Muppets booing heskey

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by BobKnows » 08 Mar 2010 10:30

Jack Celliers
Royalee Emile Heskey, Emile Heskey, Emile Heskey's f*cking shit!

Are you going to tell me to shush now Finerain?

Some people just don't know what happens at football matches.

I go every week - I know exactly what happens.

Reading fans have a habbit of singling out people from the opposition team to abuse. Now, some of it is funny banter like the barnsley right back, some of it the players are nobs who deserve it ( johnson palace) and some leave me scratching my heads. When it was done at wigan heskey was straight over with his hands on his ears, you gave him the motivation to score. Had he done so yesterday he would have been straight over to the east stand and reading fans would be spitting their dummies out. " big mean heskey taunted us" like at wigan.

If reading fans could take it when they give it out - it would be a different story.

Finerain, you seriously seriously need to get off your high horse. All football fans are the same. If you hate 'em, stop watching football. THAT oxf*rd SIMPLE, YOU TEDIOUS LITTLE MAN.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by FiNeRaIn » 08 Mar 2010 10:36

You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by Archies Left Foot » 08 Mar 2010 10:43

Bloody hell, do you honestly believe that this is a phenomenon restricted to just Reading fans?

Go to many grounds around the country and you will see players abused for many reasons, sometimes undertsandably so, sometimes completely irrationally.

Get over yourself...

No Fixed Abode

Re: Muppets booing heskey

by No Fixed Abode » 08 Mar 2010 10:44

FiNeRaIn You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.


Reading fleece wearers are totally different to the old skool Chelsea skinsheads.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by FiNeRaIn » 08 Mar 2010 10:54

No Fixed Abode
FiNeRaIn You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.


Reading fleece wearers are totally different to the old skool Chelsea skinsheads.


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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by SpaceCruiser » 08 Mar 2010 10:55

Heskey was a bit of a oxf*rd, putting himself about and then rolling on the floor.

I was a bit unhappy that play didn't stop for Long which led to their 2nd goal and yet moments later in the same area a Villa player went down and the oxf*rd referee stopped play for him.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by readingbedding » 08 Mar 2010 10:57

When he climbed from the bench to warm up, Chelsea supporters screamed: 'Sit down you black c***', 'You f***ing w*g, f*** off'. Then they started to chant: 'We don't want the n****r, we don't want the n****r, la la la la'. A banana landed near his feet.
'I felt physically sick,' recalls Canoville.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by SpaceCruiser » 08 Mar 2010 11:05

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by Jack Celliers » 08 Mar 2010 11:12

FiNeRaIn You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.

There are some differences, but all fans of all smaller clubs will be particularly pleased if a famous player from a bigger club plays especially badly against them. Heskey is quite famous and played very badly yesterday. If he had started playing well we would have soon shut up.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by readingbedding » 08 Mar 2010 11:28

I have no idea why Heskey was booed.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by loyalroyal4life » 08 Mar 2010 11:29

It is not as if the Villa fans for backing Heskey when he got the abuse, then again their fans were shit

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by wolsey » 08 Mar 2010 11:42

No Fixed Abode
FiNeRaIn You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.


Reading fleece wearers are totally different to the old skool Chelsea skinsheads.


Living in a time warp - how many "old skool Chelsea Skinshead (sic) frequent Stamford Bridge nowadays? (Or any other matches for that matter?)

Also, would they have booed Wayne Bridge?

Also, why the obsession with how people attending Reading matches react?

Also agree with Jack Celliers.


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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by bigshaka'away' » 08 Mar 2010 11:52

Well Emile Heskey is f++ sh+t, so frankly i dont see the problem....

Furthermore, perhaps it damaged his confidence thus ensuring he missed his one-on-one. Also, as i was standing right next to the Villa fans, i can tell you for a fact many found the chant funny and clapped it - they could have sung support for Heskey, but they didnt.

As for affecting Heskey in the long term- well im sure he will get over it.

Just becuase he may be a nice person who tries hard doesnt mean you are not allowed to take the piss out of him for no reason other than his serious lack of ability.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by yappy » 08 Mar 2010 11:58

Two guys sat behind me in Y23 spent the whole match shouting at Heskey any time the ball went anywhere near him, and must've broke into a chorus of 'Emile Heskey is oxf*rd shit' every five minutes. You'd thought that he was a serial killer the amount of abuse they were giving him. I'm all for banter, but it was pathetic.

I'm not Heskey's biggest fan, but you have to be ignorant not to see what he does bring to a team. You don't just represent your country and play for top clubs such as Villa and Liverpool by being a 'donkey.'

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by bigshaka'away' » 08 Mar 2010 11:59

Allyh84 I personally was disgraced to hear fans singing insulting songs about an opposition player. This type of abuse needs to be stopped by the FA, I think we can expect a call from Villa tommorow demanding an explanation.

HA HA. First game for you was it? Or are you (i hope) being ironic.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by Gordons Cumming » 08 Mar 2010 12:19

The problem with Heskey is that he should be so much better than he is.

Ever since I saw him play for the U21's at the Mad Stad against Luxembourg I've thought the same thing.
(What year was that game?)

Lot of potential, but little end product.

Pointless booing him though..............

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by specialjon » 08 Mar 2010 12:38

Finerain, I didn't boo him but at the end of the day the stuff you've said fans chanted/sang wasn't really that offensive to emile, so i reckon you're probably more bothered than he was. If people started chanting about his wife or kids or anything personal then fair enough, for me there is a line that is crossed too much but not in this case. To boo him a bit, make donkey noises and say he's rubbish is hardly going to get Aston Villa on the phone to the fa.

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by BobKnows » 08 Mar 2010 12:39

Jack Celliers
FiNeRaIn You're a muppet if you think all football fans are the same.

There are some differences, but all fans of all smaller clubs will be particularly pleased if a famous player from a bigger club plays especially badly against them. Heskey is quite famous and played very badly yesterday. If he had started playing well we would have soon shut up.

Just to clarify, I mean there will always be supporters at ALL CLUBS who do this. I personally barely noticed, but then I don't sit in the Scorpion's stand :lol:

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by Tilehurst End » 08 Mar 2010 13:33

Looking forward to watching Robbie Savage on Wednesday :)

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Re: Muppets booing heskey

by fester_royal » 08 Mar 2010 14:11

No Fixed Abode To be fair, I could only hear the villa fans on the TV. Might have heard a few claps from Reading.

i think your tele speakers have blown, i heard royals fans singing quite clearly. made me proud that our fans actually turned up and created an atmosphere for a change :D

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