by sawyers left arm » 26 Feb 2010 12:03
by SpaceCruiser » 26 Feb 2010 12:04
by westongeezer » 26 Feb 2010 12:07
by Alan Partridge » 26 Feb 2010 12:09
sawyers left arm Does anyone else find this as funny as me, hope they end up in the conference. Their fans are good in the ground and horrid outside and personally I don't feel sorry for them. Paul Hart described the fans as 'long suffering' well no wonder he got the sack, six years in the premiership is long suffering I suppose, what a pr1ck! Talk to Torquay fans that is long suffering.
Mind you I did chuckle more when it was Southampton
by Barry the bird boggler » 26 Feb 2010 12:18
by Geekins » 26 Feb 2010 12:18
by Tilehurst Mike » 26 Feb 2010 12:21
by Stranded » 26 Feb 2010 12:30
SpaceCruiser There's already a lengthy thread in General Football.
All I can say is, good, they let us down when they rested several players for their game with Fulham.
by wolsey » 26 Feb 2010 12:32
StrandedSpaceCruiser There's already a lengthy thread in General Football.
All I can say is, good, they let us down when they rested several players for their game with Fulham.
We let ourselves down by not getting one more point over 38 games.
by Alan Partridge » 26 Feb 2010 12:37
Tilehurst Mike All Rednapps fault---the guys a disgrace!
by BobKnows » 26 Feb 2010 12:42
by Archie's penalty » 26 Feb 2010 12:43
Alan PartridgeTilehurst Mike All Rednapps fault---the guys a disgrace!
The funny thing is him on telly all the time 'I don't know where the money as gone, they neva 'ad it so good since i was there'
OK HarryI'm sure if you think really hard you can see where the money went. £100,000 a week on a player when you get 17,000 through the g8? What was James, Defoe, Crouch, Glen Johnson, Krancjar, Kanu, Distin, Utaka, Benjani. These sort of players on? Enough I would assume, with next to no income coming in.
He can say well we sold these players on, yes and but having signed them all for big money and paid them an absolute fortune, it soons outweighs a one of transfer fee.
His vety own mate Jim Smith has described him as a 'shady character' who has many a 'skeleton in the closet' the bloke is an absolute crook, who along with Mandaric and Storrie the guys that financed these deals, the REAL reason Pompey are knackered now.
by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 26 Feb 2010 12:47
by Uncle Andy » 26 Feb 2010 13:11
Alan PartridgeTilehurst Mike All Rednapps fault---the guys a disgrace!
The funny thing is him on telly all the time 'I don't know where the money as gone, they neva 'ad it so good since i was there'
OK HarryI'm sure if you think really hard you can see where the money went. £100,000 a week on a player when you get 17,000 through the g8? What was James, Defoe, Crouch, Glen Johnson, Krancjar, Kanu, Distin, Utaka, Benjani. These sort of players on? Enough I would assume, with next to no income coming in.
He can say well we sold these players on, yes and but having signed them all for big money and paid them an absolute fortune, it soons outweighs a one of transfer fee.
His vety own mate Jim Smith has described him as a 'shady character' who has many a 'skeleton in the closet' the bloke is an absolute crook, who along with Mandaric and Storrie the guys that financed these deals, the REAL reason Pompey are knackered now.
by BobKnows » 26 Feb 2010 13:16
by Rex » 26 Feb 2010 13:24
SpaceCruiser There's already a lengthy thread in General Football.
All I can say is, good, they let us down when they rested several players for their game with Fulham.
by exileinleeds » 26 Feb 2010 13:29
BobKnows Sorry I may be a bit behind the times, but how are good ol' 'arry's tax bill problems going?
by BobKnows » 26 Feb 2010 13:35
exileinleedsBobKnows Sorry I may be a bit behind the times, but how are good ol' 'arry's tax bill problems going?
April court date I believe. I truly truly hope he goes down- if found guilty of stealing OUR money.
by Smoking Kills Dancing Doe » 26 Feb 2010 13:45
by rhroyal » 26 Feb 2010 13:58
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