but what we should never let him forget is what a great set of supporters he left behind - Come on You Royals!'

Fair comment I say.
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Re: Should Dellor Be Sacked?

by Royal Lady » 14 Dec 2009 19:44

I'd be very surprised if HNA a) got Richards the sack and b) weren't in the majority in agreement with his comments!!

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