by Ian Royal » 28 Dec 2009 19:12
by brendywendy » 29 Dec 2009 15:42
[unlikely from our moronic quarter]
by Chuckle Brother » 29 Dec 2009 16:22
Royal Rother Cricinfo's comment raised my eyebrows... Well, if England have intentions of pushing this game forward they will need to have a positive session here. That should create chances for South Africa, so all in all, exciting times ahead. Not often you say that when Cook is at the crease, either
So what should our intentions be at the moment?
Lofty ambition perhaps but bat on, steadily accumulating runs in the hope that we can reach 650 with an hour left tomorrow, thus setting them 300 on the last day to avoid an innings defeat seems a pretty reasonable aim. Trying to push on now could result in bringing SA back into the game. Not wise.
by TBM » 29 Dec 2009 17:06
by Royalwaster » 29 Dec 2009 17:15
by Ian Royal » 29 Dec 2009 18:07
TBM Couldn't we have Coppell as DOF and McD as manager........might work?
by OLLIE KEARNS » 29 Dec 2009 18:21
Royalwaster I could see SC joining Preston - would be just the kind of club for him.
by Royal Lady » 29 Dec 2009 18:38
Ian Royal Not hugely surprising given McAnuff & Rasiak are two of the only three players giving us any threat and are very clearly Rodgers' men. Or also because McDermott continues to make selection mistakes Rodgers was making.
by Ian Royal » 29 Dec 2009 19:46
Royal LadyIan Royal Not hugely surprising given McAnuff & Rasiak are two of the only three players giving us any threat and are very clearly Rodgers' men. Or also because McDermott continues to make selection mistakes Rodgers was making.
This is what also annoys me somewhat - they are paid as professional footballers, whoever the manager might be - yes, they might have a "special relationship" or whatever with BR, but they are being paid to play for Reading, not BR, therefore, they should play to the best of their ability, not go all huffy cos their fave manager has been sacked.
by Royalee » 29 Dec 2009 20:42
Royal LadyIan Royal Not hugely surprising given McAnuff & Rasiak are two of the only three players giving us any threat and are very clearly Rodgers' men. Or also because McDermott continues to make selection mistakes Rodgers was making.
This is what also annoys me somewhat - they are paid as professional footballers, whoever the manager might be - yes, they might have a "special relationship" or whatever with BR, but they are being paid to play for Reading, not BR, therefore, they should play to the best of their ability, not go all huffy cos their fave manager has been sacked.
by Ian Royal » 29 Dec 2009 21:33
RoyaleeRoyal LadyIan Royal Not hugely surprising given McAnuff & Rasiak are two of the only three players giving us any threat and are very clearly Rodgers' men. Or also because McDermott continues to make selection mistakes Rodgers was making.
This is what also annoys me somewhat - they are paid as professional footballers, whoever the manager might be - yes, they might have a "special relationship" or whatever with BR, but they are being paid to play for Reading, not BR, therefore, they should play to the best of their ability, not go all huffy cos their fave manager has been sacked.
Perhaps we shouldn't have sacked him then...
by Royalee » 29 Dec 2009 22:03
by Ian Royal » 29 Dec 2009 22:10
Royalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
by Royalee » 29 Dec 2009 22:34
Ian RoyalRoyalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
Can I borrow your crystal ball for the lottery?
by leon » 30 Dec 2009 00:54
Royalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
by Arch » 30 Dec 2009 04:49
Royalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
by Barry the bird boggler » 30 Dec 2009 07:51
by Royalee » 30 Dec 2009 13:07
leonRoyalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
Of course we would have, sweet tits. I mean we were doing so well - previous games were crackers...what was it..f*cking Crystal palace's first away win since September (and what a win!!)???? and Scunthorpe..well it was an "outstanding performance"
This is all speculative revisionism. And frankly an utter joke.
by Hoop Blah » 30 Dec 2009 13:29
Royal LadyIan Royal Not hugely surprising given McAnuff & Rasiak are two of the only three players giving us any threat and are very clearly Rodgers' men. Or also because McDermott continues to make selection mistakes Rodgers was making.
This is what also annoys me somewhat - they are paid as professional footballers, whoever the manager might be - yes, they might have a "special relationship" or whatever with BR, but they are being paid to play for Reading, not BR, therefore, they should play to the best of their ability, not go all huffy cos their fave manager has been sacked.
by Royalee » 30 Dec 2009 16:01
ArchRoyalee We'd have got more points from the last 3 games and wouldn't be about to get relegated if we'd kept him.
You thought... you thought that was worse than Tuesday?
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