Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by TFF » 18 Feb 2010 21:05

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe All I know is it would kill if this was happening to Reading.

Agreed. You'd have to feel sorry for the fans. If they weren't such a bunch of pcunts.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by rabidbee » 18 Feb 2010 21:07

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe All I know is it would kill if this was happening to Reading.

Of course, but this is the kind of situation many have been calling for. I don't recall too many Pompey fans protesting when the big-money first arrived. They made their bed, as far as I'm concerned.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Arch » 18 Feb 2010 21:09

Royal Rother If that does not look a viable proposition then liquidation is the only real alternative where everything is shut down and the insolvency bods conduct a virtual fire sale of everything owned by the company in order to generate the maximum pay out for the creditors (after taking their own fees of course!).

So, basically what SJM's done to Reading, then?

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by BobKnows » 18 Feb 2010 21:10

That Friday Feeling
Smoking Kills Dancing Doe All I know is it would kill if this was happening to Reading.

Agreed. You'd have to feel sorry for the fans. If they weren't such a bunch of pcunts.

It would be total shit if this happened to Reading, but it certainly wouldn't be the end of the world. Pompey fans might just have to discover the delights of supporting a team that has to work it's way from the very bottom. Might even be a pleasant surprise...

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 18 Feb 2010 21:19

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe All I know is it would kill if this was happening to Reading.

Of course, but this is the kind of situation many have been calling for. I don't recall too many Pompey fans protesting when the big-money first arrived. They made their bed, as far as I'm concerned.

I understand what you are getting at and it's a lesson, but it's incredibley harsh to blame them though.

The Chairman, The Chief Exec and The Manager are all responsible and yet as I said what do Gaydamak, Storrie and Redknapp lose out of all this?

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Tony Le Mesmer » 18 Feb 2010 21:26

Smoking Kills Dancing Doe All I know is it would kill if this was happening to Reading.

Except it wouldn't, because our club is being run the proper way, and we cut our cloth and all that.
So really, they have only themselves to blame, they run their club like a gang of croooked thieves, and then we are supposed to feel sorry for them when they go bust? Hell no, I have no sympathy, burn baby burn!!!

Think that pretty much sums up how many feel.

They quite literally theived success off everyone else who paid their own way, and milked it for every penny.

But you know they wont go pop in the premier league, not a chance. they will prob end up in the 3rd division in just over a year, when its well and truly not the PL's problem.

Just take one look at the Championship League table. Its basically a PL graveyard.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 18 Feb 2010 21:29

Who is this THEY?

ANd how does Portsmouth going bust effect them?

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by leww_rfc » 18 Feb 2010 21:29

Does this mean we can get Tommy Smith now?

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Jimmy the Tree » 18 Feb 2010 21:36

Of course the fans play a part (if only a small part), did they pressure the Club to spend more and more on players because they were in the Prem.
You know, demand they spend £10M on players that will 'guarantee' they stay up.

OK any half decent chairman will go tell them that they have to 'cut the cloth', but those at Portsmouth were like addicted gamblers, where the only chance of avoiding disaster is to bet more heavily hoping for another big win.

Think what would have happened if they didn't get all the money from the FA cup win.

It was said on the radio earlier that they were debt free when they were bought out of administration last time. £77M in nearly 10 years is the price they pay, and all the worse considering they were balancing the books until about 2004.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Maquisard » 18 Feb 2010 21:37

What can fans do if dubiously "fit and proper persons" take over their club? What would we do if SJM sold us into a Pompey universe (hypothetically)? Or even a Palace universe?

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Jimmy the Tree » 18 Feb 2010 21:49

Nothing, other than support the club without having unreasonable expectations.

Fans don't have much ability to change anything, but praying for a rich millionaire (billionaire) to come and buy the club, ploughing in huge amounts of cash without expecting any come back isn't any sort of way to keep your local club.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Wax Jacket » 18 Feb 2010 21:57

I don't think Pompey fans had unrealistic expectations really, they were probably surprised as anyone when for instance, they won the F.A.Cup

I feel sorry for the fans but the club has been ripped apart by the people running it with no regard whatsoever for the fans - and liquidation and the chance to start again from the bottom will give the fans a chance to re-connect with their club.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Wax Jacket » 18 Feb 2010 21:58

Jimmy the Tree Fans don't have much ability to change anything, but praying for a rich millionaire (billionaire) to come and buy the club, ploughing in huge amounts of cash without expecting any come back isn't any sort of way to keep your local club.

I hope the Piss Off Madejski brigade take note of that

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Ian Royal » 18 Feb 2010 22:02

I don't like Pompey, although I have sympathy for many of their fans, but they were quite happy for their club to be run the way it was whilst they were getting away with it.

If it has to happen to a PL club (which IMO it does for football to start clearing itself up before almost everything falls apart) then I can't think of many more clubs I'd rather it happened to.

Can FIFA even make a decision quick enough for Pompey to be able to get enough deals in place to raise the cash they need before they are liquidated anyway?

What happened with that request for the £11m parachute payment to be made early? Combined with that I'm worried Pompey could actually raise enough money to keep going. Although they'd surely have to sell most of their best players and end up being relegated anyway... gifting 3 points to whoever is left to play them.

Which hardly seems fair.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Rex » 18 Feb 2010 22:08

I understand they have put a request in to sell players which obviosly needs sanctioning.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by TFF » 18 Feb 2010 22:09

Have they?

Outside of the window? :shock:

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Rex » 18 Feb 2010 22:49

I heard this on 5live. Interesting turn of events if accepted. Precedent and all that.

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Terminal Boardom » 18 Feb 2010 22:53

leww_rfc Does this mean we can get Tommy Smith now?

Having a medical while I type :shock:

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Terminal Boardom » 18 Feb 2010 22:54

royalexile I understand they have put a request in to sell players which obviosly needs sanctioning.

All over the internet. Even on the BBC Sport website so it must be true :shock:

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Re: Generic clubs in financial crisis Thread

by Uke » 18 Feb 2010 23:14

FOAD Pompey

So the big plan guaranteed to pay off the debts submitted to the Courts to stave off the taxman involves begging to change the rules the very next day.

Presumably they're also convinced the judge is a member of the correct Masonic lodge too

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