Just woke up.
Had the most strangest dream... there I was on Hob Nob and someone had started a thread praising Madejski.
Got to go, running late already.
by Sir Rodney Effing » 18 Mar 2010 13:41
by Sun Tzu » 18 Mar 2010 14:30
Terminal BoardomIan RoyalTerminal Boardom Pardew and Rodgers had left the club. In BR's case, quite a few years back. But if you want to use that as your arguement then I suppose that it is fine. The one decent appointment that went better than expected was SSC. And SJM bottled it when we got to the prem. But that is all history. I will give it a couple of defeats before the pendulum swings back and Frank Fickle changes tack AGAIN!
For all that I find him irritating Sun Tzu certainly isn't fickle. Nor am I, nor is Dirk, or in fact most of those actually giving Madj and Hammy credit on this thread.
Sadly it seems neither are you. You just moan all the time.
TBF, I have had many a good discussion with ST on here and he is one of the more intelligent posters. I just don't agree with him. And not once did I call anyone specifically fickle. It was a generalisation. But there are a hell of a lot of fickle minded people out there who sway one way one minute and then at the blink of an eye they sway the other. If the cap fits...
by Harpers So Solid Crew » 19 Mar 2010 07:50
by Rex » 20 Mar 2010 01:58
by Harpers So Solid Crew » 20 Mar 2010 06:55
by Harpers So Solid Crew » 20 Mar 2010 07:04
by 79Royal » 20 Mar 2010 08:50
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