by Franchise FC » 11 Feb 2010 20:03
by NR_Royal » 11 Feb 2010 20:05
Franchise FC With Ashley Cole out for the rest of the season, does anyone know what the situation is regarding Bertrand and whether Chelsea can recall him ?
by Franchise FC » 11 Feb 2010 20:09
NR_RoyalFranchise FC With Ashley Cole out for the rest of the season, does anyone know what the situation is regarding Bertrand and whether Chelsea can recall him ?
I believe they have Zhirkov.
by Elliott » 11 Feb 2010 20:12
by Armadillo Roadkill » 11 Feb 2010 20:13
by Franchise FC » 11 Feb 2010 20:18
Elliott On footy manager Paulo Ferreira can play LB and RB... surely he would be higher up the pecking order for left back than Bertrand?
by GJ79 » 11 Feb 2010 20:24
by Rax » 11 Feb 2010 20:26
Armadillo Roadkill Can't be recalled from a season long loan?
by Franchise FC » 11 Feb 2010 20:33
GJ79 I think the bigger problem is for england fans if cashley cole aint fit enough will bridge and terry play ok together or will phil neville be playing
by W&E Royal » 11 Feb 2010 20:46
by Franchise FC » 11 Feb 2010 20:48
W&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
by Rax » 11 Feb 2010 20:53
W&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
by Sun Tzu » 11 Feb 2010 20:59
W&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
by W&E Royal » 11 Feb 2010 21:31
Franchise FCW&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
Is that likely - is there a contract on them - was it Vanessa (she seems to have some sort of contract with most of them)
Oh, and by the way, pardon me for my ignorance - you patronising b@stard.
by W&E Royal » 11 Feb 2010 21:36
RaxW&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
Thought it was a fair question myself - and to thoroughly pi$$on your fire, Harper can't come back as he has permanently signed for Sheffield United - so put THAT in yer pipe and shove it!
by W&E Royal » 11 Feb 2010 21:38
Sun TzuW&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
It may be just me but I think you have said there that all players on season long loans can be recalled.
It may just be your lack of familiarity with English though.
But it could also be that you're just proving your claim that no one actually knows the rules (even though I suspect Stranded or Platy will be able to quote them verbatim)
by Sun Tzu » 11 Feb 2010 21:41
W&E RoyalSun TzuW&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
It may be just me but I think you have said there that all players on season long loans can be recalled.
It may just be your lack of familiarity with English though.
But it could also be that you're just proving your claim that no one actually knows the rules (even though I suspect Stranded or Platy will be able to quote them verbatim)
Sorry, couple of beers and my written word goes to pot.No player can be recalled during a season long loan, clear?
by Rax » 11 Feb 2010 22:33
W&E RoyalRaxW&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not, ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan can't be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
Thought it was a fair question myself - and to thoroughly pi$$on your fire, Harper can't come back as he has permanently signed for Sheffield United - so put THAT in yer pipe and shove it!
I know Harper can't come back, there was no possible way back for him in September but for some reason many people thought we could recall him. You're not pissing on my fire, players on season long loans can never be recalled until the end of the loan. That was my point.
by Fluff » 11 Feb 2010 23:01
W&E Royal FFS!!!!! No one knows the rules on SEASON long loans!! How many threads have there been on whether Harper can come back does it need! Not ANY and i mean ANY players on a SEASON (the season) long loan be recalled. Even if the whole Chelsea squad were murdered.
by Dirk Gently » 12 Feb 2010 08:06
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